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Posts posted by Journey

  1. Long story short, my daughters and I moved in with my elderly parents last year. Dad is great, my mom not so much. She has had dementia but the last couple of days it has gotten 100% worse. She just got off a med for a UTI and we wonder if that's what is causing this. She was in the hospital the last two days for the UTI but they released her today even acting like this. They said the UTI is all gone. It's 4:10 a.m. and I've been up with her for over an hour listening to her talking to her family members who have all died and watching her watch people (whom are not there) coming down the stairs. What is happening to my mom and what does this mean? Her doctor is a moron and knows nothing.

  2. I have a friend who works in a daycare.  This place has a child that has LICE.  The director knows it, the employees know it, some parents now know it and the director said the kid CAN STILL COME to the center.  I cannot believe it.  Is this normal?  I have never heard of such ridiculousness.

  3. We are about to put laminate flooring in our house. We're going to do it ourselves. We're pretty handy but have never tackled this kind of job before. If any of you have, what do you know now that you wish you knew before?

  4. I watch it.  I really, really like the RN and the blonde guy...can't think of their names right now.....cannot stand Vaughn and I give his wife (can't think of her name either!)a lot of credit for putting up with him.  I like the young couple too...I know her name is Courtney and I think his might be Zach but I'm not sure.  I like him better than her but they are really cute together.  IDT think Vaughn and his wife will stay together but I think the other two just might!  I don't mind reality shows...I'm not naïve enough to think that they are all legit but they can be fun to watch for sure!

  5. as a young believer, I was told that homosexuality was a sin...which I believe it is....as is, I believe, smoking, swearing, killing, stealing...the list goes on....I listened to our pastor a few months back explaining that homosexuality is NO bigger a sin than any other sin and that really opened my eyes.  My daughter rides horses and therefore knows many gay people....I can now love and accept them as much as I do my other friends (and myself) who are sinners.  God doesn't look at gay people any differently.  I would still be friends with that girl and I would find all of the chances I could to show her that not all Christians are homophobs (or whatever that word is).  You can now show her love and acceptance and maybe that will open her eyes and she'll want to know more about the Lord.  I am finding that it is not about what we say but what we do. 

  6. thanks guys.  the problem is is that it IS affecting her self image.  People literally, almost on a daily basis, tell her/me she is beautiful...katy perry, zoe deschanel, Kristen stuart are the usual references but ALL she sees are the pimples.  It makes me so sad.  People are worth so much more than outward beauty (though in this world, it helps to be attractive, sad to say), I just want her to be happy with herself acne or no acne but I do understand her frustration and want to find SOMETHING to help her! 

  7. we have an appointment for the dermatologist in September (takes that long) she's been to her pediatirician for the acne but what was prescribed doesn't work.  yes, she has tried zinc.  honey.  oil pulling.  eating naturally.  toothpaste on them, proactive, the one in the purple and silver box regime, drinking green tea, water, no dairy, no fried foods, over the counter topicals, the list goes on I can't even remember more.   I just feel like it's her hormones raging on a daily basis.  when she gets her period she gets them heavy and very very bad cramping.  IDK if all of it ties in together. 

  8. my daughter thinks she has horrible acne.  I'll admit that she doesn't have the greatest skin and yes she does have some pimples but I don't see them like she does.  I totally understand her frustration though so don't get me wrong.  She has tried almost everything on the face of this earth to try to clear it up and they just won't go away.  Accutane is not an option and I don't think a doctor would even recommend it because her skin is just.not.that.bad.  so we are thinking of birth control pills.  has anyone had any experience using them for this purpose?  She has read that they can cause mood swings and anger and sometimes my nice daughter can be very angry because of her perfectionism (is that even a word?) so she's kind of afraid of that being a problem.  but I as a mom, want to know the good, the bad and the ugly.  So anyone?  TY!

  9. Someone who means the world to me is really struggling right now. I want to fix it but I can't. I feel so bad that literally her hurt is my hurt. I can't explain it but I feel it as deeply as she does. Life is so hard sometimes and even harder to understand. Please pray especially for her and if you think of it, for me too. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

  10. I, too, agree that keeping horses outside 24/7 is best but not for OTTB's.  I have two of them and there is no way that they can be outside 24/7 365 days a year here in the NE.  They both are blanketed during the cold, rainy, snowy seasons.  If they were QH's, drafts or any other breed except TB's then i would say go for it.  In response to your question, i would drive around your area and find some backyard type barns and then go up to the door and tell them your dilemma.  tell them you are willing to take care of this horse 100% (and offer your services to them as well if they only have 1 or 2 horses) and ask if you can work out a deal to board there and work it off.  I have done that a couple of times and it has always worked out.  I (we) have made some wonderful friends doing this as well.  Horse people for the most part are great people and many of them would welcome a helping hand.  I would never, ever put my horse in with 180 other horses and especially if he is recovering from an injury.  ik  that is not what you want to do either.  I hope that you end up with him as your personal horse because i cannot tell you how incredible the OTTB's are.  They are, in my opinion, the most versatile, awesome horses on the planet.  It's almost as if they know they've been saved from something so they want to do whatever they can for you.  I love our OTTB mare and gelding so much!

  11. same thing started to happen with my mom.  she got lost once coming home from walmart and ended up very far from home.  We finally convinced her to let us drive her and give up her license.....it wasn't easy but she really didn't have a choice.  fast forward about 7 years and she has no short term memory.  we live with my parents now and it's scary watching them decline so much.

  12. no, i do not want to go out with him...he is closer to my father's age than he is to mine but the reason i feel bad is because i think i've led him to believe that i do want to go to lunch with him because i didn't tell him no from the beginning.  If i had the guts to just tell him no, i would have done that already.  I'm a chicken and i do not want to be the only one in the office when/if he comes in.  that would be more than awkward and very, very uncomfortable. 

  13. I am in a quandry and i need advice even though i don't know if i'll be brave enough to take it!  First let me say that i consider myself an outgoing girl (early 50's!).  I work in an office where customers come in on a daily basis.  There have been several times when our male customers have asked me out on a date...so much so that i have taken to wearing a fake wedding band.  DON'T GET ME WRONG....I do NOT think of myself as attractive and a guy magnet....not in the least....i think what "attracts" them to me is my personality, in that, I can talk to them like i've known them for years, call them by their first names when they walk in the door and remember things that we've talked about a year ago, type of personality.  People call me nosey but i like to call myself inquisitive...but really, I'm nosey.  I also like to think of myself as really caring about what people have to say.  So anyway, the latest "situation" that i am finding myself in.  There is a certain male customer who has been coming in for a couple of years.  No.big.deal.  Until about a month ago.  I noticed him coming in much more often than needed...always asking about his policy etc.  The last time he came in, we got to talking about resturants and so on and so forth and he proceeds to ask me to go out to lunch with him. (This was the first time in IDK how long, that i didn't have that dad burn ring on too)...i was so caught off guard that i agreed to go to lunch with him...sometime.  He asks me for my phone number and I GIVE IT TO HIM.  UGHHHHHHHHHH.  I tell my boss about it and she bursts out laughing and tells me to just go to lunch with him.  Oh, easy for you to say.  So about a week goes by and on Saturday morning my cell phone rings and i don't recognize the number so i pick it up...and it's him.  Oh my word.  Hello, he says, would you like to go out to breakfast tomorrow morning....blah blah blah...again, caught off guard and moritified....uh, well, i'm not sure but i'll let you know later today.  At this point, i am so stressed and i text my boss and tell her and i could hear her laughing through the text message and i tell my teenaged daughter and she's like....just text him and tell him you can't.  So a couple of hours go by and i text him and tell him i can't.  never hear back until later in the afternoon when my phone rings again.  It's him.  this time i let it go to voice mail (that was on Saturday, today is tuesday and i still haven't listened to the VM because i'm afraid to) but i felt bad when he called so i called him right back and Praise the Lord, he didn't answer.  So i left him another message saying i couldn't go and that i would let him know sometime about lunch.  Okay never hear back...not sure if he knows how to text or check messages but whatever.  So you'd think everything is A OK at this point but IDT it is.  He still has to come in and pay on his policy and he said he would only talk to me (not in a weird kind of way so don't think he's some kind of stalker freak because he isn't)  i wasn't at work today so i text my boss and ask her if she or the other girl in the office can please call him and tell him to come in and pay his bill.  She said she would take care of it and i haven't heard from her so im guessing that he didn't come in today.   Problem is, my boss went home early today because of sick child which means that she probably won't be in the office tomorrow so it will only be me (the other girl doesn't work on Wednesdays)....so if he comes in while i'm there by myself i don' know what i'm going to do.  This man is very nice, must be divorced or something because he has kids, and is very well off and would make someone a great husband.....but, and here is the kicker.....remember when i said i was in the early 50's?  Well, he's SEVENTY ONE YEARS OLD!!!!! Now, he's not some elderly bent over 71  year old.  He is very young looking and acting (i made the mistake of telling him that in one of our conversations)(I didn't think that comment would come back to bite me but it has).  I am literally sick to my stomach about this and I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I do NOT want to be in this situation and i am not good with this sort of confrontation at my age.  Help!  BTW...i am having a hot flash right now!


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