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Posts posted by NancyNellen

  1. I enjoyed the one read by the author. However, it does not have all the extras that you are looking for, which I also like to have. Some people don't like the author's version, from reviews, but it is an excellent reading and communicates the warmth of the book-- just not a flamboyant actor's read.


    I agree. This is our favorite, by far.

  2. There is a great storage system available at Lowes called Gladiator (made by Whirlpool, I think). It has hooks that allow you to hang bikes up vertically on the wall. It also has baskets for balls/outdoor play equipment, and hooks for lawn care implements. That's how we manage. We have no basement since we are in SoCal and our attic is not accessible, so all of our storage goes in the garage. We have found the Gladiator system to be a big help.

  3. I attend Grace Community Church where John MacArthur teaches/preaches. Our message is 45 minutes long and expositional. We have 30 minutes of hymns/choir/orchestra followed by 15 minutes of Scripture reading, prayer, and announcements. Next comes the message. We finish with more corporate prayer. MacArthur just finished preaching through every single verse of the NT. It took him 40 years :lol: He spent 8 years in the Book of Luke (with a few breaks to go elsewhere).


    I don't agree that teaching/preaching is NOT worship. As a matter of fact I believe learning about my Lord and Savior, and understanding him better, is the highest form of worship. The singing is simply an outpouring of my love and thankfulness for who He is and what He has done for me.

  4. Thanks for all of your help/input! I definitely need to pare down, as my desire is to really sink our teeth into some of them. It is my desire to focus on the literature aspect, moreso than the theological. I've decided to drop Calvin, Spencer, and Pascal. I will probably add in some short readings of the Desert Fathers and perhaps Uncle Tom's Cabin (I had not thought of that selection at all...thanks for the recommendation, Sebastion!)


    Thanks for your help. I am trying to think outside the box here and cater to my kid's interests while helping them to grow spiritually.

  5. Hello all,


    I am in the process of planning a year-long jaunt into Christian Literature to do alongside my 10th and 9th graders this year. I am building my spreadsheet for resources and, while I have a few, I wondered if any of you had some suggestions that may compliment the following list. I have some Teaching Co. courses, including the Dante course, The Western Literary Canon in Context, and Augustine. I also have the following books: 25 Books Every Christian Should Read and Invitation to the Classics, which include notes on a few on my list.


    Below are the works we hope to get through in the next 12 months. Do any of you have any suggestions for additional resources to flesh out any/all of them? Thanks!


    Augustine: Confessions

    Dante: The Divine Comedy

    Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ

    Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion

    Spencer: The Faerie Queen

    Donne: Selected Poems

    Pascal: Pensees

    Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress

    Herbert: The Temple (Selected Poems)

    Brother Lawrence: The Practice of the Presence of God

    Milton: Paradise Lost

    Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Henry: Apologia pro vita sua

    Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov

    Spurgeon: The Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon

    Chesterton: Orthodoxy

    Hopkins, G.M.: Selected Poems

    Weil: Waiting for God

    Lewis: The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity

    Tozer: The Knowledge of the Holy

    Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship

    King, ML: Letters from a Birmingham Jail

  6. I do plan for my older kids, but I also do not use open and go curriculum b/c I design the vast majority of the studies we do. I also have to have a plan b/c mentally outnumbered by who needs to do what. ;) I also don't write out yr long plans. I generate basic goals/lists for the yr, but daily plans are restricted to 6-7 weeks at a time.


    That said, I do NOT plan for my younger kids. I don't start formally planning until 3rd or 4th grade. Until then, I just go w/their flow.


    :iagree: I could have written this exactly!

  7. :grouphug:


    I a small thing that I'm confident will help you is to start keeping a gratitude journal (a la Ann Voskamp). It really changes the way you look at things when you right down five blessings each day. It has made me more positive/content.


    :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


    This has helped me immensely during those less-than-content times.

  8. I have a whirrly pop...and I love it. It is fast and easy. I like being able to add whatever kind of oil I want too. You can even take it camping with you and use it over the camp fire. Very fun!!!




    I use ours 3-4 times a week. Super fast and easy. Perfect every time and easy to clean. Highly recommend!!

  9. We just did a BBQ for 25 and served ribs. I bought them at Costco. They had a dry St. Louis rub on them and we wrapped them in foil and grilled them for a while (2 hours) on very low heat. They were wonderful! We also served Brats instead of hotdogs with saukraut and a selection of mustards. I am not much of a beer drinker, but my hubby loves Dogfish Head and Racer 5. They are both IPA's.



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