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Posts posted by NancyNellen

  1. This movie is superb!! Very riveting, edge-of-your-seat, can't go to the bathroom because you don't want to miss anything kind of movie! I'm not a huge Ben Affleck fan, but I LOVED him in this movie - he acted and directed. I was thoroughly impressed. It is very well done...and though not relevant to the content or quality of the film...he looks amazing in it :D


    MUST SEE THIS MOVIE! :thumbup:


    :iagree: very well done.

  2. While I have never employed a mother's helper, both of my daughters have been one. Depending on the mom they did all sorts of things, from playing with the babies and toddlers so mom could accomplish chores or projects, to completing a list of tasks. They did lots of cleaning, ironing, and food prep. One mom had them do a week's worth of food prep. every time they went: chopping veggies, browning ground beef, grating cheese, measuring out ingredients for making bread, etc. She also had them do school prep. for her (she homeschooled twin 1st graders, a K-er, and had a toddler and a baby). They would laminate, make copies, file papers, correct math worksheets, organize books, etc.

  3. I would drive without question. We have done California to Boston and Colorado to Boston many times when our kids were all ages, including babies/toddlers. As someone who has done it many times, I recommend NOT stretching it out to 5 days, although with one driver you may have to, depending on your dh's need for breaks. It always seemed less stressful to us to just bang it out, with occasional stops for fun.

  4. Well, I'm probably going to sound like an insensitive you know what....but I don't do hysterical, over the top, dramatic crying from kids. I would just say, "I'm sorry, sweetie, but this is a trip for the whole family, not just for you. I'm also sorry that you're having a hard time, but that doesn't mean that everybody else has to suffer for it. There is a way that you can still swim with your period. That's entirely your decision if you want to try it or not. However, I will not tolerate the histrionics. So, we are going and if you choose not to swim, then make sure you bring enough things to occupy yourself by the pool."


    I would probably buy her a new book or whatever else might help her feel better about feeling "left out", but I would NOT make the rest of my family miss out on a vacation because someone has their period. Especially if it was going to cost me money.


    However, I am a very "Suck it up, Buttercup" kind of person. Because if I don't teach my children these lessons....the world will. And society won't be the least bit nice about it.



  5. Perhaps but it is also possible that people are posting from their phone while sitting at kid's extra curric's, or finally sitting down for 5 minutes of adult discussion, or posting late at night etc, Or that they are on the computer right next to their distractable child. If I leave the table when my boys are working, no school work gets done, so to leave teh table to clean the bathroom can not happen, but I can sit right next to them and post online, or google things, or blog etc. It is multitasking not giving up time for cleaning in order to sit and do things online. Now there is certianly situations where that is what is happening, cleaning is being ignored in order to post online, but I think the bulk of those on here posting, are multitasking and not neglecting work for pleasure.


    Oh, certainly I have posted periodically when at an extracurricular or sitting next to a distractable child. As a matter of fact I am posting right now while sitting next to my 9 year old and waiting for him to finish copying his narration. But, many times while I sit and wait I grab a laundry basket full of laundry that needs to be folded, or meal plan/make a grocery list, or chop veggies for dinner, or sweep the floor in the room where my child is working, or, or, or.... I am simply trying to point out that we make decision all day long to do one thing instead of another. I am as guilty as anyone else of wasting time. But I don't think we should say we don't have the time when it is simply a case of choosing to do something different. One can choose any number of things to do while multitasking.


    Once my kids are beyond the age of 5 or 6, I expect to be able to leave them for 5 minutes to go and switch the laundry, wipe down the counters, whatever, and still have them on task when I return. That takes training, but it can definitely be done. I wouldn't leave to clean the whole bathroom, but I might run out for 4-5 minutes and sweep it. If we were discussing their reading, or doing an oral quiz, that can always be done in the laundry room or the bathroom. If I make use of such little snatches of time throughout the day, I can keep nicely on top of things. It is also training my children to be responsible and follow directions without my having to sit next to them every minute.


    I think that is the kind of intentional thought that Ellie mentioned earlier. Couple that with training the children to complete their chores well and in a timely way and the result is a pretty clean home.


    I am not superwoman and my home is not spotless, but one can homeschool and have a neat, tidy home. It definitely IS possible.

  6. I think it's possible to have a clean house while simultaneously homeschooling. You just have to think about it more. :)




    This. Exactly.


    I try hard to capture pockets of time to pick up/clean. Homeschooling does not suffer if you spend 5-10 minutes here and there throughout the day cleaning. I am able to (usually) stay on top of laundry, keep the sink empty of dirty dishes, keep the bathrooms clean and organized. It takes time. And discipline. And more discipline.


    Also, I will play devil's advocate for just a moment and posit that, those who say they have no time to clean and yet run up thousands and thousands of posts on the WTM forums, actually have plenty of time to clean. That was a lesson I needed to learn years ago as a new homeschooler.

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