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Posts posted by happyWImom

  1. I spend a lot of time reading to dd & ds, and my dd CONSTANTLY interrupts! Usually it's because she wants to understand the definition of a word, sometimes it's a question about the story that would get answered eventually if she ever let me finish. I have tried telling her that she needs to not interrupt, that at storytime at the library she doesn't interrupt, etc... but then she says "How will I know what the word means, I need to know" if I tell her to wait until the end of the story then she says she'll forget. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! I know it's good that she wants to learn, but it's to the point where I can't stand reading to them. Ds just sits quietly. Help!

  2. I think we are going with Singapore this year, but I am very ignorant on the subject! Last year, we used Saxon K, which was good because my dd liked the manipulatives, but I don't feel she got a lot out of it. So, based on others feedback, we are going with Singapore, but I'm not sure where to start. I know they have the placement tests, and even though she is very good at counting, knows her numbers, can sort, categorize, etc... I don't want to start her too high, so I was thinking of doing the 1A & 1B first, and if we go through it quickly, fine. My question is, what else do I need with this? I ordered the 1A textbook and workbook, but do I need a teachers guide, and if so, do I get a guide for each level? (1B, 2A, etc..)

    I went on the website, but there seem to be a lot of the different teacher guides, instructer guides... Do you normally get the tests? What about the cd-rom, and are their manipulatives?


    See, I told you I knew almost nothing! Please help, I don't know where to start and I feel panicked. I feel like forgeting it and just ordering Saxon 1!

    Or Horizons.

  3. my tomatos are nearing their end. We had heirloom Brandywines. They did wonderfully, but it's just too hot and dry now. The nursery said they'll have more tomato plants in the first of August. Overall, I usually have a better fall garden than summer. Right now, I'm guarding my watermelon patch from the deer. There's a mama who leaves her fawn in my yard under a large sweetgum tree every day, then returns for it about 4 hours later. It's near the garden, so I'm sure it's waiting, like me, for the melons to ripen.


    I am moving where you are!!! I would love to live where I can get fresh produce most of the year. You are so lucky!

  4. If you heard it pop to begin with you are fine and if you had to dig under the seal with your nails then it was sealed. What you should be afraid of is the factory canned stuff. The father and brothers of a friend used to work in a jam factory, the stories they told.....


    We have been eating the homemade stuff for years with the only problem being when it runs out.


    What are the stories? Tell me!

  5. Okay, sorry to be boring, but I need help AGAIN! I am pretty close to deciding on WP Animals & Their Worlds for my dd's 1st grade year, and have found a used IG from 2005. Any of you WP people, does it matter? I don't know if the IG's have changed or not. I am getting the LA new from WP, and will purchase other things new from them-I want to support them, but it would help me a lot to get the IG and few books used, which I can.


  6. I know this has been discussed before, but I'm struggling here! I am really torn between these 3 curriculums, and what I'm mostly unsure of is the phonics/LA portion. My dd loves animals and nature, and doing crafts, which is why the WP Animals appeals to me, but I don't know anything about their phonics, and she really needs to work on that this year. She started last year but we were very relaxed with it, didn't do it every day, etc.. But I love reading and want her to love it too, so I want to make sure I pick the right program. I've also heard such good things about MFW, but I've seen the 1st grade and am not sure about the phonics.


    Any feedback is much appreciated.

  7. I had the Book 1 of K-3, and never used it (I know-but we're so bogged down!) Anyway, I sold it and now there is a dispute, because the person who bought it says the art prints that were supposed to be included are not there. I'm freaking out, because it's a dispute on my paypal, and I have no idea what she means! I bought it new, and I've looked on the AP website, and it doesn't look like a separate package was supposed to be with it or anything. All of the pages were there, because I looked through it before sending. What am I missing??? Help!!!

  8. I am a faux girl all the way. Too scared of getting cancer. I burn super easy. And not crazy about wrinkles.




    I'm glad to finally see someone like me!! I do self tanner on my body, face, plain ole sunscreen, or bronzer. A little of the real thing might sneak onto my body, but I wear a huge hat at home and tons of sunscreen everywhere else.

  9. I just made some nice green/black tea, to relax and drink while I looked at some HS catalogs again. But now, the kids are getting loud and wound up, and I feel thirsty. I could REALLY go for the Mike's Mojito sitting over there... :drool5: I hate to waste the tea, though.

  10. I used to be an animal lover until I had kids, now I don't know what I was thinking of! We got a dog (rescue dog) 3 years ago, who is very sweet, but EXTREMELY NEEDY AND NEUROTIC, then we got a cat last year (I have always been more of a cat person) and the cat is fine, other than the usual cat stuff, but I feel like I can't stand it. The dog likes to eat the cat poop by the way-sorry to gross anyone out, but it grosses me out worst of all. Between the hair, the poop, the dirt tracked in, the neediness, I have had it. I know it's terrible, and I was always the one who said "I don't trust people who don't have a pet." Now I know.


    Oh, I forgot about the ticks!!!!


    Feedback anyone?

  11. Based on recent experience with a possible scam (see previous post-need advice-am I too trusting or have I been scammed) I would like to give some advice!


    I did all of the wrong things when I first purchased curriculum. Here is what I suggest:

    1. Check the reputation of seller if site lists it.

    2. Google sellers name.

    3. See how long they have been a member of site.

    4. Check all feedback.

    5. USE PAYPAL if at all possible.

    6. As a buyer, buy the insurance so you get a tracking number.

    7. As a seller HIGHLY recommend the insurance and save correspondance if they refuse it.

    8. Save all email correspondance until you receive items.

    9. Be diligent with your contact.

    10. Know your recourses if sale falls through. Contacting mail fraud dept. at USPS, filing an internet complaint, contacting local police.


    Despite my not checking the seller out at all and sending a check, falling for her excuses why the package hadn't been sent, and letting too much time go by, I think it worked out. I went over my emails that I had (luckily) saved, got her phone number, left a message, then finally sent her an email saying I would file a complaint and contact her local police if I didn't hear from her. She responded immediately, and today emailed me a tracking number from my insured package. YEAH!!! :hurray:

    I am an expert by no means (obviously) but hopefully this can help someone else from going through what I did, or worse.

    Also, thanks for all the feedback from everyone who helped me.:001_smile:

  12. UPDATE!!!


    Okay, I called her home and left a message saying please call me regarding curriculum. Then, I sent an email saying I had given her the benefit of the doubt but was concerned about the legitimacy of the transaction, that if she didn't contact me with a delivery confirmation I would have no choice other than to contact her local Police Department, as well as the Mail Fraud Dept. of USPS. She responded back by email within 10 minutes saying she would mail tomorrow and get me the confirmation by 1:00pm!! Then she did comment on some of her issues, so I'm still not sure. I'm naive, I guess. Bottom line, thanks for your help everyone! Fingers Crossed.

  13. Oh the other hand, it has only been a little over a week and I remember a recent thread about how long the postal service was taking to delivery things. I know I've waited 2 weeks or more for things to come media mail.

    Just a thought.....


    That's how I would normally feel, except she specifically said "I will get this in the mail tomorrow and get you a delivery conf. number" Just an update, I went back over all my info, got her address, called information and called her. I only got the machine, but I left a message and I will try again before I do anything further. Maybe if I speak with someone I'll get a better feel.

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