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Posts posted by trudence1

  1. Has anyone used Cool Math Guy's courses, but in particular Statistics? I am looking for a Stats class for my son as our DE plans had a big hiccup this year. I hate being in scrambling mode when he usually has started his courses by now. 


    Any reviews on Cool Math Guy's courses overall are appreciated as well. I would like to know how their tutoring is and what it consists of, since I will not be able to help him out a lot with this subject. Thank in advance.

  2. It seems that the few schools I have looked at here in Oklahoma accept two years of computer technology instead of a foreign language. 


    At least that is how I am understanding what I am reading.  Here is what one of them states, and it seems about the same as the others I looked at:

    High School Curricular Core Requirements for First-time Freshman

    4 units of English
    taken from grammar, composition and literature only

    3 units of college prep math (4 recommended)
    Taken from algebra I, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, math analysis, calculus, or Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics

    3 units of laboratory science (4 recommended)
    (does not include general science, with or without a lab) one year of principles of technology may substitute for one of the lab science courses, provided that the student also completes a traditional lab science course

    3 units of history and citizenship
    to include one unit of American history and two additional units from the subjects of history, economics, geography, government, non-western culture

    2 additional units
    from any of the subjects previously listed or computer science or foreign language. Two years of the same foreign language will satisfy the University's foreign language general education requirement. Any AP course not already used to satisfy the curricular units mentioned previously may be used to satisfy the two additional units except AP courses in Studio Art or International English

    Coursework in music, art, drama or speech is also recommended.


    Can someone correct me if I am wrong.

  3. What type of classes fall under this "umbrella?"  I am just asking about the words in red.  The rest was just for clarification.


    What computer courses would fill this two year requirement for a language?  What would you feel definitely would NOT?





    "Foreign or non-English language (two years of the same language) 


    Computer technology (two units in programming, hardware and business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets and graphics, will qualify; keyboarding or typing classes do not qualify) (1 foreign language and 1 computer course will not meet this requirement.)"



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  4. It has been enough for my sons.  We used the first 4 levels of the Well Trained mind, then R&S before switching to IEW, so they had a firm foundation for IEW to build on.  I don't know how it would have gone without it.  The knew and could define terms before IEW, but IEW really helped them to put it into use.

  5. If your younger child has good reading comprehension, I would go with the older level SWi-?.  IMO it is very easy to adapt IEW levels to a younger child-much easier than to bump it up for an older child. You would just not give the younger item as many things on his check list that he needs to have in his writing until he is ready for it.


    As for Fix-It, I started both of my sons at the beginning.  I probably could have started my oldest at the second level, but I wouldn't have wanted to throw him in at an any higher level than that.  My son was a couple years younger than your oldest when he started, though.

  6. If you end up finishing the first 90 lessons of Saxon's Advanced Algebra you would have a full credit course called "Geometry with Advanced Algebra"  Upon finishing the rest of the book and the first 25 lessons of Saxon's Calculus Course, you would have a full credit called "Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus."  At least that is how I understand it.

    There is a link here: http://www.homeschoolwithsaxon.com/onlinevideo.php

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  7. The people on this board love to discuss AoPS.  Even repeated questions.  


    I think completing Algebra by end of 8th grade is doable, especially if your student:



    (1) schools at least part way through the summer (excluding trips, camps, other fun summer stuff)

    (2) spends 1 day on each section and roughly 1-3 days each on review problems and challenge problems.  


    (If fact, I would budget (2) above and see how the dates work out.  Then see how much summer time you might need to spend on math.  We school year round anyway, so it's no big deal for us.)


    Time can be saved by skipping challenge problems, but really, the challenge problems are sort of the special sauce of AoPS, so I would avoid skipping unless you are in a big hurry to finish.  


    I might suggest that there be a pinned thread just about all things AoPS, but there are too many opinions to perfectly encapsulate everyone's varied experiences.  



    I would love a pinned area.  I almost never can find an old post if I didn't think I needed to follow it at the start.


    When you say 1 day on each section, are your talking 3.1. 3.2, etc and not chapters, correct?  I think that would be doable for him.  A total of 4-6 days for review and challenge should work.  He seldom gets the challenge problems in less than two days, but he can fly through the review enough to balance that out.  Was I understanding you properly?  Oh, and we school year round except for June when we are gone to camps as much as we're home, so that shouldn't be a problem either.

  8. Thank you!  That sounds like what I read.  My son started the book about a month ago, and I am hoping he finishes it before the end of his 8th grade year (next year). Does that sound doable?  I can count all classes taught at a high school level on his transcript in the state I am in, which is why I am thinking about his transcript.  The AoPS classes are named differently than traditional high school texts and that can make it confusing on how to put them on a transcript and still how the depth of what was taught.  This boy has always been attracted to future careers that are math/science heavy, and I feel very, very unqualified to guide him.

  9. I have such a hard time searching these boards for things I know I have read about in the past.


    I am fairly certain I read that AoPS's "Introduction to Algebra" book covered a traditional Algebra 1 course before the completion of the book.   Am I remembering this correctly?


    If this is so, how do you do transcripts?  Is the rest of this book and "Intermediate Algebra" together Algebra 2, or more than?  

    As you can tell this confuses me a bit.   :confused1:


    I love homeschooling.  I wasn't prepared to be a guidance counselor. :crying:  :lol:

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  10. Does anyone know what the differences between the first and second editions of Saxon Advanced Mathematics are?  My son has been doing second edition up through Algebra 2.  I ordered an Advanced Mathematics books used from an Amazon seller clearly marked second edition, but what showed up was first.  I had already purchased the Art Reed videos, homeschool packet, solutions manual,etc in the second edition.  Am I right in thinking that the first edition is not going to work for me?



  11. What comes after AoPS Pre-Algebra?  Is it Intro to Algebra?  I have him working through Saxon Algebra 1 right now, but he really loves AoPS and wants to go back to that.


    Is there a certain order the rest of the AoPS curriculum is supposed to go to follow the basics needed for the traditional order of high school math (Alg 1, Alg, 2, Geo. Pre-Calc, etc)?


    How long did it take to get through the books after Pre-Algebra?  My son took longer than I would like to get through that book and since anything he has expressed interest in has been heavy in maths, I want to make sure he gets what he needs.


    Heelp.  Honestly, AoPS overwhelmed me when we did Pre-Algebra, not him.  I was never sure how to know of he REALLY, REALLY understood what he was being taught in order to transfer it over to the real world.  Do any of you have ways of checking with that?


    Thanks for putting up with my many, many questions.  It is strange to think that this child who loves anything math, logic, or problem solving actually came from my body.  

  12. I have recently started my 6.5 year old daughter on Ronit Bird.  Is it enough by itself?  I feel like I should be doing more.  She also likes worksheets.


    If you feel it needs more, what do/would you use.  She just "finished" kindergarten, but I would say she isn't up to kindergarten work as she can't even consistently count to 10 yet.  I try not to let myself feel overwhelmed with knowing how to teach her basic numeracy, but it feels so impossible some days.

  13. I am having my son (9th grader) do both the speech boot camp and "Elegant Essay" this coming school year. How would these work together as far as credits are concerned? He will also be doing a ramped up version of "Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings." Together it feels like more than just 1 English credit, or am I being to easy on him.


    I am new to this high school thing, and it is REALLY intimidating me.

    Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

  14. I have used this with both of my boys for at least 3 years now.  I didn't watch the whole large set of teaching videos when I started either and have had not trouble implementing it.  I watched the $10 video and started with the Student Intensive A.  It was more than enough.


    I will also say that they DO back up their 100% money guarantee.  I am returning the old Fix-It for a full refund today.  This two years later and after they put out a new version of the Fix-It!  (Side Note: I love, love, love their new Fix-It!)


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  15. You have to have a mac computer/laptop or an ipad of some kind for the e-books.  Make sure if you buy one that you purchase an ipad that it has an iOS of 7 or higher.  The books website says you need iOS 5.1 or higher and iBook 3.  The problem comes with the fact that you CAN NOT download the iBook 3 app on an iPad with less than a iOS 7.  I found that out from personal experience and a great amount of time on the phone with an amazing guy at Apple.  He tried every way he could think to make it work, but they're just not compatible.

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