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Posts posted by trudence1

  1. My 4.5 year old just this week started to give narrations of what went on in her day, but she still uses timing incorrectly. For instance, she will say yesterday when she is talking about this morning, and if she happened to take a nap, gets pretty confused when I correct her.


    Her drawing is still a lot of scribbling, but is slowly starting to look a little, kinda/sorta like what she tells me it is...if I really, really use my imagination. :laugh:

  2. It was MORE than worth the $ for my family! I did the same as Kari C and kept not purchasing because the price is so high and our homeschool budget is not. I tried a couple different curriculum (WWE and RS) and they didn't work for my oldest. He was in tears just at the thought of writing.

    I took the plunge for this school year, somewhat out of desperation, but also because I had Amazon gift cards from swagbucks. I only regret that I didn't do it sooner. His writing has improved in leaps and bounds!!! That improvement started with his attitude from the very first assignment. He is actually excited about writing...which I had thought would NEVER happen.


    I used SWI-A because of his reluctance/difficulty in writing and so I could have his younger brother do the same work. That is my only regret. I wish I had gone with SWI-B. I now know they both could have done the next level up. I can not afford the SICCs this year and am going to try WWS, and, looking through that book, I believe he should do very well because of his one year with IEW. If not I will scrimp and save to make IEW happen. His younger brother is going to do the Ancients book with IEW. I don't own the TWSS we will see how we manage.


    One cool thing...IEW is now located in my town!

  3. Mine still says the same as yours..."pending invoice creation," but UPS just sent me notice that this shipment is due to be delivered tomorrow!!! (This is notice is something I have set up with UPS and NOT something that Prufrock does.) It looks like they're getting their packages out fairly quickly during what has to be a busy time for them, :hurray: but they're not getting the online part caught up yet. That is all right with me, I would much rather have my items. :thumbup:





    Edit for grammar

  4. For those who have shopped from them before, how long does it usually take for them to ship? I am a little worried that some of the things I ordered yesterday are now on backorder. :crying:

    My shipping was $4.95, so it is not a flat shipping rate.


    Here is what I decided on...some of it for the home and some for our homeschool group.

    Blind Justice: Courtroom Simulations for the Classroom $0.99 6227 Commas 1 $0.99 347 Crime Scene Detective Arson: Using Science and Critical Thinking to Solve Crimes 1 $0.99 36X Living History in the Classroom: Integrative Arts Activities for Making Social Studies Meaningful 1 $0.99 6357 More AbraVocabra: The Amazingly Sensible Approach to Teaching Vocabulary 1 $0.99 149 More Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids 1 $0.99 501X Reader's Theater...and So Much More! (Grades 5-6) 1 $1.99 0044 Real Patriot Games: A Unit Study on Intelligence and Espionage Based on the Multiple Menu Model 1 $0.99 6890 Time Warped 1 $0.99 4137 Time-Travel Math: An Advanced Geometry Adventure (Grades 4-5)

  5. It did NOT work with my boys, but, after reading these posts, it might have been that I tried it before they were ready. Writing was something that we seemed to be failing at all the way around until we tried IEW. Now that my oldest is comfortable with writing, we're going to try WWS1 this coming year.

  6. My boys are able to get 30 minutes of screen time a day. This includes all non-school movies and, since we chose not to have a TV in th house, that is usually all they get. In order to get that time all school work has to be done with a good attitude and their chores must be finished...I almost never have grumbling about chores =).


    There have been times DH and I have limited it more because DS11 seems to get addicted to certain types of games VERY quickly.

  7. I introduced them to my kids as audios and both my DS9 and DS11 like them...but the older one enjoys them more. He is a very wordy writer with lots of description and that is what makes it harder for a younger child IMO. They have really made some periods of history alive for us. My oldest says his favorite so far is "The Young Cartheginian," HTH.


    Edit to add: My oldest is an avid reader and is now reading the books on his own, but there is no way my younger, a more reluctant reader, would want to even start one. =)

  8. For what it is worth, I used A with my two sons (11 & 8/9) this school year. My oldest was a VERY reluctant writer; the very mention of writing was enough to bring him to tears. My youngest loves to write, but his writing never really SAID anything and he couldn't wrap it up. It has worked VERY well for us. My oldest is now confident that he CAN write and there are NO waterworks. He is usually very excited about his finished products and has chosen to bring some of them for oral readings with our homeschool group!!! It might not work for all at that age, but for him the easy reading and then writing were a plus as he got on his "writing feet."

  9. I am legally doing it now. This is a very special student and a very special situation. I have no regrets, but I will never agree to do it again. My student is not a problem in any way. Any teacher would love to teach this child. The problem is the attention diverted away from my own family. It's too high a price unless there is necessity.


    This sounds alot like my experience last year. I can't tell you how much I MISSED just having me and my kids. It changed so many ways the whole school day felt. I had the parents total support, but it still wasn't worth it.


    I have a friend who homeschools and lives across the street from me. I would consider homeschooling her children if it were a family emergency...so it is not totally off limits in the future but pretty close.


    My thoughts are that you could easily cut out some of the writing in R&S because it would be redundant. There is poetry, character sketch, descriptive writing, outlining, writing from outlines (and more, I think) in both curricula. I have only done the writing parts of R&S 7 that were not redundant in my second program.


    Doing just the grammar and WSS would be completely doable. We do R&S 3x a week. If I were you, I'd schedule it Day 1, Day 2 and Day 5, as those are the comparatively lighter days in WSS.


    Not much to add, but this is what I have done while using IEW with R&S with my DS.

  11. Thank you, Hunter. I am going to have him go through the LOF with my DS9. These will be supplemental and review for both of them. I also think there are a few things they are either weak in still or need taught in a slightly different way. We will see if that helps.

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