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Posts posted by trudence1

  1. I love IEW's new Fix-It (not the old) and my 11 and 13 year-old boys are doing them. I plan to continue them through high school until they complete the series.


    I think you could skip the first one unless he knows NO grammar whatsoever. You could also go through it very quickly...maybe even a week in a day at the beginning. They have lovely samples from each book on their site that contain a scope and sequence chart. That chart would give you a better idea of where to start your son.


    These require a minimal time commitment from the parent. I don't think I spend more than 5 minutes a day correcting my oldest's work, and the book gives great explanations for each correction, which is great since I am no grammar expert. I have learned quite a bit along with the kids.

  2. I am trying to find one to borrow. We will see how that goes.



    No, I am not in Australia, just OklahomaðŸ˜. When looking at writing choices last year, IEW's Australian set was the one that my boys wanted. It has been fabulous, with my 5th grader deciding to a whole geography unit around it...ON HIS OWN!


    Thank you so much for all the help and advice. It has helped more than I can express.

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  3. We started doing evaluations last summer. She did have some hearing issues in one ear that I believe is okay now, but we go back every 4-6 months to make sure. She is in speech therapy which is working, slow and steady.


    We also had a psychological evaluation done that I feel was worthless. He said that she was in the normal range but hadn't had any "formal education" yet. WHAT!!!


    Thank you all for your help. It helps just to have others who understand that what I am talking about is real. I am going to take OhElizabeth's advice on just looking for the dot activities in the toolkit and concentrate on them.

  4. Has anyone who does NOT have an ipad/Mac set up been able to successfully download and use the ebooks?  If so can you explain to me how?


    I have a 6.5 year old daughter who struggles with math.  It has taken us 1.5 years to get her to understand the numbers 1-5, what the symbols are and what they mean in value.  She can not count to 10 or consistently recognize any digits over 6.  Songs and rhyming do not stick and at times frustrate her more.  I have turned to these boards for help as I am not sure what direction to go anymore and at times just feel like crying.  The Ronit Bird book is what keeps coming up over and over in my searches.  I do not own, nor will I be able to purchase an ipad, but would love to be able to try these books without shelling out for the large book without knowing if it would work.  

    Do you have to have the toolkit if you're using the smaller downloads?  Does the toolkit contain all the information in ebooks?  As you can tell I am pretty confused about these books and way of teaching (and my head cold doesn't help =) )  Any information and help would be appreciated.



  5. I'm looking for a textbook that covers Early American history up to (and possibly including) the Civil War.  I would rather it didn't cover post-Civil War to modern times. This is for an advanced English language learner, not a child, so I am looking for something at about the 6th grade level or higher. 


    Is there anything out there that would work for this?


  6. Has anyone out there used Cornerstone's World Views of the Western World (WVWW)?  How does this fit on a transcript?  What other subjects are covered and what are not?  Did you have to supplement for any writing, English-type stuff?


    This looks REALLY interesting to me, but I am not sure how to implement it into a school day. It is not what I would be using this school year, but we would use it when he starts high school next year so I have plenty of time to figure this out.


    I loved the look of this curriculum when viewing it at convention, but it is a LOT of money and would take most of my school budget.  If it isn't really going to cover more than history, there is no way we could make it work.

  7. I went through the LOF books with my younger (now 10 yr old) from the Honey book to Fractions, and now we're finishing up Decimals and Percents.  He uses Saxon as his main math and started 7/6 book about 4 weeks ago.  I am finding that for him, when it comes to fractions, decimals, and percents, LOF was enough.  Saxon is all review for him on these kinds of lessons.  I allowed him to test out of a portion of the beginning of the Saxon book, and looking ahead believe we will end up doing two lessons a day so that he doesn't get bored. 


    I can't say if the younger books would have been enough because it was all review for him, but I think that starting with the Fractions book it can be.  Just like any other math curriculum, it WILL NOT be a fit for every child but will work wonders for others.

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