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Posts posted by Katiebug_1976

  1. Nance, I think I might be having some of the same feelings. The queasiness is disappearing, but I'm almost constantly exhausted. There always seems to be a lump in the back of my throat, a weight in my stomach (kind of like the breath has been knocked out of me...I normally feel this way for the several days after delivery) pulling down from the top (does that make sense?), and from time to time it's all I can do to walk from one end of the house to the other before I have to sit down and rest. This is a whole new experience for me. Still haven't been to the dr. (on my list of things to do this week is make an appt.). Hope you feel better...:001_smile:

  2. Ok, so dd has been a straight A math student with no problems until we hit algebra! We have spent 2 years (9th & 10th grade) fighting our way through (tried LOF, TT, and finally settled on Kinetic Books Aglebra 1) algebra 1. She struggled with Kinetic Books as well, but I'm beginning to think it might not be a curriculum thing, but just a math thing with her. She is a perfectionist, so if she doesn't get it the first time around, she beats herself up.:glare: Anyway, earlier this year I bought Lial's Advanced Algebra for her to move onto since I heard many good things about it, but am not sure what to do about geometry. Dh would like her to have geometry before moving into algebra 2, so when I was researching I ran across Saxon and read how geometry was integrated in with algebra. However, I would hate to set dd up for more frustration and stress. We have 2 years of high school left and she needs at least geometry and algebra 2. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (preferably inexpensive ones as our budget is very limited :tongue_smilie:).

  3. I need some advice from you wonderful experienced homeschool parents. I am at a loss as to what science to schedule for dd14 this next year(ahe will be 10th grade). She took biology this year(9th grade), but struggled with algebra 1. So we took a step back and she is finishing up Lial's BCM (pre-algebra) which is helping alot, before tackling algebra 1 again. Anyway, my older dd (will be 11th grade) will move on to chemistry next year, but dd14 does not have the math requirements to do that. So...I'm not really sure what to do. Is there another lab science that does not require algebra to be completed ahead of time?

  4. Does anyone know if there is a placement test for the Hake Grammar and Writing program? I think I have decided to use it with ds12 (will be 7th grade) next year, but I'm not sure which level to begin with. Grammar and writing are not very strong points for ds. He is working through WWE4 right now, and has completed R&S 3, and we did about 1/2 of R&S 4. I would really like to have some good paragraph/essay instruction for him to begin with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I'm so sorry your little one had to hear that. Some people just drive me nuts with what they choose to make up and tell their children! We don't celebrate "Halloween," but we also don't make it out to be something it is not. Way to go to your dh for standing up for ds and reassuring him that he does not share his birthday with Satan! I hope he can enjoy his birthdays to come without others causing problems. :001_smile:

  6. As sad as it sounds, I really don't have any true friends IRL. Now, don't get me wrong, I have some aquaintances, and there are a couple that I could call in an emergency, but no one I could "bare my soul" to. The closest true friend I have is my mom and she lives 2000 miles away and there are even some things I don't feel comfortable talking to her about. Buy hey, it's life. This is where I am right now, and I know God does not give me more than I can handle. So I'm staying as positive as I can.

  7. I would do kegel exercises and swimming is always a good way to exercise without injuring yourself. I am also expecting baby #7 and was almost in the "overweight" category when we found out baby was coming. I am trying to get my "out-of-shape" self as in-shape as possible before the end of the year. Swimming is one of my favorite things to do since it seems to take all the pressure off of my joints, and you can really get a good workout! Wishing you the best and hoping for a safe and healthy delivery for both mom and baby. :001_smile:


    So, are there any names here that seem too unusual sounding? For instance, are Naomi and Lydia names that some people will not have heard of?



    Thanks so much! :001_smile:


    I don't think either Naomi or Lydia are all that uncommon. Dd9 has a friend with the name Naomi, and we also have a family friend with the name of Lydia (she is 12 or 13 yrs old). I think they are both beautiful names along with the others you chose. I know I'm probably not much help, but good luck. I hope you find the perfect name for your baby. :001_smile:

  9. How exciting! Part of me wishes I was that close, but I am so NOT ready!!! I had just given away the last of my maternity and baby things the week before we found out we were expecting again! I know, I'm crazy. But after a couple years my mind tells me...ok, this is it. This is our family. We must be done...So now it's like starting all over again. I went shopping for maternity things yesterday with dd16 (of course we had to go to the city 2 hours away for that since our small town doesn't have anything...so it was a long, exhausting day, but very fun!). Hope you get all ready for baby before he or she arrives. :001_smile:

  10. (darn text limitations)


    I guess things would be different if we had experienced a miscarriage, or had complicated pregnancies. We have been blessed with 6 uneventful pregnancies/deliveries, so thoughts about waiting to share our news until we were out of the "danger zone" never really entered my mind. I'm so sorry that for some of you those fears are so real. :grouphug: Praying that you all will have healthy pregnancies and deliveries.

  11. Dh is the worlds worst at keeping secrets!!! He wanted to call everybody the same day I told him (I said no way!). Anyway, we ended up telling our older girls the next day (I was like 5 weeks), and he could only wait until that evening before spilling the beans to the younger kids. I think it was only another day or so before our parents knew...then word just spread like wild fire! LOL!! I guess in a sense I am just as bad as he is. When the test showed positive, I even thought about not telling dh right away because I knew that he would want to go "shout it to the world!" But, I could only hold out for about 30 minutes after he got home from work. :D

  12. I get restless legs off and on too. It gets really irritating during the middle of the night :glare:.


    Lately, my queasiness has gotten a little bit better...my mornings have been going pretty well, but long about 2:00ish I start getting a little queasy and it usually lasts into the evening. Whats crazy is I feel like I'm full, starving and queasy all at the same time. Makes for a very interesting day...:glare: I will be so happy when I get the the second trimester and can (hopefully) leave these feelings beind and get on with the fun part of pregnancy!:D

  13. Thank you guys for the encouragement! I know this time will pass and life will settle down again. I just want to try an make it as smooth and stress free a year as possible when it comes to school. I am going to pull out my SL IG again and look through it and also check out the Simply Charlotte Mason site. Thanks again for your support and encouragement, my day feels a little brighter already. :001_smile:

  14. Ok, long story short...there is a good possibility that we may be moving over the summer (hopefully summer and not later) to be closer to dh's job. We also found out that baby #7 will be joining us in December. So...I am really feeling the need to simplify this next year. Yesterday was very overwhelming for me and I am second guessing everything. So I am hoping you guys can set me straight again ('cause my mind is not working, due to pregnancy, Im sure :D). Anyway, here is what we did/are doing this year...please feel free to offer any thoughts, advice or even plan out my year for me. Anything you have to offer is greatly appreciated!




    dd16(10th) MFW WHL (minus the writing), Writing With Skill, Biology, Algebra 1, Art, Health


    dd14(9th) MFW AHL (minus the writing), Writing With Skill, Biology, Pre-Algebra, Art, Logic


    ds12(6th) MFW Explor to 1850, Math Mammoth 6, WWE4, Spelling Power, Pentime 6


    dd9 (3rd) MFW Explor to 1850, Math Mammoth 3, WWE 2, FLL 3, AAS 2, Pentime 3


    dd5 (K ish) Explod the Code books, lots of reading, a few math things


    I was thinking about covering American History this next year (ds12 & dd9 need the 2nd half, dd16 & dd14 need the whole thing, but dd 5 can just join in to whatever we cover). Science is another issue for me. Both my older girls have finished biology this year, but dd14 struggled with algebra 1 so we dropped back to pre-algebra (Lials Beginning College Mathmatics) and she is doing well. We plan to move right into Lial's Introductory Algebra as soon as she finishes BCM, but doesn't that throw a kink into keeping them together foe Chemistry? Don't you have to complete algebra 1 before chemistry? So not sure what to do there...

    I had also thought about switching to SL (using core 100 with older girls, and core E with the youngers), but am now wondering if it will really make life more simple, or not. My mind is swimming now, so I am going to stop and hope you wonderful people have some great ideas for me. Thanks you so much for any help you can offer. I really appreciate all the help and support I receive here on this board. Sorry this got so long...:tongue_smilie:

  15. Congratulations!


    Just a little funny--I walk a dog named Katie, and I've nicknamed her Katiebug--couldn't figure out why that sounded familiar...LOL!



    Hahaha...that is funny. I got the nickname Katiebug from my bus driver when I was in kindergarten. :D




    Thanks everyone! I just had to tell someone...and I don't have that many people here to share the news with.

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