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Posts posted by Katiebug_1976

  1. While it might not be the best of manners, and I do my best to email everyone that I contact or that contacts me, it happens and I think it's all just part of buying/selling used curriculum. You're going to get a wide variety of personalities from those sweet, kind mommas to the very straight forward/rude people that only type in short, clipped 1/2 sentences. I get emails like that sometimes, but I don't let it frustrate me. I just blow it off and move on to the next person interested. I definately don't think I'd start off a "for sale" ad with how frustrated I was...that will probably turn a bunch of people off before they even see what you are selling. I hope you have better luck...

  2. Oklahoma has great Homeschool laws. My kids have never been in PS, so I did not have to do anything. If you are pulling kids from school, you send a.letter, it does not even have to say you are homeschooling. I have nothing to report. I keep records for myself and just in case.


    You cam get money through online charters through the public school system, but you are then ps students and must take all ps tests and fulfill all ps requirements.


    You cannot play sports on ps teams, but there are Homeschool leagues for everything - football, basketball, cheerleader, baton, etc.


    I agree with this, Oklahoma is as easy as it gets when it comes to hs regulations/record keeping, but there are only homeschool leagues for everything if you live in one of the metro or larger areas. You options are VERY limited in the smaller towns unless you want to commute a couple hours away.

  3. Is it too early to start wishing for SNOW??? It's 101 degrees here right now (which is cooler than it has been the last few days), the bugs are seeking shelter inside our house, kids are going stir crazy 'cause it's too hot to be outside for long periods, and all I want to do is curl up in an ice bath!LOL!! I'm really not complaining, I'm just not ready for it to be this darn hot, this darn early in the summer!! Hoping it's just passing through early, but worried that it's going to be a LONG...DRY...HOT summer!

  4. I'm right there with you, Imp...people are always asking dh & marraige questions. We totally do not feel "qualified" for this either. We were 18 when we met, 2 months later we were engaged, and 7 months after that we were married, and the roller coaster began! There were many people that swore that we would never make it and would end up divorced before the end of the first year...now some of those people are asking us for advice!:lol: We have 6 kids and another on the way and we've been married for 17 years. I guess people think that just because we have so many kids and are still "sane" (hahahaha...little do they know!:lol:), we have unlocked some secret to the perfect marriage. :D Good luck with your marriage counseling...:tongue_smilie:

  5. My kids are the same way. They have already reached the same goal within a week and a half of signing up. However, our library says you cannot turn in your lists until August 1st. To me the point of a summer reading program is to encourage kids to read regardless of how fast or slow, hard or easy the books are etc. Your dd should not have been treated like that. I would be pretty upset, too!

  6. I've got EPO and red raspberry leaf tea. I can't do too much walking because I sprained my ankle. I'm not drinking castor oil. I tried that with one baby when I was several days past due, and all it did was the unpleasant clearing out. I suppose I could look suggestively at my husband.


    Any other possibilities?


    I was to chicken to try castor oil, but someone told me that Caro syrup in Coke would work just the same. NOT!!:glare: Dd was 2 weeks late and I had to be induced! I will never try anything like that again! It was so sweet & syrupy that it made me feel sick whick only worsened my situation.

  7. I have less than two weeks until my due date. I'm 70% effaced and dilated to 3.5. I just want to be done. And yet, I've never gone early without an induction. Why can't my children be more cooperative?


    I completely understand where you're coming from! I'm not really looking forward to being there myself in December. I've heard that eating papaya is a natural inducer (never tried it, but came pretty close the last time around). I hope he or she comes soon.

  8. I would recommend putting the older 4 through a year of IEW. In this thread you'll find my post explaining my opinion on using WWE/ WWS in addition to IEW.


    I have been toying with this idea for awhile. We (my older 3) tried IEW a couple years ago and liked it, but I can't remember why we didn't continue with it. So, is there a way to combine different ages with one level or will I have to get several different levels? I would really like to be able to work this into our budget, but I think it's going to be tricky. Any advice you have as to a starting point would be greatly appreciated.

  9. I am in the same boat. Planning the writing & grammar next year is STRESSING me out. Too many choices, too many voices in my head telling me that they should be doing more, and then the other ones telling me they are fine where they are. So frustrating. I've pretty much given up and decided to outsource this part of our curriculum for DD8 & DS11 but now I can't even make up my mind about which provider to go with. I am a mess over this. I can manage every other subject but writing just messes with my head every.single.year. Arrrghhhh.


    Sorry - that was totally not helpful.


    Oh you have no idea how much this helps! You may not have a suggestion to offer, but it really is nice to know I am not the only one out there struggling with writing! Thanks so much for sharing...I hope you are able to figure out something to work for you dc.

  10. Wow, thanks for all the great advice! I think we may try the 1/2 naked in the back yard thing and see how it goes (although I will have to wait for a cool front...it was 104 degrees yesterday & I could only stand to be outside for a couple minutes at a time! I think it's only going to get worse the rest of this week! Unfortunately, we have carpet & unfinished wood floors indoors right now, so accidents inside would not be easy to clean!). If he does't seem to get the hang of it outside, I guess we'll just wait awhile and try again later.

  11. Ok, so I failed miserably with potty training my oldes ds. I tried everything from encouragement to treats to target practice and nothing worked so I finally gave up. A couple weeks before his 3rd birthday, he brought me his diaper and told me he didn't need it anymore and that was the end of that (if only I had known...:glare:). Well, I now have another ds that is 2 1/2. I would really like to potty train him before the baby is born in December (he will turn 3 in November). Several months ago he showed interest in using the potty, so we started taking him every now and then, but life was so crazy that I just couldn't focus on it. Well, now that life has slowed down, he's not interested AT ALL! Dh bought him a little potty, he sat on it once, but wont even touch it anymore. I know I can't force him, but I am really hoping to have him trained before the baby comes (one reason is because we use cloth diapers and baby will need them). Does anyone have any ideas that might encourage him again?

  12. Just responding to say that seeing someone heading to the Tulsa zoo makes me homesick! Moved away a year ago and am missing friends and family.


    And, to be a little helpful, yes, plan on going early. I used to take kids to the zoo twice a week in the summers (babysitting jobs) and we would usually LEAVE by 10:30 - fewer crowds and more manageable temps.


    Aww, that's hard. I hope you're enjoying your new home, though. We're not from Tulsa, but like to get into the city every now and then.

  13. :grouphug: I can totally relate to your day! I, too, have 6 wonderful, but busy and sometimes whiny, cranky and down right nasty to each other. On days like this, I just send everyone to their beds (older ones with a book) and tell them they can't get up until I come to get them. After I get everyone to their beds, it usually works really well! They get a little bit of down time (which is usually what was needed in the first place), and I get some quiet time to relax, calm down or get done what I couldn't get done when they were arguing. Just remember, take it 5 minutes at a time, be consistent, choose your battles and tomorrow will be a brand new (better) day! (this is some of the best advice my mother ever gave me!). Hope your day gets better...:001_smile:

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