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Posts posted by Katiebug_1976

  1. I'm right there with you guys...29 weeks to go...sick of feeling exhausted & sick...ready for the fun part (playing w/ the baby :D). Anyway, I'm trying to stay as positive as I can 'cause I know wonce I get past this "sick" time it will be much better.


    Congrats, Michelle! How exciting. I'm assuming mom & baby are both doing well.?. Wishing you a quick discharge from the hospital (you never can get any rest there lol!).

  2. Don't let the fact that you don't have any baby things stop you. I had just given away the last of our baby stuff the week before we found out baby #7 was on the way. So, now here we go again...completely starting from scratch!LOL!! I do have to say, dh & I thought that we were finished after dc#4, however, God obviously thought differently. Several times both of us started thinking about another baby, and guess what...that feeling never went away until the next dc was born. We were pretty sure that we were finished after our last (dc#6), even to the point of talking to the dr. about making it permanent. However, we opted not to at the last minute. After bringing dc#6 home from the hospital, we started counting heads to make sure everyone was accounted for because we all (older kids included) had this wierd feeling that someone was missing. We joked about it and ignored it for a long time...but the "missing child" is due to join us in December. I have to say, I don't know how I would have felt had we prevented this little one from becoming a part of our family. Anyway, all this to say...if you have a longing or even are thinking about more children there may be a reason for those thoughts. God speaks in mysterious ways!!

  3. How do I feel about whistling? Well, I am almost ashamed to say that I think it's the most annoying thing in the entire world. It grates on my nerves so bad. I have never asked anyone to stop though. I just suck it up.

    :iagree:Whistling is a VERY annoying noise to me. I don't ask other people to stop, but I have been known to shush my dc for whistling loudly in the house or in the car (seriously, 8 people stuffed in a tight space...I...just...can't...take...whistling!!!LOL!!).

  4. This is such a great ministry! I am getting ready to ship a couple boxes their way. I love knowing that the books will go straight to those that need them and not sit on a thrift store shelf somewhere or end up in a dumpster.

  5. I have the days I love it and the days I almost hate it! I have to say, though, that this year has been one of the best. I've been hs'ing for 7 years and finally gave up on planning at all! I have 2 dd's in highschool that used MFW so all their assignments were already planned out...just mark off the boxes as you go (other than filling in biology & math), 2 younger kiddos (6th & 3rd) that also used MFW together, and a pre-K/K'er that we played around with phonics & math things. So it was all open and go for us this year. I have to say that I LOVED it!! Yes, I was ready for summer long about February like always, but I wasn't burnt out and going nuts. We had our not so good days, but most of those stem from attitude issues (mine just as much as the kids) and not schooling directly. I gave up trying for the "perfect year" and there were some days we woke up exhausted, or we just weren't motivated to do school so we skipped the day and picked up again the next day. It worked very well for us and we finished almost everything on time (still tying up some loose ends with math...but we really don't stop math over the summer...just slow it down).


    I'm sorry that your feeling down right now and I hope you find what works for your family and can dig your way out of that feeling. :grouphug:

  6. Hi all,

    Knowledge Box Central is coming out with individual state history curriculum for all ages! Right now, you can get their new state lapbooks (grades K-8) and state lapbook journals (grades 6-12) for $5.00 from www.currclick.com. Just thought I'd share in case some of you were interested...I think they look great! I bought both of the Oklahoma lapbooks and look forward to studying state history eith my kiddos this next year.

  7. Well, I've almost made it to 11 weeks (YEAH!!) and I think I am phasing out of the "morning sickness." I still get a little sour stomach in the afternoon/evening but nowhere near what it used to be. I'm still exhausted, but that's normal (especially with 6 kids to chase around :D). I'm so grateful for my older girls, though. My oldest got her drivers liscense a couple weeks ago and it has been a lifesaver! I was able to send her and my 14yodd grocery shopping yesterday while I stayed home and rested (I really didn't have the energy to tackle going to town). It was wonderful! She also really likes to pack up the little kids and take them to the park from time to time. So this is turning out to be quite the blessing!

    I have my first dr. appt. scheduled for Friday. I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!! I've outgrown most of my clothes this last week or so and am now having to wear some of my maternity things (especially pants).

  8. We had 6 kids in a 3 bdrm house until last year. My 2 oldest dd's shared a small room, and ds & younger 2 dd's shared a small room, and youngest ds shared the room with dh & I. Needless to say we were squished (and older ds really needed a space away from his little sisters. So, dh has spent this last year adding onto our home and it has been wonderful (stressful, and we are ready to be findisher, but the space is great!). We now have 5 bedrooms (and baby #7 is on the way! Guess we thought we had to fill up all this new space we have now :D). Anyway, dd16, dd14, & ds12 all have their own rooms, and dd9, dd5, & ds2 all share a large bedroom (although ds2 spends more time on a fold out kiddie couch in our room than in his own right now). The new baby will spend the first 6 months or longer in our room, then we'll see where he/she will fit best.

  9. We have used MFW for a couple years and enjoyed it. However, I have drooled over Sonlight for many years now, but it was just way out of our budget. This year, though, I am going to make it work and give it a try. I purchased a very inexpensive IG and we will use our library for everything we can and only purchase the books they do not have (used, of course). I am not using their science, though. We are going with Apologia Astronomy (one book with a lapbook to put together. Simple, inexpensive, open and go, and my kids love it and learn a ton!). I hope you find something that works well for you.

  10. I checked nursing...coslept all the time. However, after I did that it occured to me that I only nursed 3 of my 6 children but all of them slept with dh & I. They all had their own crib or bassinet in our room and usually started out the night there, but after waking the first time it was just easier on my & baby to let them sleep in my bed. Plus, dc #3 (our first son) refused to sleep in his own bed after he turned 7 months old. We finally got him back to his own bed by the time he was 3! Today, we still end up with at least 1 kid in our bed several times a week (usually dd5...she likes to snuggle:D). But if we enforce it, they all do well sleeping in their own beds, too. We figure life is short, they will all be gone soon enough so we need to enjoy them while there here even if it means sharing our space from time to time.

  11. We used it for the first little bit of dd's 9th grade year. While it had some great assignments and lots of variety, we (dd & I) too, felt very disorganized. I also had a hard time getting the right books from our library on time (most had to be interlibrary loaned and never arrived on time). So we moved on to MFW which is scheduled out for us and it is working great!


    I do have a friend who used FAR for her dd all the way through highschool (she graduated this year) and they really loved it. So, it works for some, but not so well for those of us that don't plan well or just don't have time to do planning.

  12. Hi all, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I just found the Knowledge Box Central lapbook (downloadable version) for Apologia Astronomy for $10 on www.currclick.com . I'm not sure if this is a normal price for them, since I haven't been on Currclicks website for awhile, but it seemed like a really good price compared to what I had found before.

  13. Welcome to the group cindergretta and congratulations. We share the same due date (I am also due Dec. 31st). I hope all goes well with your pregnancy and I look forward to chatting with you here. :001_smile:

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