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Posts posted by MFG

  1. I don't think it's any worse than a lot of SuperBowl commercials in recent years, but I call hooey on the notion that there's nothing even remotely suggestive about that commercial. It isn't simply about "a woman in a bikini."

    I agree that it is suggestive but in such an over-the-top way that it is basically a parody of itself. I thought the old Paris Hilton car wash ad was sexier. This was just silly.

  2. I think I might have mommy issues, lol. Actually, I am only 25% kidding. She was extremely young when she had me and she had a rough upbringing herself. I really don't blame her. She has always been very competitive with me. When I was young I was chubby and she would repetitively tell me that I might be pretty if I would just lose some weight. Then, of course, along came baby sister who was blonde/blue eyed and "perfect". One of those deals. I never really thought about it as something that alters how I view myself but I think it has had more of an impact on me than I have been willing to admit. I think it is why I obsess with weight and fitness and have a difficult time accepting love from others. I suppose I need a couch :rolleyes: I am also open to book suggestions (that might be more in my price range).

    This may give a little insight into the reason your Mom told you about this incident (if indeed it ever happened at all). Mind games.

  3. I remember punch cards. You would get a print out and make corrections, someone would make new punch cards and a new print out. At the time, it seemed really cutting edge....



    In college I had a student job at a social science research institute. They would collect data using either mailed or phone surveys and analysis the results. One of my jobs was as a "coder" where I would assign numbers on the papers surveys so they they could go to the key punch operators to be put on cards. I also did data "cleaning" where I would go over the print outs looking for coding errors, pull the card with the error (while of course marking it's place in the stack), re typing the card on the key punch machine, and then getting the stack ready to go to the computer lab to be run again. Looking back it is amazing how long it took to do simple tasks.


    For example, I was at my mom's office last week. I dropped by to take her a treat I had gotten her. I do not go to her office very often. I spoke to only her and no one else. She called me to tell me that after I left two different guys showed up at her office right after I left wanting to know who I was and if I was available (one just said "man, she's fine!"). The first thing I thought was....dang, what was I wearing? What did I do? I thought back through it....jeans, athletic shoes, pony tail, and even a jacket that I never took off. It was athletic in nature so it wasn't super loose but still.....I had on two layers of clothing. There was a part of me that felt like "wow, it is nice to be noticed" and then that other part that immediately wondered what I did wrong or even felt guilty that their inquiry gave me a nice feeling. I face more of the pick up type stuff at the gym because (even though I am pretty modest) I am in yoga pants and a tank top AND 50% of the guys are there to pick up a girl anyway so I am a natural target :rolleyes: I just ignore them, roll my eyes, or act ignorant.

    What was your Mom's purpose in telling you this?

  5. I am also not afraid of sexual thoughts, my own or anyone else's. What one does with such thoughts may be appropriate or inappropriate but the mere existence of thoughts is not a problem. I have no interest in living in some weird asexual world.

  6. My grandparents used to have a party line for their telephone service. I had to explain to my kids what that was and how it worked, because I'm fairly certain no one in the US has that anymore. I used to think I was being so sneaky when I would pick up the phone at their house and listen in on the neighbors' private conversations.

    I grew up with a party line phone.

  7. and what about yoga pants...are yoga pants considered "appropriate"? I keep going back and forth on this one. I love my yoga pants and I definitely wear them to the gym. They are not super duper tight. Are they considered appropriate outside of the gym? In your opinion?

    I decide what is appropriate for me to wear. Not anyone else, and certainly not random guys off the street.

  8. Total side topic...


    On being catholic. Once baptised into the Roman Catholic church they are a child of God and the roman catholic family.


    They might do something that excommunicates themselves.


    But that doesn't mean they aren't catholic.


    Somewhat like if a child disowns their parents and leaves home, they have excommunicated themselves but that doesn't change that they are still the child of those parents. Even if they disown their parent. Even if they change their name. Even if they meet someone else they want to call mom and dad. They are still forever Catholic. And they are still forever hoped to return and be welcomed by the Catholic Church.


    So someone may leave the RCC and we are for sure sorry to see that, but on the other hand, we never write them off. If 40 years later they decide they'd like to come home again, we quite thrilled to have them.


    You can't become not catholic once you are.


    But I didn't think any of that had diddly to do with the original topic of the post.


    I don't think this had diddly to do with the original topic though. *shrug*

    So the Catholic Church is like the Hotel California?

  9. Derail to ask a grammar question. ;-)


    When I wrote the above, I thought it sounded awkward, as I'm German, so sometimes the habit of wording it backwards happens, lol.


    I asked my dh who said that- I use cash still mainly- is better.


    So, are both okay to use? Is the second one a lot better?



    I think what you wrote is fine.

    Your Dh's sentence is awkward.

    As a U.S. English speaker I would say, I still mainly use cash.

  10. never been a fan of her...way too busy and "old lady" looking for my tastes. But, I've never really paid attention to styles and what's popular anyway, so I'm not the best person to ask. Funny thing though is that my teen/young adult dds love it, so I guess it's not as "old lady" looking as I thought.

    I think this is the way some styles can be. On me, on the down side of 50, something can look old lady, but for my dd in her twenties, it can look "fun" or "cute". My Sil uses a VB tote because she likes it, it is useful, and the construction is good quality. To each her own.
  11. I got a 10. Dh would be somewhere in the middle, I'd guess. I've always known I was very introverted, but then I moved to a place where everyone in my neighborhood hires a maid to clean. Everyone except me because I am too introverted to do it. I cannot figure out how all of them can stand to have someone else in their house all day long 3 or 4 (or more) days a week when they are home too. Dh cannot understand it. :)

    I got a 17. I understand completely not wanting someone else working in my home all the time!
  12. One of my favorite sports heroes of all time. When I was a teen, I had three posters on my wall. Elvis, Bobby Sherman, and Secretariat. :)


    I remember watching Red win those races on TV. I cried when he won the Belmont. You can find real footage of the races on YouTube.


    My FAVORITE part of the movie is the 20 seconds of real Red during the credits. The actor horse wasn't nearly as wonderful as the real horse, but still a very nice movie.

    LOVED Bobby Sherman!!!

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