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Posts posted by MFG

  1. Perhaps yes seems too curt... She may think "All set" is more comforting.... not just yes but an implied yes and we are doing fine....


    I like blunt and to the point but it makes some people uncomfortable...

    I like blunt and to the point also. Vague answers make me uncomfortable. They also often leave me confused about exactly what was communicated.
  2. I'm another one who has know dh since we were kids - 14yo to be exact. We're 59yo now. Married almost 36 years. Silence is truly golden at this stage. ;)


    My dh had only been working at his current job for about 6 months when he came home one day and told me that when his boss was talking to him about something, boss suddenly stopped, looked at dh, and blurted out something about dh's being "high maintenance". Dh was a little confused, but I knew exactly what boss meant. In the work setting, it probably means 'if you weren't so danged good at your job, I'd probably fire you right here and now, because you're so blasted difficult to deal with'. In a personal setting, that translates into 'if I didn't love the guy (and the s*x wasn't so good), I'd probably divorce him right here and now, because he's so blasted difficult to deal with'. Which just means that I start 'feelin' the love' more when I have regular breaks from my dh versus spending more time with him. In fact, I've been here at my kids' apartment since Memorial Day and it's been SOOOO nice. I'm going back in about a week and a half, and I'm really looking forward to seeing dh. And that'll last about, umm, .... ?? lol

    Lol. This reminds me, an introvert, of one of my favorite quips.

    "How can I miss you if you won't go away?"

    • Like 7
  3. So are you saying that the post you just made is annoying??? To me, written words are not... I can hear the person talking and I appreciate it.. but that is probably just me...

    Yes, I would find luuknam's post annoying if I did not understand the point she was making. I also hear the poster. I hear her yelling.


    Another style point that can help communication. I read your repeated use of ellipses, not exactly annoying, but as if your voice is trailing off. It weakens the point you are making, as if you are unsure about what you're saying. It is perfectly fine to just make a statement and end it with a period. In almost every case, a single punctuation mark is sufficient.

    • Like 2
  4. Josh isn't talking because Josh's ship is sunk. He's off whatever incarnation of the show may continue.


    The people talking are Jimcelle, Jill and Jessa. It is no coincidence that Jill and Jessa are talking- they are the ones who would star in a possible spinoff. It's also no surprise that they are talking or who they are talking to and what station it is on. TLC is testing the waters to see if the the market will bear either a 19 and counting with Jim Bob and Michelle without Josh and Anna or a married brides type spin off. By market, they mean the "red state, fly over" market that TLC appeals to with this show. They know they can't play outside of a smaller market of loyal supporters at this time.


    These interviews are essentially tryouts for a new version of the show. TLC will use the ratings to try and coax the advertisers back on board. That's Marketing 101.

    My only hope for a tiny positive to come of all this is that Jill and Jessa NOT get a spin off show. At least the next generation can still be saved from having their lives pimped out for financial gain. Considering that the 19KAC show manages to be simultaneously obsessively, almost exhibitionisticly, sex obsessed and also crashingly boring, it is a wonder the Duggars have been able to ride the gravy train as long as they have.
    • Like 4
  5. I really wonder what is going on at this place. I know I frequently don't bother reading bad reviews on a highly rated site -but one guest complained they went to the pool - the staff was using it. they went to the gym - the STAFF was using it. these are facilities for guests who are paying upwards of $C500 A NIGHT. not staff. but it reinforces there is something wonky about attitudes towards guests vs staff.

    I find it really helpful to read the one and two star reviews. Often they deal with a very specific problem the reviewer had or say more about the idiosyncrasies of a particular customer, but if I read similar problem coming up repeatedly it gives a good heads up.
    • Like 6
  6. Drives me crazy, but I was so careful to teach anatomically correct names, but then Grandma went and used "little girl parts" and that's what they use now. Even my oldest, at 11.5. Sigh.

    Honestly, I don't mind the use of euphemistic terms when they are sufficient to convey meaning. It is the using anatomical terms to be "correct" and then using them incorrectly that makes me stabby.

    • Like 8
  7. I haven't seen any evidence of biblically inaccurate beliefs from the spouses, and judging by the latest conference Jill and Derick attended just a few weeks postpartum, they're sitting under fantastic and rock solid teaching.


    Just a point of information.

    At two weeks postpartum the Dillards attended the ATI Family Conference in Big Sandy, TX. Is there another conference they have attended?

    http://starcasm.net/archives/313119 (scroll down past the "Is Jessa pregnant" part)


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