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Posts posted by MomatHWTK

  1. TED Talk:



    "How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals — including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," Grant says. "You need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones." "

  2. "Assessments based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are coming to many states. To date, 18 states have adopted NGSS. Other states have or are adopting new science standards that are loosely based on or influenced by NGSS"


    From EdSurge News


  3. I don't know if you can change your natural tendencies, but you can counteract them. Do a search for "intentional optimism" to target that trait in particular. For general behavioral and thought changes, research cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness. I was raised by someone with a critical spirit. Once I realized I was behaving in the same way, I began to consciously work to change my thoughts and behaviors. I don't want my kids to see me as someone who always finds fault. 

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  4. I think we actually are allowed to discuss current events as long as the discussion stays non-partisan. Mentioning what was in the news should not violate board rules, nor sharing our opinion about the event itself. We just can't make this partisan politics.

    Oh sure, we can mention current events. But we're not so good at staying non-partisan. LOL

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  5. We watched this class together:


    Also, I walk the kids through problem-solving when they can't figure something out. After they succeed we recap the process.

    Critical thinking skills contribute to learning skills. I talk to the kids about what is really happening when we discuss world events, business transactions, etc. I point out the historical background, emotional and financial factors, things like that.


    ETA: Electronics have not been a problem here. My middle son is learning to program and builds robots. My daughter is an artist and uses her Wacom to create digital art, and my youngest is currently doing math (for fun) using Splash Math. The oldest researches online, beta tests his brother's games and reads the online version of the WSJ. 

  6. "In honor of Martin Luther King Day, WhoWhatWhy presents — through a fascinating collection of pictures — a brief history of American racism, a look at the kind of hatred, atrocities, and soul-searing humiliation that spurred King into action. We published these pictures last year, and the year before that, and we will probably do it again next year. Will anyone learn from them?"


  7. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/factsheet/strategies-for-children-with-generalized-anxiety-disorder




    While each child is different, the following compilation includes commonly implemented interventions for anxious children. These items may serve as a starting point for families who are looking for specific suggestions for problem areas, or for parents who are just learning of the types of issues that their anxious child may be contending with.  





    Children with GAD tend to be very hard on themselves and strive for perfection. They may also seek constant approval or reassurance from others. 


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  8. "Google’s AR platform Tango is going to let museum visitors explore exhibits
    Starting with the Detroit Institute of Arts, but Google promises more partnerships are on the way"

    "At the DIA, visitors can request a Lenovo Phab 2 Pro (the first Tango-enabled smartphone) from the front desk, and use it to find out more about various artifacts." 



  9. I have tried not to pressure her in terms of schoolwork and there have been weeks where we don't get anything done because she completely lacks motivation and it's pointless trying but I can't let that go on forever.


    I think school definitely left its mark. It destroyed her self confidence and honestly I regret a lot of time that she was there. Even from nursery age, I sent her because that was what was expected (lots of family pressure) she became a selective mute when she was there and they became concerned so I pulled her out. I probably never should have sent her to school in hindsight.

    Give yourself permission to put school on hold while you deal with these issues. Then, if you can't find support services, research helping her at home with CBT and other options. Learning to cope with social and emotional issues is part of schooling a SN child.  :grouphug:

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