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Posts posted by MomatHWTK

  1. When I was expecting my 4th, we only did school that could be done from my big king sized bed. LOL! I piled up books by the side of the bed and each child chose a corner.


    There are seasons in life and as long as you have a learning rich environment, I'm sure they'll get something out of the year. My kids watched a lot of PBS programs and documentaries that year. ;)

  2. I don't correct the children's free work because I feel that it might make them reluctant to take risks. They may decide that if they can't get it right, they aren't going to try. But- that may be a personality thing as well. You know your own child best.


    I would probably just try to incorporate the spelling rules necessary for them to correct the errors on their own during our lesson time without ever mentioning the free writing errors. For instance, my DD has a sign hanging up that says "wif" for "with," I won't correct it, but I will show her the word "with" and we'll discuss how and why it's spelled the way it is when I do. ;)

  3. Honestly, could be general lack of focus, could be ADHD, could be something else. The next step would be to consider an evaluation of some sort. My oldest does have issues, so I can't advise as to what is normal for that age. Hopefully someone else will be able to give you some idea of how their child performs under similar circumstances.

  4. Calvin and Hobbes are a huge hit here. Also, you can get Redwall and a few other similar books in graphic novel form. The Fantastic 4 comics have been OK. You have to be careful, IMO, of the comics though as often they have darker or more adult themes than the same super heros have in the cartoons. Scrooge, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the crew still have comic books out as well- often in the actual book format.

  5. It appears that the answer is giving you serious pause, so in that case, I'd say "no." Unless this person is the best candidate overall, even with the "not a reader" answer, then I wouldn't select her if I were you. Because if you do, and it doesn't work out, you will regret not going with your gut.


    I'm not sure what I would do in a similar situation. My DH isn't a reader yet is an excellent teacher. He's not an academic instructor, but he is the go to guy at his workplace when they have a trainee that is struggling. He can reach people at their level and pull out the best in them. (In my humble opinion. ;))


    I was going to say that I would probably place more weight on other issues, but as you've mentioned, you did ask other questions and we don't know how the person performed on those. So- you're stuck with making the big call. :001_smile:

  6. My DD loves these. But they cost me a fortune in puff balls and googley eyes. There are two series, the one HSBC is offering is the first one. My children watched them several times each and my little crafter/artist treasures them. I'm not familiar enough with Atelier to compare. Mike's video set is more for the learn to cartoon, do shading, show motion type stuff. He also does various crafts in several of the videos.

  7. My mother uses the Ener-G egg replacer. The measurements should be on the package. I often just use applesauce.


    Do the ingredients on the mix list a leavening agent (baking soda?), if so the egg is just a binder. If no other leavening agent is listed then you will need to use something to help the cake rise- egg performs this function in some recipes. The Ener-G will do this, but applesauce won't.

  8. I haven't heard of any alternatives. The weight gain is very common and seemingly insurmountable. It comes on quick too. I'm sorry. I have noticed that when my DS started Intuniv (non-stimulant for ADHD) that it tampered the appetite some. I also think at some point the weight gain stops. It seemed more pronounced at the outset.


    Also, once the Risperidone is in full effect it is easier to work on behavior modification as far as eating. So yes, he feels hungry, but he doesn't have the huge meltdown if I say "no." I have tried to communicate calorie count with DS and give him specific limits. So he knows, that he can have 4 cookies a day (more than some kids get, I know ;)). If he eats those early and wants a sweet, he has to go with chewing gum or fruit.


    Most fruit is about 100 calories. Strawberries and blueberries are supposed to be almost negative calories because of the energy it takes to digest them. (Or so I hear.) I buy the 110 calorie bagel thins and keep them on hand. I've taught him to measure out a 100 calorie serving of cereal or chips, etc. It's still a struggle for him though.


    Making sure he has proteins available through the day helps too. You want foods that give the feeling of fullness balanced with foods that offer chewing opportunities. I think part of the craving for him is the need to chew, not to really eat. I personally crunch ice all day long, but DS doesn't like the cold stuff.


    I wish I could tell you there was an alternative and maybe your doctor will offer you some, but for us right now they are saying this is the best option. I figure it's more important to get him through the emotional crisis than the physical one and we'll keep working on it. Just know that it's not anything your child is doing- the medicine slows the metabolism, makes them less energetic and increases appetite. It just is what it is- but hopefully only for this season in life. :grouphug:

    And ladies... I understand that having had a bad experience with a medication you want to be clear how much you dislike it. But these medicines exist for a reason. Those of us who use them love our children too. It is very painful to read comments like "I would never..." or "No one should..." Some of us do choose to medicate, because it's what we need to do to help our children.

  9. We are in a similar situation, except our doctors are fine with the homeschooling...



    I don't agree that in the current situation the ps setting would be "better." I do agree that it would be nice to just be mom to my kids.


    Running a household takes a certain amount of time, especially if your children are home all day eating meals, making messes, etc. Teaching and preparing to teach is a full time job for those who do it outside the home, as is running a day care. Most homeschool moms are doing both of those jobs at once. Plus being the lunch lady and the bus driver. ;) Of course this takes away your time to be fun mom.


    The vibe I'm getting from DS' doctors is that they know that dealing with behavioral issues in addition to the normal pressures of parenthood is difficult. I'm sure they see lots of parents who struggle to just keep up during after school hours and weekends, depending on the child's depth of need. KWIM? So they are looking at a mom who is trying to "do it all" and offering up that doing so may be hard.


    One of my son's doctors didn't know we homeschooled and when I mentioned he (knowing how many kiddos I have) did look a little concerned- but I took it as a look of concern for me. As in "Mom, you need to make sure you get breaks, etc." Because the truth is, I do need breaks. I just make sure DH is there it provide them.

    :auto: (Me heading to the store all by myself!)



    I talk very openly with my son's primary therapist about making sure I am providing what the ps would for him. I make it clear that I am open to constructive criticism and if she thinks there's something missing from our work at home she's to let me know. She has said that if I want to ps, she will help me get the paperwork and make it happen, but she's not pushing that direction. Again, the feedback I get is that undertaking to do it all on my own is a big deal and she is genuinely concerned.


    I don't really have the best temperament for homeschooling to begin with and fun isn't my strong suite. So I'm definitely open to her suggestions on finding balance within the parameters of our school choices.

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