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Posts posted by MomatHWTK

  1. We are using the VP self-paced study this year so I just read the chapter that I think best matches what we are studying via VP. I pause now and then to let our VP course catch up and sometimes I supplement with videos or other materials. I found a $1 e-book at Scholastic that has additional reference materials and will use some of those to go along. It's fun for me to study the time period so I'm willing to do a little extra. ;)

  2. We started homeschooling my first because of really severe food allergies. So he's never been in the school system. But I know many other families do manage to navigate their child's attendance so I could have done so. Now, he has other issues that make it a relief that he's not in school. But again, other families work with the school and I imagine we could as well if we wanted.


    What you will have to consider going forward is which path you think is best suited for you and your child. Either way, there will be a learning curve as far as meeting her needs. I don't know that one way is better than the other, they are just different paths.


    Hope you get some useful information on Monday. :)

  3. In the past they have offered a preview week once a year. I think I received an e-mail a few times telling me about it. You might try signing up for their e-mail list and see what they offer. I downloaded several readers at the time but never used them. It seems like if I don't use something within an hour of printing it I lose it and never remember to use it with the kids. :glare:

  4. If you get the TM for HWOT, there are descriptives for each type of line used to make the various letters. Then the child's workbook groups letters by line type. For instance, the curved shaped for letter "C" is called the magic "C" and it demonstrated like the line formed by a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat. (Or something like that- I didn't really do any of the fun stuff as I had a very "just the facts" kid.)


    Basically you have your short and long straight lines, and your small and large curves and all the letter then use those 4 types of lines. The program also offers wooden manipulatives, a "mat man" character, etc.

  5. She had a child in a similar situation and made him continue going to school? She's trying her best to validate her decision by talking out loud.


    I would take the talking directly to dd to mean that she thinks she knows how to handle the issue because of her ds and thinks that you can't. I really don't like it when someone thinks they need to be my child's therapist. Yuck!

  6. Particularly with the ADD, etc. it is VERY hard for me and my oldest (both ADD/ADHD) to tolerate the constant pestering of questions. The best thing we can do is walk away sometimes. If Ds can't get away when he feels like he's going to blow, then he's kind of stuck. If the other child is allowed to pursue, then he's trapped. That's pretty much a no-win situation.


    If she was already pushed past her limits by the younger child, and then your DH decided to add to the pressure, yeah- she's going to blow. I probably couldn't stop myself from blowing in that situation. (Not that my lack of self-control is a good thing, but I know my limits!)


    She vented in the text. But, she's telling you that she needs help, she needs space and she needs understanding. If she doesn't get those, then the agressiveness and hostility will probably continue. Is she in therapy for any of her conditions? Medication? Those are serious issues to have to try to navigate on your own.

  7. I would advise (from personal experience) taking a step back and taking as long as you need to evaluate what your true and ultimate goals are for your child and whether your approach and response to him are achieving that.


    I know with my DS, his mannerisms trigger a very negative response from me. Intellectually, I know he can't help some of his behavior and that if I respond negatively it will escalate, but I can't help it! So a great deal of our work between therapy sessions involves how I anticipate and respond to DS' behavior and reactions as much as DS learning to control his behavior.


    If you are daily driven to the point of exasperation, then something has to change and it may be that in the short term what has to change is your goals.


    I'm sorry I don't know your background- how long you've been at this. We're about 16 months into the process so we are just now getting to a point where things are calm most days. I still have to walk on eggshells quite a bit though. :sad:

  8. Have you had spring break yet? I'd consider pulling her out then. It's a clean break and the teacher will probably cooperate since she's so negative anyway. I would think that, if you are going to continue with her in ps, you'll need to get a diagnosis so that you can insist on accomodations.


    She's already unhappy about the reading group. If you taking her out of the school makes her unhappy you are just trading one upsetting situation for another and at least at home all day you'll be there to make her feel better, right?

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