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Posts posted by MomatHWTK

  1. Triple Paste is an $ rash lotion, but well worth it. This will help in the healing process while you figure out the problem. We did not use cloth, but my DS was allergic to almost all detergents as a child. Even someone who used a scented detergent on their clothing would cause his face to break out if he was held by them.


    We use All Free & Clear, but I don't know if that will have the bacteria killed effect you need. I hope you can clear baby up. :grouphug:

  2. For non-horse people I'd say yes. For horse people, I would guess 11 doesn't seem that young to be up on a horse unattended. Hard to say, when we had horses when I was a kid we probably had way too much freedom. ;)


    If I were paying for lessons, I'd probably expect the instructor to be around. But, then again, if your DD is outside lesson time and just hanging around the horses, the instructor may think you are ok with her being alone with them. I hope you can raise the issue delicately.

  3. Meet the Masters introduces several artists. There are art projects for each lesson, but we actually started skipping those toward the end of the series and just watched the lessons. Creativity Express has a a light version of introducing the arts, but also has some "how to" components. Classics for kids is an online site for composers. Several philharmonics around the country have websites as well.


    Google offers 360 degree views inside several art galleries. If you want to just have some images to go along with your books, you could pre-search each day and then pull up the images you want.

  4. Have him draw the problem.


    Draw Jess with 5 apples (or just the apples).


    Now draw Dave with 5 apples. Then draw "two more" for Dave.




    Be sure to explain that even if the problem doesn't say, "Dave has the same amount of apples as Jess plus two more," that is what it means. See if that can solidfy it.


    If that's not working, ask him to start with Dave. How many apples does Dave have? "He has two more than Jess."


    Ok, so we know Dave has at least 2 because he has 2 more than Jess.


    What do we need to know to figure out how many he has? The "than Jess" part. So Jess' apples plus 2 are Dave's.


    I'm sure you've already done some of this. But be sure to draw lots of pictures as you are talking. I use a dry erase board- a lot. ;-)


    And sometimes it still doesn't click. :banghead:

  5. I say this with the benefit of hindsight and some regret...


    I would work with specialists to determine what her actual areas of difficulty are first, and then work on teaching her in the areas she struggles.


    I went on my own to teach DS to read and though I had managed it because he is reading well now. However, I didn't realize that the problem went significantly deeper than just struggling with reading. So now, I am having to come up with accomodations, work through bad feelings (because of past struggles) and make decisions daily about what is enough for a 5th grader rather than a 1st grader. I feel the pressure much more now as we are approaching middle school than I would have if we were just starting out. Plus, I will never know how far we could be by now if I'd implemented the right accomodations and remediations earlier.

  6. The author is paid for the initial purchase but not each time the book is borrowed. I think the volume of libraries and the fact that they often purchase multiple copies probably helps make up for the potential loss in sales. Plus, many of those copies would not be purchased by individual consumers they would just never be read. Not everyone would purchase every cute picture book they saw. KWIM?

  7. I think there are probably all different church systems for all different kinds of people, different places spiritually, etc. This set up doesn't sound like the one for you. It wouldn't be for me either. I agree, knowing what the teacher is like is about what kind of teaching they will be doing not just the background check. :)

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