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Posts posted by Delighted3

  1. I have used SWR, but I have only looked at LOE. SWR is definitely cheaper and it can be the only spelling program that you ever buy for all your kids

    . There can be quite a bit of writing depending on what you require. There is writing phonograms, writing the spelling list from dictation, and quizzing words. Some of this can be done orally and you can also start slowly with doing a limited amount of words per day and work up to more. SWR has a lot more extensive word lists. The word lists in LOE are not nearly as comprehensive and you will have to use something else after LOE. I do like the grammar component in LOE, but it hasn't enticed me enough to switch. I think LOE probably has more hand holding using the method and planning the lessons, but SWR has tons of online support and is very easy to use once you get past the learning curve. SWR really worked for my kids.


  2. I had a miscarriage 10 years ago. I spotted and went to the dr. at 10 weeks. They did an ultrasound and found an empty sac. I opted to just let things happen naturally. It took about 30 days of off and on spotting and finally a lot of bleeding like a heavy period for about 12 hours before it was over. I am sorry you are having to go through this.


  3. I have done the binder thing for years, but for the last year I have been using Plan to Eat. I love it. It is so easy. Mostly drag and drop. It is accessible from all my devices, even my phone at the grocery store. I didn't like the idea of typing in all my recipes either, but I have been able to find most of them online and then it is a simple matter of importing or just copy and paste and then import. I think they still offer a free trial for a month.


  4. http://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Naturals-Childrens-Strawberry-16oz/dp/B004T7DYOO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1358220919&sr=8-6&keywords=nordic+naturals+dha+strawberry


    We have been using this. After browsing at the Natural Food Store, this is the best concentration/dose that I found. This bottle has 192 doses with 618 total omega 3's per dose. The dose is 1/2 tsp.

    The break down of Omega 3 is:

    EPA 205mg

    DHA 300mg

    Other 113mg

    Oleic Acid (Omega-9) 300mg

    It also contains Vitamins A,D,and E, but I am mostly using it for the Omega 3's.



  5. I had 6. I even had a vertical incision because the 1st was an emercency. With the 4th and 5th, I had a great OB who told us he would tell us if he ever thought it would be too risky to keep having more children. We moved to another state before getting pregnant with our 6th, so I had to find a new OB. She was great too, but I could tell she wasn't as comfortable with the 6th c-section. She did advise me during my pregnancy when I had gestational diabetes that she would not advise another pregnancy. We had already decided not to have anymore children, so I was fine with it, but if I had wanted another one, I probably would have considered finding another dr.



    What I'm mostly getting is that the intellectual side is more important. Not good news here. And no, he has never read any book, even in his few years at school.

    He does run his own business and does his own bookwork.


    I don't necessarily equate intelligence with being an intellectual or with level of education. Like I previously said, my husband doesn't read much, but we are fairly equal in intelligence level. I don't try to discuss the classics with him and he doesn't discuss the working of computers or HVAC with me. And if we do, then the other listens politely with a glazed over look until we can move on. Not lack of intelligence on either side, just a lack of interest. LOL I also think some intellectuals need to be paired with someone with a lot of plain old common sense which it sounds like your guy has if he successfully runs his own business.


    A good friend, educated, intellectual and a reader who knows us both, carefully commented (when asked), "He's not an intellectual."

    "And he might be a bit OCD."

    "Have you seen how clean his house is!? "


    "But he is a good man."


    Well, good men are hard to find.


    I leave a trail of destruction behind me. And am very ADD; about to get assessed, watch this space.

    He would have a LOT to deal with. But seems interested.


    Maybe a nice solid down to earth guy is just what you need. Someone who will take care of the minutia in life while you have your head stuck in a book. LOL.


    Maybe I should have started with the question...Would you/have you paired with someone who is not an intellectual?


    It's early enough to just be really comfortable, and while that might sound very middle aged, it is also really...comfortable. Which feels very good. Particularly after the last few years.


    I wish you the best of luck. I wouldn't give up on a nice man just because he doesn't read, but I would make sure that he isn't so dull that he bores you to death in the future or that he will make decisions that will drive you crazy for the rest of your life because he has no common sense.


  7. Even at 8, I expect a child to show some ownership of his activities. If he is unwilling to practice with his Dad for 2 years or show any enthusiasm for the sport, then I don't think he really has an interest in the sport. I also don't think it unreasonable for a child to have to choose when it comes to outside activities. I know a lot of families who limit their kids to one outside activity. Why can't soccer be his thing? We are also talking about money/time resources. As a parent, I think it is OK to say that I don't think that is the best use of our family's resources.



  8. I'm just scared if I have another csection, I won't be able to have any more children.




    Many women have had more than three c/s. I know several women that have had 4-5, an online friend hs had 6 and is expecting again. Research, find a good midwife, and don't allow yourself to be bullied. <<hugs>>



    I just wanted to agree with this. I had 6 c-sections. Not to discourage you from seeking a vbac. Just letting you know my experience.


  9. I personally am tired of being told that I need to compromise my health or the health of my family for the sake of others or to save people money or to fulfill some government mandate. My family is very healthy. We don't get flu shots or any other vaccines either. That is a choice we have made. One of my children has asthma/food allergies and I have to work hard to keep her healthy especially in flu season. As stated before, vaccinations are somewhat of a crapshoot on how effective they are. I would like the freedom to make the choice that is best for my family.


  10. I don't care how the toilet paper is on the roll, but my husband is adamant that it should go over, so I just set it on the sink and let him deal with it :001_tt2:

    On the other hand, I would never rearrange things at someone else's house. I do shut cupboard doors. I am kind of compulsive like that with doors and cupboards. Can't stand to see them ajar.


  11. A couple of more that I have thought since last night.


    *I am enjoying reading about everyone's less than stellar habits. I am not sure what that says about me.

    *We own the entire series of "Friends' and have watched them all the way through 5 times.

    *My kids have also watched them.

    *I complain a lot. I try not to, but if people aren't making me happy, I figure they can't fix it if they don't know about it. By people, I mean husband.

    *I sometimes made my older children change my younger children's diapers.

    *We have a dog that has never been to the vet.

    *I don't let my kids climb up the slide at the park or sit on top of the play structure. (After the other thread, I am not sure if that is good or bad)

    *I didn't let my kids chew gum for about 7 years because I knew one of the girls would get it in their hair.

    *I often go to bed before my kids


    *I still don't have my Christmas tree up.

  12. Ok, I am not sure how honest I can be about myself to myself, let alone others.


    *I cook with cream of whatever soup

    *we eat out .. a lot

    *My kids and I sleep in until at least 10:00 in the morning unless we have somewhere to be. My husband leaves for work at 7 AM.

    *I had my first child before I was 20

    *He was born 6 months after my wedding and very close to his due date

    *I eat lunch out with a friend at least once a week without my children.

    *I don't like other people's children

    *I haven't had babies for several years, but they all slept in a crib with drop down sides on their tummies and with blankets.

    *I don't buy organic food even though I could afford it if I quite eating out.

    *I don't wash the sheets every week. Sometimes not every month.

    *I read romance novels regularly.

    *I taught my kids that all ice cream trucks are driven by child molesting drug dealers.

    *I got drunk recently for the first time in about 20 years and when my kids said something to me about it the next day, I totally denied it.


    That's about all I can confess to right now.

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