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Posts posted by fraidycat

  1. On 9/29/2023 at 1:08 AM, Frances said:

    And in the US we still haven’t had a female president despite electing some epically unqualified (but tall!) men. If this isn’t evidence that misogyny is alive and well, I’m not sure what is.

    Canada is not doing any better on this front. There was apparently once a female PM for a couple months, because she assumed the position when the male PM resigned. 
    We currently do not have female national party leadership in any of the viable parties.



    • Sad 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, saraha said:

    Wow, this seems appropriate as I see two more threads on misogyny! What a weird coincidence 

    Seems to be the topic du jour. I haven't had a chance to read much of the other ones yet - just quick skims, but I can sympathize with amount of privilege my cis, het, white, DH has and his absolute cluelessness about it.

    • Like 3
  3. 54 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

    I have to disagree with this.

    I'm sure it's true with some people, but my parents and grandparents all lived into their 80s and 90s, and "slow" wasn't in their vocabulary -- they were all very active and efficient. Even when my grandma was 97, she didn't do anything slowly! 

    My own dh would qualify as being an "old person," and he has more energy than most people half his age. (I'm 60, so I'm probably "old" by a lot of people's standards, too, but I would prefer not to think about that if you don't mind. 😉 )

    I'm 47, and I think my 84 year old aunt could run circles around me. I don't know where she finds the energy. 

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  4. On 9/19/2023 at 6:43 PM, Scarlett said:

    Can we discuss this? 

    So honestly how do we explain this? To me every birth seems fraught with emotional land mines and disappointment. Yes, we all know it is the moms body etc…..but why are we cutting out family completely? Is there not a mid ground of everyone in delivery room vs no one is allowed on hospital grounds?

    How to explain: personal autonomy. Period.

    There was no complete cutting of family - both mothers were there. So this is a hyberbolic question based on nothing factual.

    The mid ground is "we'd love a visit when we get home and settled". 

    • Like 10
  5. On 9/17/2023 at 7:03 AM, Dianthus said:

    I saw the goat first.i can see the bird but that's an ear not a beak.

    I saw the "goat" first too, but the eye is wrong for a goat, so I vote that it's a beak, not an ear.

    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

    I think we are going to do something along there. Mark is starting to research it. I don't think the county will let us disturb the ditch, but there must be something we can do to reinforce the fence, and prevent vehicles from coming through there. I mean, I don't want anyone to die if they lose control, but I feel pretty strongly about protecting our grandchildren. 

    I wish the road had some serious rumble strips to get driver's attention. I wonder about double fencing, another row three feet inside the first so if a car hits the first one, it should maybe slow it down enough it can't penetrate the second row. 

    Maybe just stronger fencing would work. If the original is PVC, what about stone/brick "posts" with wood or metal rails. Or even all metal with 4" or 6" metal tubing cemented down in the post holes with wood or metal rails or panels.

    This and this is what I mean by metal tubing, not the skinny, round galvanized stuff. This is what my brother used for fence posts. He welded some square pieces on with holes drilled and we hung premade wood panels between for privacy fencing in town. He might need to replace the wood panels some day (or next owners might), but those posts are going to be standing straight and strong for decades. I'm willing to bet that these 1/4" thick metal (or more) tubes would do a decent job of slowing or stopping a vehicle.


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  7. That sounds like a whole heaping helping of "when something happens". Multiple somethings all at once. Hugs.

    Fall IS a good season to re-evalute and change up some routines ... AFTER you are feeling better. Right now, you are (and should be) in survival mode. Resting and regaining is the current "must do" on your list. The rest of the to do list is negotiable.

    While you are resting, we can help you start to brainstorm some routine efficiencies and margin creators if you want. 

    • Like 6
  8. 12 hours ago, Ginevra said:

    Another hate-watching-football person here. I don’t understand much of the game strategy and there’s just close to nothing I want to spend time on less than watching football, whether on TV or in person. 

    I do like watching baseball (by comparison; I don’t seek it out but I’ll watch if I’m not busy). I liked watching my kids when they played baseball. I understand most of baseball strategy and good hits/catches/running really is thrilling to watch, especially when it’s your kid, your nephew or their teammates. 🙂 

    All of my kids played soccer for years and years and I never understood the Off Sides call. It was explained to me forty thousand times but it still doesn’t make sense to me. 

    I'll watch kids play ball, but I'd rather watch paint dry than watch an MLB game on t.v. 😂😂😂 Live might be a smidge better, but on t.v. it is soooooooo sloooooooooowwwwww.

    • Haha 1
  9. 9 hours ago, ktgrok said:

    1. I follow the person with the ball not really the ball. And even then, sometimes it is hard. that's why they have replays 🙂

    2. I have a VERY odd reaction to the sounds of football in the background - it makes me very sleepy. Now, if it is my team and I'm actively watching it doesn't make me sleepy. But if I'm in the next room or not following the game instant nappy time. BECAUSE....my dad used to make us kids go take naps so he could watch the 1pm Dolphins games, lol. So football commentators in the next room were my weekend nap soundtrack. Now it is just ingrained. 

    huh...wonder if I could put on a game on low volume to help my perimenopause insomnia....

    As newlyweds, football on Sunday was a ritual for DH & I and another couple. We took turns hosting to watch all the games. Except, I fell asleep every Sunday - my house or theirs didn't matter. I just could not stay awake. So I get it. Football = Sunday afternoon naps.

    It's not even a matter of not liking or understanding the game. I both like and understand and have attended both NFL and CFL games live. It was just something about the sounds and the t.v.


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  10. This job/employer does not seem like a good fit in this season of life for the teen. I would encourage them to go ahead and give their notice so that the job does not interfere with their EC activity schedule. They've got decades to work for possibly crappy bosses with inflexible schedules, so if the job is not necessary, let them be a kid for a couple more years. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Katy said:

     I would check google for a scrapbook store near you. I don’t know if any outlasted the pandemic, but the one in our old town had a wall of mostly gel pens you could purchase individually. It’s possible a scrapbook store online would let you do that too. 

    Otherwise you might need to use markers. 

    Many Michael's stores have pens you can purchase individually. Not in the scrapbook area, but usually across the store from the scrapbook supplies, so check the whole store.

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