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Hillary in KS

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Posts posted by Hillary in KS

  1. Based on the response from my similar post last week, I ordered directly from Book Depository in the UK. The order process went very smoothly, and the order has already shipped. I'm hoping it'll arrive this week.


    I'm more comfortable ordering from someplace in the US, but Horrible books didn't have what I wanted and wouldn't be ordering for another month or so. Several people commented on the excellent service from Book Depository, so I purchased there.

  2. Living History Farms: http://www.lhf.org/

    Go on a weekend if you can, when there are plenty of interpreters there to show you arond. We spent the entire day there, and had a WONDERFUL time!


    Also, we enjoyed touring the Capitol Building, believe it or not. We took a guided tour and had a woderful time. I blogged about both places. Here is the link: http://harmsinoz.blogspot.com/2006/09/andwere-back.html


    Have fun!

  3. Well, I've done it two different ways: twice starting with newborns, and once starting with a four month old.


    The first thing I must say is DO NOT BE A SCHEDULE NAZI! The schedule is a tool to help develop a rhythm for your child's day. It is not an absolute ("Baby is hungry, but he must wait another 30 minutes to eat", etc.) INot that you would do that, but too many parents use Babywise inflexibly, causing heath issues for baby - not good.


    Anyway, with both the newborns I spent the first week or two just getting adjusted to having them around and getting my milk established. During this time, we sort of naturally fell into a feeding rhythm. With each child, I sensed how long they'd normally go before getting hungry (not going over 4 hours between feedings), and start from there.


    I awakened them at the same time every morning, and then did the eat, wake, sleep cycle from there. gently, over the course of several days, we'd adjust to a fairly regular pattern of nursing.


    With the 4 month old, we already were nursing at regular intervals, I just implemented the eat/wake/sleep schedule and made sure to awaken him at the same time each morning.


    One of my babies was a great sleeper. I could lay him in the crib awake, and he'd fall asleep on his own. The other two needed a bit more training, but I did not let them "cry it out" until they were closer to age 1. Under 6 months, we rocked to sleep, and laid down together, etc.


    I hope this helps. Babywise can be a good tool, if used moderately and wisely.

  4. I've never ordered from Amazon grocery, but this weekend I learned that they carry Salsa Lizano.


    I have not found a store in the US that carries it - even the Hispanic bodegas in my city look at me funny when I ask if they carry it. I *miss* salsa lizano, and I have several recipes that just don't taste right without it.


    I'll try ordering once to see how it goes. :)



  5. I'm probably echoing everyone here, but I'd start with a hearing test first. Our ds had similar issues. We visited an audiologist first, and she ran several simple tests that gave us an indication of what was going on. Even if there had been no hearing issues, it would have been good to rule those out.


    After that we asked our ped. to refer us to a private SLP for an evaluation. We were sent to the local Easter Seals organization, who did a thorough 2 hour evaluation of both articulation and language skills. It was the best thing we've done for our ds. After 4 months of speech therapy he is MUCH more understandable.


    We've been trying to get him help since he was 5. School evaluators and doctors just told us to wait until he was in 3rd grade - he'd outgrow his issues. Finally (he just turned 7) we decided to just DO it, have him evaluated, and more forward. He's made tremendous gains, but I wish we'd done this two years ago, instead of waiting for others to get on board with us. :)

  6. I'm glad you got help. I think I've seen this movie. They went to the University of Micihgan and the story is set during the annual big game vs Ohio State that they watch on TV. Is that familiar?


    I could have swore Jeff Goldblum was in it, but he's not in the credits for Last Spper so I may be thinking of something else.


    Volty, I think you're thinking of "The Big Chill."

  7. These latest Austen movies (Persuasion, Mansfield Park, and the new Sense and Sensibility that I saw on YouTube) seem to me like Muzak interpretations of the classic Austen stories. At least they provide a good opportunity for me to read the books again to get this fluff out of my mind. :)


    Melissa! What a great comparison! Austen remakes to Muzak. Brilliant!

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