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Posts posted by Mommamia

  1. There has been some discussion about Galloping the Globe lately so I'm hoping that someone will give me input. I would like to do some sort of fun, passport included, trip around the world this year as next yr we will do a yr on the United States. With that, I've been seriously considering GTG.

    I cannot get a good feel for it. Is it possible for me to just print off worksheets for fun from Enchantedlearning.com and map out our own study or would it be easier to stick to GTG(or TAW)?



  2. I had the next manual (Little hearts) and was not fond of the bible activities and choice for reading either. I moved on.....


    I may try the level after that next year(Beyond).


    I used a preschool all in one book a couple yrs ago and recently pulled it out to look at. You may want to check it out. I've actually pulled things out I'm going to use again. It's called Bright Beginnings by Tammy Shaw. There is a website, I just can't think of it. The Bible teaching may be more of what you are looking for, plus you don't have to buy any other books-it's all in the manual.



  3. I've read a few comments that it's ok to hold off on grammar until 2nd grade. On the flip side, I've read that many people use FLL,WWE etc in 1st.

    I've been doing FLL with my 6 yr old boys......but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time. They still need much practice with their handwriting. I have WWE and it looks wonderful. I've decided to hold off on it till Jan at the earliest because I want their handwriting to improve first. Should I hold off on FLL as well? BTW-they read fairly well.

    Those who have gone through 1st grade what do you think?



  4. I find autoimmune issues can trigger depression, but also hormonal imbalances can. An imbalance of progesterone to estrogen can cause depression, fatique and a ton of other issues(for me infertility). I'm in no way an expert,just someone who has struggled with these issues and went undiagnosed for yrs. Seriously, 3 out of 4 weeks a month I felt in a funk. I had to really "encourage" my DR to look into these issues. They found autoimmune and hormone issues. I take progesterone cream topically now and I know that has helped. My dh wants me to have the ph level in my blood checked as well.....acidic blood can cause a ton of issues that can go mis-diagnosed.


    Trying to structure my day was actually causing me to be more depressed. My kids were sad, I was sad, Dh was totally frustrated. Now that I'm trying to have a routine, but not a schedule- I'm feeling better. Less pressure. But, I have to say, you can have 2 identical days.....but if you are feeling depressed on one of those.....they can seem totally different. Did that make sense?? Just wanted to let you know....I'm with ya:grouphug:

  5. From my blog:





    A Beautiful, Horrific Day


    I originally posted this two years ago. I am posting it again because it still sums up my feelings about this day in history. Hug your babies, tell people you love them, tell them again. Look intently into the eyes of those who mean the most to you. Listen to their laughter and keep it close to your heart. Look for the holy in the commonplace.



    There are so many memories of that day. It was an extraordinarily beautiful fall day. We had no idea how it would end.


    I read the paper while drinking my coffee. I thought that the biggest news of the day was that the Bishop had Alzheimer's Disease. My husband called me and said to turn on the tv because a plane had flown into the World Trade Center.

    It all happened in a blur after that. I just stood there, transfixed in front of the tv set. I called a couple of friends to make sure they watched too, but I just stood there, staring. It was so confusing at first, I remember wondering how on earth they would be able to reconnect the top and bottom of the first tower that was hit. I wondered how a pilot could go so off course as to run into a skyscraper. And then I heard one of the newscasters suggest that it was an act of terror.



    How could that happen?

    And the rest went by in a blur. I was standing there watching in live time when the second plane flew in and hit the other tower. I was standing there when they collapsed. It was amazing that the sky was so blue that day, the sun so bright and suddenly there was a blizzard-like dust falling from the sky. People ran away, crying, covered in debris.


    I live in a bedroom community in NJ. My husband commutes to the city every day. We were all deeply, personally affected by the murders that took place on September 11, 2001. I am thankful that I didn't personally know anyone who died, but that doesn't even matter to me because I feel as though I knew many of them. Todd and Lisa Beamer attended the church that several of my friends attend. The husband of a woman who attended my MOPS group was killed. I went to pick my husband up at the commuter parking lot and there were just so many extra cars there for days and days. How many of those cars belonged to victims, I'll never know, but I can imagine.


    I think that those of us who live in NY, NJ, PA, Southern CT, and the DC area share a sadly unique bond. For weeks afterwards (it felt like months) the daily newspapers listed the names of those whose remains had been found, or of those who were still unaccounted for. We turned on the tv and every newscast featured some poor, tortured soul holding up a wedding or graduation picture of their missing loved one. I particularly remember a man whose wife had died, leaving him with a 6 month old baby. He had a freezer full of her breast milk, so at least she could continue to nourish her baby after she had died.


    And so I sobbed off and on all morning today. I listened to the reading of the names at the Ground Zero Memorial Service because I need to hear their names. Each one of those people meant the world to someone, they must be acknowledged.


    This is still so fresh for many, many of us. But no matter how long I live, I dare not allow myself to forget. I watch the coverage and let myself grieve because I want to remember how personal and how all consuming the sadness was.


    Wow! That gave me chills. The boy I knew(who died that day)lived in a small, close community in NJ. His SIL and BIL also lost their lives that day.

  6. Thanks for the input so far!


    Adventures looks interesting to me. I would consider it for next yr, which would be our official 1st grade-7yr old yr. I like the idea of the state study.

    But, then I think.....I can make my own state study. This may sound totally crazy, but would it do me any good to have the TM on hand? Just for reference, sort of a guide for me to plan my own thing. Not worth it?

  7. I have my curriculum all set, pretty much from WTM suggestions. My boys are 6 and doing a mix of K/1st work. All of a sudden I'm thinking about My Father's World-constantly. :tongue_smilie:


    It's driving me crazy. Anyone using it for the first time this yr and in love/dislike with it? Is the TM worth the price? I tried Heart of Dakota which is similar and was not in love with it(shelved it). Is MFW meatier?


    I don't want to ask on the MFW site, I'm guessing they will all give positive reviews.



  8. We have a cape cod style house, 2 bedrooms up with the master down. The crazy thing is that one of the rooms up is about half the size of the house. If we had our wits about us at the time we should have split the room into 2 (future project).


    I'm obsessed with deciding how to use the room. It currently is used as a play room. It contains all the toys, tv and Wii plus a big leather couch. The problem is I don't like spending time in the room because it just seems too big, almost like I can't focus. It's not cozy. The other bedroom is T shaped and smaller,currently holding 2 full beds for our twins. Our room is downstairs.


    How would you use these rooms?

    Should I make the T shaped room into the school room, plus a few toys? I would then move the boys bedroom into the big room. Keeping it simple with a few pieces of furniture.


    OR....should I move our bedroom up into the T room, move the boys bedroom into the big room(w/toys) and use the master bedroom as the school room? We have a large bathroom and closet down that I would continue to use.


    Or just keep it the same! Ugh!Thanks for input!

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