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Posts posted by Mommamia

  1. Thanks for sharing your views all!

    I'm shy too--I totally stepped out of my comfort zone by telling her.


    My thought was that I would have felt so weird knowing so many things about her(because of what she has shared on her blog) but then pretending that I did not know her.


    Should I send her some sort of email explaining that I feel silly having mentioned her blog? Or, would that be just making things worse??

  2. I need to set my question up for you :)

    Last year, on a curriculum message board I met a local woman. She shared about her homeschool group-and then I joined. She also shared her blog with me.....I've enjoyed reading it ever since. I also recently started my own blog.


    Ok....so on this ladies blog, she lists other blogs(including mine). I started casually reading a couple of the blogs(off and on). I realized that one of the blog writers also belongs to the homeschool group that I joined. Last night, I went to a homeschool meeting(for the moms). I met a woman and realized that I read her blog. So, I told her..." I feel like I know you, I read your blog." I told her that I found it off of so and so's blog. All she said was "oh". I tried chatting with her and then gave up.


    My question is....Should I NOT have told her that I read her blog???


    I'm also wondering if, maybe, she reads my blog and just did not say anything. I can tell from my stat counter that local people are reading.

  3. I clicked to reply and now I'm stumped. Our children are bi-racial, we are caucasian. While filling out forms, in some cases, we are able to check the bi-racial box. Other times, we are only given the option of black or white?? What then do we choose? Our boys say that they have brown skin:).


    I'm guessing, that because we(their parents) are white----most people will consider them white?? Some only see them as black. It's sort of a quandry for us.

  4. I completely agree that they are a lot of work. Many times after a play date I think "why do I put myself through this". We usually do them for dinner now(as a family). The kids have time with friends, dh and I have adult time. We are all happy! Plus, when it's in the evening.....having a glass of wine sure helps too.

  5. I have been struggling to use MUS Alpha with my DD. I am trying to wrap my brain around why Alpha starts out with place value. She can go through the motions, all be it painfully, but I am not under the illusion that she understands place value. We struggle with it every day and she needs help with every problem. Is this typical?


    Yesterday I handed her a sheet with addition on it from another math program and expected to sit down and help her, by the time I made it over she had it done. I was singing for joy, but it had me pondering my math choice at the moment.




    :iagree:We went from MUS Alpha to Horizons 1, early in the yr. Alpha was just not working for us. My boys actually seem to enjoy Horizons.

  6. Thank you, everyone, for all your input! I'm pretty sure we have some sort of special filter(possibly infra-red?) on our furnace. I remember it costing a ridiculous amount(more than I was used to for a filter). Our son has asthma/allergies so we upgraded our filter. I was told that it only needed changing twice a year.....and we have changed it since we moved in. Hmmm, maybe it needs changing.


    I think we need a better vacuum as well. Thanks again!

  7. We built and moved into our home 1 yr ago. We have hardwoods throughout and forced air heating. I swiffer, vacuum and dust every day.


    Each morning there is a layer of visible dust. It's making me crazy! Our last home had baseboard heat and carpeting. Could it be that I notice the dust more because of the hardwoods? Do you have to dust every day? Is the dust noticeable in your home? Any advice would be appreciated. Even as I write this I see little dust fairies floating around(very sunny day).


    I guess I would like to know if this amount of dust is normal(and I'm just ignorant) or how to conquer it/what's causing it??



  8. Over the past year, I've had 2 blood tests come back with high Bad cholesterol levels. My overall cholesterol level went from 195 down to 186. The problem is that my bad cholesterol is high and my good cholesterol is low. I'm not sure which is which-LDL and HDL.


    I'm a 41 yr old women, not overweight, physically active and a healthy eater. I will eat red meat, but not often. Maybe a good burger here and there. I rarely eat dairy. Maybe cheese or ice cream once in a while. Any ideas on how to increase the good and lower the bad?


    My 75yr father just had a heart attack. Surgery showed that he had 85% clogged arteries.

    Thanks for any info!

  9. I've been trying to spend less time....it's a hard addiction to break. There are times when I'm too tired to do some of the things around the house, the boys are occupied and I just want to veg! I wake saying that I'm not turning the comp. on until a certain time and then I start negotiating with myself ....and then it's on!! :glare:


    But, things I have read or learned on the computer have been invaluable! Plus becoming friends IRL with someone from THIS board has been an unexpected blessing. We now chat on the phone regularly-she's wonderful!

  10. Sounds like today at my house! My boys have just wanted to play and then play some more. From what I have seen in my boys and those around us.....many boys (especially in the early years) really need to use those big muscles a lot!

    He is still so young. Remember when we were in K?! I remember warm milk and cookies and playing with play dough----good times. Maybe finding some new books to spark his interest. Frog and Toad and Little Bear are favorites here. I really believe my boys learned to read from all their phonics toys---from playing.

    HTH or at least encourages!

  11. This is what works for us......we do MUS and Horizons. Reason being, some days they want a little color on their page. Silly but true. We are doing Horizons 1 and MUS Alpha. We skip many of the review pages in MUS--I was thinking of using them as review over the summer. For us, the 2 have lined up well together. We only do a page or 2 a day.

    BUT----big but....I'm still trying to decide if this is a good system. My fear is that I will confuse them. So far so good.:thumbup1:

  12. You are not the only one! My twin boys are 6, we consider this their K6 year. They will be 7 in 1st, 8 in 2nd. These are just the grades I will be reporting and considering them in......they are all over the board as far as abilities.


    We are the minority among homeschoolers in our area. Many with 6 yr olds say they are in 1st(even 2nd??). I'm SO happy we reported as K this yr(and that they will be 8 in 2nd). I have to say, for some odd reason, it makes me feel better knowing others have 6yr olds in K(7-1st etc).


    IMHO-I wish we could just say they are ___yrs old. instead of they are in ___grade.

  13. Just want to add as an extra.....There is a great m-f cloth bin organizer on wheels at Lowes. I cannot find a picture of it so I'll try to describe.

    It has a metal frame with different colored cloth bins hanging vertically. Each bin has a day of the week on it. My intention is to put our work for the day in a bin, when finished transfer to the next day. So far I'm just using it as storage. The great thing is that the bins are a nice muted color and you can roll it around wherever you like. It retails for $50. I purchased it with a coupon.HTH someone.

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