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Posts posted by alef

  1. I know it's frustrating, but I'm glad you recognized the symptoms for what they are. DH has been on an SSRI for years and has attempted to wean off several times. Every single time the depression comes back. Things going well in your life has nothing to do with it, this is a physical illness and doesn't disappear when things are going well. I know how frustrating it feels to be dependent on medication, but really I am just grateful we have medication that is effective.


    Sending hugs. Take care of yourself!

  2. One more thought: I am a fairly conservative person, raising my family in a conservative manner. When someone who in the past held similar beliefs and views makes choices that are counter to my family's fundamental beliefs and values, my relationship to and interactions with that person do change. It has happened more than once in my life. I don't cease to love the person, but the relationship changes when things we used to have in common are no longer shared; growing apart in values leads intentionally or unintentionally to more distance in the relationship. I don't know if this would be applicable to your situation or not, but where religious values are concerned it may. If it is, I would simply suggest remembering that you must make decisions about your own life and they must make decisions about theirs.

  3. I like the idea of writing a letter, though you might wait to present it in person. I have seen in person explanations get off track when emotions ran high on both sides, and things that should have been explained never were. A letter would ensure that you have the chance to explain things as you want to, either before or after an in person discussion.

  4. I don't believe that wearing jumpers necessarily means the wearer is trying to hide her figure or to purposely look unattractive, as some seem to think. A denim jumper or skirt is a casual, practical outfit, like a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Some women wear skirts and dresses, not because of religious reasons, but for their own personal reasons, whatever they may be. Maybe it's too hot for jeans to be comfortable. Maybe a woman is heavy in the legs and has trouble finding pants to fit her. Maybe she just likes denim jumpers and skirts. Isn't t nice that we have so many choices?

    I wear long skirts a lot because I find them comfortable and yes because I have a hard time finding pants I like. Jumpers seem impractical for breast feeding... A major consideration for me!

  5. Yes, one can imagine how irksome it must be for the people on the ground who actually know something to have a boss who doesn't and to have to live with the resulting gaffes, big mistakes that did not have to be made, etc. 


    So why aren't more career diplomats appointed? How does that work? It often appears that diplomats are appointed as a reward for something or other. "Hey I don't have a cabinet position, but how about an appointment as ambassador to some stable country?" I wonder if career diplomats are appointed to less stable, less vacation-destination countries.  Hmmm.

    Yep, political appointment ambassadorships tend to go to people who were major campaign contributors, no experience necessary. And yes, some of these people make really dumb mistakes that cost the US a lot. I worked as a summer intern for a political appointee ambassador, he used to saunter into the office around 11 in the morning, then go to lunch from 12:00-3:00, then come back and hang around for a few hours to follow up on whether the right kind of ice cream had been ordered for his fourth of July party. Over all, he was a nice guy--but his deputy really ran the mission. Deputies are always career diplomats, which I suppose is how we survive the political appointee system. This fellow's office was plastered with pictures of himself and the then-current president, he needed everyone to know what good friends they were...but he couldn't remember to lock the classified documents safe when he was the last person out of the office.

  6. See the issues with phonics! Lol.


    As for Don vs dawn.

    How does every pronounce awww. Like "awww isn't she precious" I am pretty sure people don't saw "o she is precious"

    So dawn is d-awwww-n. Draw our the aww a bit.


    Don is d-o-n. Same o as in stop and dog and pond.

    Aw in "aw isn't she precious" sounds just like o in "what a cute dog"--they're both drawn out but still the same vowel sound.

  7. LOL! Okay, so how do you say the word "law"-- is there no "awe" sound at the end?

    Awe sound?


    Aw well now you see law and awe and aw and mom and sod and odd and awed and brawn and sawn and gone and jaw and claw and clod and maw and gnaw and paw and pawn and Ron and yawn and yon and top...they all have exactly the same sound.


    Yep, there's an awe sound--it's the exact same awe sound you hear in long. Kinda sad ain't it?

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