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Posts posted by abdesigns

  1. You can type the date in under the "activities" tab under (Edit Activities).  The only problem is that you can't have more than one assignment in a subject done on the same day.  So, I just ended up copying and pasting the extra activity with the assignment for that day, then I delete the previously scheduled assignment below.  Does that sense at all? So, sometimes a day will have a larger list. 

  2. We are using OM 7th right now. We love it! My 7th grader has gotten a lot out of it, and he loves the creative writing assignments. You're right though, would have loved more art lessons, but we do that on our own anyway. We used 6th grade OM the year before, and there are more art lessons in that book.

  3. I completely understand. I have Lupus, EoE, and Celiac. I'm currently on neocate and juicing. I miss food, I really really do. and I'm very grumpy about all of this (try not to show it). It's hard, especially when I'm still cooking for my family. I have no advice, but I can understand!

  4. We did K12 through Agora Cyber Charter. Traditional homeschooling is so much easier, and less time consuming. If you are doing it on your own, I'm sure it's easy enough, but through a Cyber, it's A TON more work. The reason we ultimately ended up leaving was because of all the test prep, to get ready for state PSSAs. We didn't have time for the actual curriculum, because my son had to be in test taking classes and such. I hear it's actually worse now. You could pay me to use a K12 charter again. I do love K12's curriculum though.

  5. We have two ferrets, and we absolutely love them. Word of warning though, I wouldn't get a Kit, they bite, a lot. It's how they play with each other, it doesn't hurt them, but it hurts humans, and they don't understand that. It takes about a year for them to figure it out. They aren't biting because they are being mean, they do it when they want attention, and when you give them love. It's just what they do to each other.


    How they smell depends on what you feed them. You just have to experiment until you find the right food. If you buy something that has fish, or a lot of oil in it, they will have that ferret musk smell. Ours don't have that musk smell, because we found the right food. Ultra Brand Select Ferret diet. Some people feed them kitten food, if you do that, they will stink.


    Their cages do have to be changed daily, but you would have to do that with cat litter as well.


    They have a nice big cage that they stay in. We let them out to play around the house about four hours every day. They are hilarious! You should close your bedroom doors, they could burrow into your mattress. Be careful with furniture, most ferret deaths are because of furniture accidents. Especially if you have a recliner.


    Each ferret has a very different personality. We have one that acts like a dog, if we leave the house while they are out, he will stay by the front door waiting for us to come home, and when we do, he follows us around the house. He's also very lovable and cuddly, he's also our biter, but now his bites are very gentle and don't hurt at all. Our other ferret is older, is not a cuddler, but was never a biter, he just walks around and does his own thing.


    I think ferrets are awesome! we are extremely happy with them!

  6. I have both EoE and Celiac, as well as Lupus and fibro. I'm currently off of the top 8 allergens (I'm an autoimmune disaster). What I've found is that a lot of my fibro and muscle pain is much better. I think that its worth a try, that being said, I would get the blood test for celiac before starting. The blood test is only accurate if you've been eating gluten. But there is no reason that you can't get rid of the other things starting now. But you can still have wheat as an allergen, but not have celiac.

  7. The doctor that I spoke with yesterday is a Rheumatologist. She diagnosed the Fibro and ordered all the blood work. She told me on the phone yesterday that I the blood work showed evidence of lung scaring, increased risk of blood clots and low antiobodies. The regular dr. mentioned the Scleroderma. IS that the same as lung scaring. I am almost certain that this is going to come back Pulmonary Fibrosis but I don't know. Trying to make sense of it all.


    Yes, Scleroderma can effect the lungs, in fact, a lot of the auto-immune diseases can effect the lungs. If you are seeing a Rheumy, then you are in good hands (hopefully). I know that with Lupus, you have an increased risk of blood clots.

  8. You need a Rheumatologist, because of the ANA, this is the doctor you want, right away. Trust me on this, we are similar. I have Lupus, Celiac, EoE, possible Scleroderma, and possible stomach cancer, so I'm an old pro at auto-immune issues (just not the cancer, don't know what the heck is going on there, and wasn't expecting it). The tests for Sci-70 is for Scleroderma. You need to push this, and constantly ask questions. If a doctor doesn't respond to this, leave them, and find someone else. Your breathing problems can be auto-immune in nature, and if you have Scleroderma, lung activity is a possibility. A Rheumatologist is a good doctor to keep all of your other doctors straight, especially with the positive ANA, and they'll find you a pulmonary dr that knows what to do with your Sci-70 test results. Everything goes through my Rheumy, because almost everything is connected to an auto-immune, and that's what she does. It's all very terrifying, I know, but, you can be put on medication for it, and it can be stalled.


    I'll be thinking about you, please make sure to update!


  9. I don't know if anyone has posted this, but, if they move to the Maryland side, on the metro line, it wouldn't be that bad. Say, Takoma Park, College Park, Wheaton, or Silver Spring. They could ride the Green line, or Red Line and transfer at Union Station to all of the other lines. It's been six years since I've lived in the area, but I'm pretty sure that houses on the MD side were more affordable, and if his work hours are good, he can get to the pentagon in 30-40 minutes, sometimes quicker. I've always been partial to Takoma Park myself. I do think that homeschooling is harder in MD than VA though. In the correct places in Silver Spring, she would be able to walk to the Grocery Store, bookstores, etc...

  10. We are allergic to dogs here, and are allergic to the dogs that are supposed to be safe. In fact, poodles are the worst. Surprisingly, we read that ferrets are good, so we got tested, and all of us were fine with them. We have two right now, that it has stopped the begging for a dog. I will warn you though, if you go that route, choose an older ferret, the young ones bite, and it's hard to break them of it. When they get older, they are more cuddly, and they follow us around the way a dog would. In fact, if they are out of their cage when we leave the house, when we come back, they are at the door waiting for us. I like to think of them as really ugly dogs.

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