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Posts posted by abdesigns

  1. My rising 11th grader is still dealing with his traumatic brain injury, so he can't take a chem class at our community college like we had planned.  I'm considering using a chem text book (suggestions on which book are welcome), Khan academy Chem videos and the QSL Chem labs.  Does this sound like a good plan?  Is there anything you would add? 


    Thanks Abby

  2. I know that this isn't WTM'ish.  But, I've been asked to teach an American History class to middle schoolers at our academic homeschool group next year.  It would be a year long class.  I'm in the process of reviewing text books.  We are a secular group.  Do you all have any suggestions for text books.  I'm finding myself very bored by what I have in front of me (regular public school texts). 


    Thanks, Abby

  3. We have an amazing Academic Homeschool group.  The teachers are amazing.  Specifically the teacher that teaches History and English for high school.  She is energetic, and extremely motivated.  My son will be a Junior next year.  Our plan was to send him to the local community college for History and English next year.  But, this teacher has told me that she will be offering AP American History and AP Literature and Comp.  My son learns well from her, and she loves him in her classes, it's a great match.  Not only that, but she has deep ties to the college that he wants to attend, so she can help him there.


    I'm leaning towards having him do the AP with this teacher, instead of dual enrollment.  Is this the right decision?  Would he be missing out on something? Should he be on campus for something his Junior year.  He wouldn't go for maths and sciences, these subjects are not his strengths. 



  4. If this is not okay to post, feel free to delete, I'm not sure on the rules.


    I'm teaching AP Art History for an academic homeschool group this year.  We are meeting once a week, and the rest of the time online. The bulk of the class work is online, so I've decided to put everything up (including the plans and information that happens in the regular class time), and open it up to people that want to do the class 100% online.  It will include message board discussions, essays, projects, group projects, videos, videos that I tape of lectures... etc.   I'll be using the Schoology website to give the course content.


    I have a degree from UMBC in Visual arts, and my minor was in Art History and Theory.  I love art, and really want to share it with others.  I usually teach studio and applied arts, but have taught Topics in Art History, as well as Art Theory, however, this is my first time teaching the AP class.


    The course will be heavy, it's a lot of information to get through in a school year, so expect generally about two hours of work a day, sometimes less. 


    The cost will be $300 for the year, but if you wanted to split it up into two $150 payments per semester, that's perfectly fine. If the cost is a burden, but you are still interested, we can work something out.   I just really enjoy teaching art, so it's less about the cost for me.


    My syllabus has been approved by College Board.


    Feel free to message me if you'd like more information.


  5. My then 14 year old took Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space.  He absolutely LOVED it!.  I don't know when it's going to come back around, but it shouldn't be missed.  On edx.org he's currently taking a Super Heroes class that he's loving as well, and features Stan Lee.  He's working on his final project for that one now.


    We've been very happy with both Coursera and Ed.org.

  6. My 9th grader did "Our Earth: Climate and History"  and "Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space".  The "Our Earth" class was very boring for him, he got his certificate, and never looked back.  Completely opposite with the Astronomy class, he LOVED it!  It was considerably more work than the Earth class, but, he enjoyed it.  It was taught by Chris Impey from Univ of Arizona.  It was absolutely amazing.

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  7. My oldest will be in 10th next year.  And, if he's completely healed from his brain injury, we will do what is below. If not?  Then, I'm not sure.


    Outsourced to our academic homeschool group:

    World History (which will include literature)

    World Religions

    Russian 2

    AP Art History (at homeschool group, but I'm the teacher)
    NaNoWriMo (again, I'm the teacher, counted as part of his English credit)


    At home:

    Algebra 2 (Teaching Textbooks, with the injury, we need to do math in the easiest way possible)

    Biology (again, easiest possible way, so T4L bio, with added labs)

    Ap Psychology

    The rest of English that is not covered in the World History and NaNoWrimo classes


    This seems like a lot, but this kid is highly motivated, and craves more, more, more.  This year was hard, because I had to tell him no with so much of school because of his injury.  He is ready to jump back in, in spite of still having symptoms.  His neurologist said to try it, and if he needs to back down, to back down.



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  8. Personally, I think writing from all the classes are important. So, yes!!!! In our portfolios the first section after all of the boring paperwork (logs and such) is writing examples. I put writing from all the subjects there. Then move on to sections for English, math, science, etc. so writing is all by himself, with a sampling from everywhere. My evaluator loves for it to be set up this way.

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