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Everything posted by Singingmom

  1. Well, all I "know" is that this has given me my best laugh today! I just want you all to know that I'm "knowing" for ya!
  2. Thank you so much, Jaz! That was exactly what I was hoping for! Yay! Now we can start our advent devotions.....a bit late, but better late than never!
  3. Thanks, that looks like a very cool site. I was really hoping for some pre- k devotionals/ Bible study, with Bible verses that we can do in the evening with the kid's....anybody else know of anything that fits that description?
  4. Does anyone here have a favorite site for Christmas devotionals for young children? My kid's are 5, 3 and 1 and I need a fun engaging way of teaching them more about The Biblical story of Christmas, complete with Bible verses, and maybe coloring/ cut and paste activities? Any ideas? TIA! Laura
  5. I am amazed at how young so many of you were when you got married! No way was i mature enough at 19-24 for marriage! I graduated college, and worked as a Chaplain with foster kid's for 10 + years before getting married. It wasn't my plan to wait quite so long, and I did have one broken engagement before I married at 36. The man that I married was worth waiting for. He is my best friend and i can't imagine a better match...we just fit, but i had to wait for it! I hope my boys don't have to wait quite as long as I did! I think mid to late 20's- early 30's are perfect when you've found the right person.
  6. Ohhh, apricot is my favorite color....this one is chocolate, but I guess guardians can't be that choosy!
  7. I am looking into being a guardian family for a labradoodle breeder. She is a member of the Aus. Labrqdoodle club, does all the testing, and specializes in providing therapy dogs for children with autism. So, she doesn't seem like just a money hungry backyard breeder....at least from what I've been able to discern so far. I would be taking in a young adult (3 years old) and she just has a couple breedings to go, and then she would be ours. She is supposed to be a very gentle laid back dog, who loves kids, with training already. Question is: does anyone have any experience with the Austrailian ( multigen) doodles? How are they to groom? How about health, and temperament/personality? I would love to hear from anyone who has any experience with these hybrids. Thanks in advance!
  8. I did a bassinet with our first, and the co sleeper for the last two. The co sleeper is one of the best pieces of baby equipment we had! Totally worth the money!
  9. Hmmm, so you all put the dog in a crate when you go out of the house? I had a mini that I could leave in the house and she wouldn't hurt anything. How long can you leave them in a crate? Two hours? 4? What do you do when you are gone all day? Do you have to get a dog sitter? To the lady here in So. cal who had a labrqdoodle, can you tell me where you got it? I'm in So. Cal as well.
  10. We are hoping to get a standard poodle puppy sometime in the next 6 months or so. We have 3 little boys: 5, 3 and 1. My questions are: How well did your Standard do with kids? Did you have problems with separation anxiety/destructiveness when you left the dog at home alone Did your poodle have a lot of health issues Was it a very affectionate, cuddly dog? How much exercise did your dog need every day? TIA in advance for anyone who would take the time to answer my questions! :001_smile:
  11. No, there is some piece of separate equipment you can buy ( I think it's called My K cup) that allows you to use your own coffee. I just wonder if it works well? I'd love to hear from someone who uses this with their Keurig.
  12. Can you buy the little coffee pods in bulk to get the price down? Anybody get them at Costco?
  13. Hi, all :) . I'm new to posting here, but I have been lurking for weeks. My broken coffee maker has pushed me out of lurkdom! I figured you would be a great group to ask about what coffee maker would be best. I am the only coffee drinker in the family, but will sometimes drink a whole pot of decaf in a day:blush::. I know the k cups can be kind of costly. Is it worth it taste wise? Oh, and how about those filters that you can buy and still use your own beans? I would love to hear any and all reccomendations. TIA!
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