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Posts posted by southernm

  1. Thanks for your responses. It has sometimes felt like hunger pain and liquid antacid worked in less than 2-3 minutes. It's sounding like an ulcer to me. I will try some Pepcid.


    Also, if it's HP it will hurt sometimes before you eat and sometimes after. For me, there was no rhyme or reason to it. Prilosec helped, only after the antibiotics I had to take. Now that was the most miserable two weeks.

  2. Except for severe burn or konk on the head, "stress" does not cause ulcers. H. Pylori does.

    Much more common is reflux you don't feel. If mylanta makes you feel better fairly quickly, but it comes back, try a 6 week stint of Pepcid or prilosec. If that doesn't make you feel better early on, I'd see the doc.


    Oh, and it can be gall bladder, too. That durned gb turns up everywhere but the left lower abdomen. Hiatal hernia can be felt there, too.


    :iagree: HP is a nasty little thing to have and takes months to get over. It does feel a lot like what the op described though. I would have that test done ASAP.

  3. See now this is what I'm talking about, thank yo 2Squared :) . The difference in his behavior, how it will affect the other team members, and how it will be viewed. I don't want to pull him off the team. The older boys are good for him. But part of growing up, is his learning when and where to apply certain behaviors.


    I Love Love Love his goofiness. When the timing is appropriate. When he's at practice, in Sunday school, or at home during school time, goofiness is not appropriate. I know I can't expect an 8yo to have that mastered, but seeing his lack of judgement has raised my awareness as a parent to an area we are letting slip.


    My dh specifically remembers a kid in Jr high who came into 7th grade out of hs. This kid was nice, but immaturely hyper. Until social pressure forced him to tone it down. But the kid suffered a little socially before he was able to settle.into Jr. High. I don't want that to be my son.


    I am NOT saying that at 8yo my son should shed all signs of childhood. Heavens no! I am NOT saying he needs to be macho. That's why I put "manning up" in quotes. I needed a short phrase for my post title that described my question. Clearly i need to put more thought into my titles....


    But there is a point at which boys MUST pull away from Momma 's apron strings and begin to follow in the footsteps of his daddy more. And while I'm learning that's a process, not something that happens at a certain birthday and he's ripped from my arms. There is a time when it needs be more purposeful. I guess I was looking for more advice from moms who have gone through this on when it's time to ramp up the daddy time.

    My soon to be 7 yo acts like this at gymnastics. Honestly, I think it's his reaction to being nervous. I try to talk to him about what type of behaviors I expect of him and give him examples. It is very frustrating to watch him misbehave and distract others from listening to instructions. I've also noticed that if another child is acting wild he will feed off that and be wild himself. I often tell him to "lock it down" meaning get in control of yourself!

  4. I missed how old he was but, if he is less than 1 year old you need to think of him as a cranky preschooler when he is tired. Our boxer (who just turned one) gets psycho crazy at certain times. She jumps, steals toys, just basically throwing her version of a doggie fit. When she gets like this I send her to bed in her crate. She promptly flips herself on her back, feet in the air, and proceeds to snore. She just gets overtired!


    As for training, Pet Smart is ok like you said, but I'd call around to some vets to see if they recommend something better.


    For stomach problems, boiled chicken, canned tuna, or no sodium broth will help. Then you need to find a food and stick to it (I recommend a grain free kibble). HTH!

  5. The rights of what others? No one has rights to my marriage except me and my husband. If a couple have a different take on the situation than you and have a mutual understanding that it is sad but ultimately acceptable, exactly whose rights are being infringed?


    I love my husband enough to want his happiness in the face of tragedy, period. I personally consider that, in the confines of my own marriage, more moral and true to the our love than "you can only ever be with me, period." For me it boils down to not considering only the death of the body.


    :iagree: out of all the comments I agree to this most. Also, not only would I want my husband to be happy, I'd also want my children to have the opportunity to have a female figure that could be there for them.

  6. I guess I'll tippie toe out on a limb and admit I'm one of those crazy people who takes their dog everywhere. I have a small dog, and I think he's well behaved. Our Wal Mart, Home Depot, and lots of open air restaurants allow pets. I guess I don't see the point in being annoyed when pets are ALLOWED.


    If pets aren't allowed, I usually don't go or make sure someone else is home to watch him. I may be/sound insane, but I consider him to be part of my family and can't imagine just leaving him at home by himself if I can help it. I for one am not fond of most children I encounter out and about, but I certainly don't think they should be banned, LOL.


    I guess I don't understand when someone says pets don't NEED to be here or there. Does anyone or anything NEED to be anywhere? Sometimes yes, but mostly no. Oh well.


    Since when does Walmart and home depot openly allow pets? Walmart has food. I don't want some random dog next to the vegetables. Gross.

  7. This is all very typical puppy behavior. To train him not to nip you have to first teach the command, "gentle". Then when the pup tries to nip, you say "gentle" and that's their code for stop. Remember that a 5 mo puppy is like a toddler. It's more than likely not being dominant. It just wants to play. Getting enough exercise also plays a huge roll in a dog's behavior.


    To teach gentle: at feeding time, hold some kibble in your hand, hand closed. Let the dog sniff and try to eat through your hand. When the pup starts to use his teeth, scream in as LOW a voice as possible. Not no, instead use ouch. Next, let the pup do this again and while the pup is using his tongue, light teeth say, "gentle". As soon as pup gets too rough scream in your deep scary voice, ouch. You need to do this several times a day. Our trainer said at least 20. We were having trouble with our dog nipping at our heels and she did stop. I attribute part to training, part to her growing out of it.


    ETA: for jumping, take a simple step back. If its on the kids, teach them to stand like a tree. If the dog jupmps on them, have them take a step back, turn around and be still. If the dog is doing this for attention it will learn that is not the way. If its smaller children, teach the dog "down". I really think you need a second round of puppy classes. Training never ends!

  8. So what, I will just keep signing up again under a different name with a different email address.


    I am NOT spamming the boards. I can talk about WHAT THE HECK I WANT TO. WHO THE HECK ARE YOU TO SAY I CAN'T This is AMERICA. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ever heard of that?




    Someone else made up this thread, NOT ME!!


    Food Fight!!!!!!!!

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