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Posts posted by southernm

  1. An always chat up a cast member, especially if you are in line waiting for a bus. They have specialized fast passes that they can give you for any ride. we had a really long wait for the bus because of a med. emergency at another hotel. It was our last day and had planed to ride toy story one last time. We knew we would not get a fast pass and the wait for it had been about an hour on other days. The Cm filled out one of their special fast passes so that when we finally got to dhs we walked right on the ride!

  2. Now I feel like I'm in a Doctor Who episode. I was trying to work through what to do when you worry and he has started to talk about his fears as a noun. "The fear could be in there, The fear is black etc." For some reason, he is having a very hard time listening and talking about the questions in the book.

  3. We just adopted a two year old havanese for that very reason! We still need to get her used to our routine etc and she wasn't potty trained. I haven't been able to tell if she has helped or not. While he is attached to her, I haven't seen her comfort him in that way, yet!

  4. so sorry! my teen son was totally freaking out about his whole life, couldnt start his school work because he was sure he would never get done before dinner, didnt see the point since he will never be able to hold a job or find a girlfriend anyways, then it hurt when he breathed . . .after trying to help him calm down for almost 2 hours, we finally double-checked his meds and realized he'd never opened up the bottle i picked up at the pharmacy last week . . . so he was out of one med and just kept going like nothing was up. Sigh. he took one of the missing pills and filled in the week's pill box, and an hour later sat down and did all his work (I had slightly lowered it, but not by much) and was done in an hour.


    i'm still shaken up, its SO HARD when he's crying, saying things like "why is my life so hard? i wish I could just be normal!" and i just want to cry with him

    Thank you and everyone else for simply understanding.

  5. It's just so hard. Seeing him panic like that is heart wrenching and I'm exhausted emotionally. The whole thing may have only lasted 30 min but it made the rest of his day hard. He told me his fears were taking over. The hard part is is that sometimes he can go in, sometimes he can't. It's difficult when I need help getting something done and he just can't do it.

  6. It took ds 7 30 min. to open a stinking door. I'm so tired of his fears ruling his life, I can't imagine what it's like for him. All I asked him to do was to go into my bedroom (where he sleeps) to get the computer. The door happened to be shut. I tried to get him to do it in steps. Ex. 1 look at the door, 2 touch the door etc. it took him 20 min just to open the door and another 10 to go in (lights and tv were on in the room). What's he afraid of you ask? Fear. According to him he's afraid of fear. I was in eye contact with him the entire time. I guess it's time to call his psychologist again. Poor kid. Is it wrong for me to not do these things for him? I'm trying to teach him how to take control. We are slowly working through What to do When You Worry Too much.

  7. It will be fine. The programming is drag and drop. I would have given it to ds earlier if I had known this. The hardest part of Mindstorms is actually the fine-motor issues of building the robots. This book is really helpful as well, so I'd put that under the tree too if it fits in the budget. It contains something like 8 robot designs and a bunch of programming information. :)



  8. We are thinking about getting ds7 mindstorms for Christmas. I don't know if he is ready or not. He can program using scratch and put together Lego sets correctly. He played with some that were already built at legofest and had fun trying to battle the other robots. What am I missing? I know very little about them, or what he needs to be able to do! He is in a robotics hs class but that's just programming "roamer" with the push of a button.

  9. I don't understand why it is a big issue as far as being divisive among Christians, but the OP is wanting to teach her child. Does she teach creation as a religion and not teach the science thus her kid grows up goes to college learns about evolution and says, "This religion is all bogus?"


    Or perhaps the OP has family members that say that they have no interest in God or the Bible at all because "science explains so much". For those people it is a big deal.


    It's a big deal to me, as I am in the exact same spot. I don't know what I truly believe. I have a 5 yo dd going to Christian school coming home wanting to pray. It is wonderful! Then, I have a 7yo DS who is the king of logic and is stuck on "who created God". My friend tells me to just say no one. That answer just won't work for him. I need a way to learn for myself and guide him as well. I don't know what to do!

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