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Posts posted by southernm

  1. Just got an iPad and downloaded Notability. I'm hoping to use it for Mr Q's science worksheets - still trying to figure out exactly how to use it. Will Notability bookmark where you left off? That seems to be missing.


    Mr. Q works well. No bookmark function is in place but according to another thread they hope to include it in future updates!

  2. I'm in Canada and have found all the suppliers in town lol. Walmart seems to have the best prices. I've just picked up a box of Foldgers biscotti and vanilla. Man it is awesome! I do not like strong coffee and this is great. I also like anything caribou. You can a,so order from amazon and set it up to autmatically send them to you. If you register your keurig, you get two boxes free when you buy two. Their site has good reviews of all the favors!


    Eta: oops, the Foldgers is not decaf. Sorry.

  3. I just got my iPad so I'm not certain, but if you use the iCloud feature then everything should be synced. You have to make sure it's installed on all devices and turned on (check) settings. I don't have it on my Mac yet because from what I can tell, I need to pay 30 for a software update app. I haven't tried it with music, but now if I get an app on my phone, it appears on my iPad.

  4. so then what did you have to do to fix the problem??


    My daughter is not an athlete, she is not a dancer, she doesn't do anything outside of the normal running and playing of a child. So, I don't understand why she even has this problem.

    I was born with it. There's no cure. Orthopedist recommended that I never play catcher! I can't get on my knees at all. They still pop when I bend. Sorry I couldn't be more help!

  5. I don't remember the name of the hotel, but I don't recall it having much in the way of communal space. Thanks for the info on the aquarium and upside down house.




    I hope it has a pool! With that many, the hotel may let you use it's empty banquet rooms if they are not previously books (especially if it's a smaller hotel). There is also an indoor water park but I have no experience with it.

  6. Thanks for the replies. I am concerned about being stuck in a hotel with 19 children while it's rainy and cold all day! Not very appealing. Especially with 11 of them being 10yo and under.




    Yikes! Where are you staying? There are indoor things to do around town like the aquarium and "upside down house". Mostly tourist traps though. The visitor center for the smokies has a nice indoor area with examples of animals that can be found there and it's free.

  7. Don't get too excited about the skiing in g'burg. It's hit or miss. I think the highs will be in the 50's over Christmas with rain. They do blow snow. I looked at ober's site just a few days ago and it said tubing was not open yet. I don't know if they've not updated or it's really closed. If you are skiing, I would say a very light layer under snow pants. Same for a jacket. You could possibly get away with a water proof parka.

    ETA: tn weather can be very unpredictable so I would check daily up until you leave. You might get some snow up on top of the mountain in the higher elevations. You might want to make alternate plans in case you decide not to ski (look at pigeon forge).

  8. Aspie thoughts have come up but, he doesn't have the social issues. With adults, he is very talkative and not afraid to ask lots of questions. He talks with other kids fine but he does seem to become very immature around new friends. He has a very high vocab and is extremely logical. He is obsessed with all things war right now including war strategy. He has terrible self esteem. We let him play very advanced Xbox games because it's the one thing he feels he is good at. He is a very reluctant reader mainly because if something in his world is difficult he shuts down, gives up, and starts verbally berating himself. Fine motor skills were behind but he seems to have gained confidence. He still cannot ride a bike, tie his shoes, or zip up a jacket. The one things I'm trying to decide how to handle is his "monologues". He will start in on a topic usually related to a game or a battle. He tells me random aspects about and can. Not. Stop. He will usually go on for about 3-5 min. Infomercials are the worst. I was told that I needed to buy the "no no" because it removes hair down to the shaft. I had no idea it was a real product until I caught the commercial. I've been trying not to hurt his feelings so I will say uh-huh until he's done. If I try to interrupt, he talks over me or gets really frustrated.

  9. No words of wisdom but here are some hugs ((hugs)).


    I still use the tv at night because I'm afraid of the dark. I have weird feelings about the tv at night but I'm not going to jack your thread.


    It's ok, I don't mind! At night, we leave it on treehouse which is a sprout type channel or his favorite cartoon channel which shows all the retro cartoons.

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