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Sara in AZ

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Posts posted by Sara in AZ

  1. I have a KitchenAid. No basis for comparison as it's the only one I've ever had. Works well for me! Has a small chopping bowl and blade, too. Whisk, I think. I've never used that. Came with a handy-dandy storage bag.

    Me, too. I’ve been using my Kitchenaid almost daily for several years and it’s still as good as new. I â¤ï¸ it so much, actually.

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  2. DD 15 had her tongue tie clipped last summer because it, along with her tongue thrust, was causing problems in her orthodontic treatment. The ortho did it, and the procedure wasn’t a big deal. But I really wish someone had noticed and suggested it to me back when she was an infant and nursing terribly.

  3. I gave DH a Fitbit for Father’s Day this year. He loved it and was using it every day and getting so excited to challenge himself with it. No more than a month later we were at Six Flags, and he didn’t want it to get it wet in the river rapids ride. Soooo, instead of sticking it in his pocket or my purse, he shoved it inside his (untucked) shirt. And when he stood up at the end of the ride bye bye went the Fitbit. The ride operators helped him look all over, but it must have gone in the water. I don’t know why I thought the guy that can’t handle keeping track of a watch was a good candidate for a Fitbit! 😜 But I kept my thoghts to myself as he felt really bad about it. He has since bought himself a new one, and he’s being very careful with it. I hope yours turns up!!!

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  4. I ddn’t see any, although I do know (through FB) of one local friend that had one out. There were a handful of houses in our neighborhood that offered non candy treats, just not in a teal pumpkin. We offer to buy what my kids can’t eat/don’t want, too.

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  5. We do a neighborhood open house every year. Last year I bought party trays from a local Mexican place. The trays were filled with mini chimichangas and burritos and came with guac and chips. I did rice and beans in crockpots on my own to go with it, and my kids helped make a bunch of treats. The trays got eaten up before they sat out too long, and I had extras warming in the oven to replace them with. It worked out great, and I think I’ll do the same thing again this year.

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  6. I'm an almost 40 year old Sara Jane, and I've always liked my name. DD 1 is an almost 15 year old Sarah Elizabeth (goes by her middle name), named after a great, great grandmother. There's at least 2 Sarah's in every generation of our family line going back years and years. Pretty classic, I'd say!

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  7. For the first three I went when they said. For the 4th and last....I was so not thrilled to be pregnant and I wanted to do a home birth that time, but I had to talk DH into it and then we had to interview a few midwives. So I was probably at least 16/18 weeks before I had a proper exam. But everything was fine.

  8. My son has an A1C of 5.9. He's been seeing a cardiologist for cholesterol issues and that doc referred us to an endo. My daughter has type 1, so I asked her endo about it and she said 6.5 is where they would diagnose diabetes. In the meantime exercise and diet...


    I wouldn't worry about 5.7, but those symptoms do sound like diabetes. Couldn't hurt to ask your doc.

    • Like 1
  9. That's too bad! Over in Tempe we had a little cloud cover, but we were able to see most of it. One of the dads in our little homeschool group brought an awesome telescope with a solar filter in it that really enhanced our viewing. It was great!

  10. How embarrassing for both of you! We just got back from a about a months vacation. I made an appointment with the cleaning lady ahead of time for when we got back. (Because we like her and I need her!) And she texted the day before to confirm. She always texts the day before to confirm even though we are on a pretty regular every other week schedule. I think I would have reacted the same as you in this situation. I hope you can resolve it without too much more awkwardness!

  11. We just got home from a three week road trip. A friend's 19 year old daughter stayed in our house while we were gone and took care of our 8 month old puppy for $25/day. It would have been $40 ish/day to kennel her.

  12. We have a UE Boom 2 and it's wonderful. They make smaller and less expensive speakers and I'm sure I could have gone down a level or two without noticing a huge difference in quality. Things i love: It's not heavy but it doesn't feel cheap. The battery holds a charge for a long time. It syncs easily with our phones. (Dd has a cheap speaker and it seems to be glitchy with syncing) It's small enough that it doesn't stand out on the kitchen counter or in our bathroom.


    So...I'm probably not helping with a particular recommendation but I did want to encourage you that it's a nice way to listen to podcasts or music. Great for bringing music outside when you have friends over, too.

    This is what I have, and I love it! I use it all the time.

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  13. I do plan to ask the doctor's about delaying the dietary changes.

    My DD was diagnosed with Celiac last year right before we left on a three week vacation/road trip. The GI just told us to do the best we could, which we did. We really tried to be careful. We started serious 100% GF when we got back.


    I don't know what your DD is used to eating, but GF cereal for breakfasts and sandwiches for lunch would be really easy to keep from getting contaminated (albeit boring to have the same thing every day).


    Good luck figuring it out!

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  14. We have three high schools within about a mile and a half. DD will start high school next year at a classical charter school that's about 3/4 mile away. Elementary is around the corner. Two middle schools are a bit further than the high schools. We have open enrollment here, so you can choose any school in the district as long as there is space available.

  15. I've been! It was 20 years ago as part of a study abroad to Jerusalem. So transportation was arranged for us. But I remember we did stay in a hotel in Amman and take a bus from there. I'm sure there are nicer times of year to go, but we went in July. It was hot, but we survived. You walk through a long canyon to get there (or ride a donkey of you want), and it's really shady. Such an amazing place!! I hope you get to go!!

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  16. I would prefer to sleep with my spouse, when visiting, on a bed big enough. A King would be decadent and give even more space for the cosleeping infant that accompanied us. We could probably fit an older child in too. lol.

    King, for sure! My parents have many guest bedrooms that can accommodate at least two of my sisters and I and our families when we come in from out of state. It is great to have so much space. But DH and I have always slept in a double bed. Our kids are older now, but during those years when they were littler a Queen would have been so much better for our co sleeping family, and a King would have been a dream. Often our young children wouldn't want to sleep alone in an unfamiliar place and end up with us.

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