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Status Updates posted by buddhabelly

  1. How is everything going? Miss you on the WTM boards, but I do go to your blog now and then to get my Trivium fix. I hope your daughter is happy and that our kids run into each other at some point in the future.

  2. I'm in Juneau. I love your avatar! We have been enjoying strangely warm weather this year. What about you?

  3. Oops -- hope your son is happy too! Yikes, open mouth insert foot. I just think about your daughter more because she is close in age to my son.

  4. Thanks, Stacia. I thought I was the threadkiller for that thread. I couldn't find it and assumed it was deleted. So I searched "Motoyama" and found it again. I see that there was lively discussion after my post, and I was not the threadkiller I assumed myself to be. Glad you appreciated my post. Dr. Motoyama is very modest and consequently not many people know about his works. I happen to study with one of his students (Paul Grilley), who has been kind enough to pass on Dr. Motoyama's knowledge to us.

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