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Denise in Florida

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Posts posted by Denise in Florida

  1. We took him to a speech therapist when he was 4 because he was very difficult to understand. Speech therapist was very good and diagnosed "tongue thrust", referred us to a "Myofunctional Therapist", and said we had to get that fixed before any real progress with speech could be made.


    You have to be careful with these type of therapists. Some still use weird devices (like sharp things....kind of like braces with sharp points on them) to correct the tongue going forward. The lady we used taught us exercises for him to do everyday.


    Yikes....no no no. I did not know they still did this. My sister (older) had these it was horrible and DID NOT WORK.

    Yes, to the exercises. I remember them they helped many symptoms but apparently, for me, the swallow pattern is persistent. :001_smile:



    It took about 4 years, but he is fine now.


    If you PM me, I can give you the phone number of the lady we used so you can discuss it with her even if you aren't close enough to use her. (I didn't look to see where you are located.)


    You need to get this fixed because any ortho treatment will be reversed because his tongue will continue to push his teeth out.


    Yep, my teeth are fine but my sister's are a mess. She had braces as a teen, but now as an adult her teeth are pushed back out of place. Very discouraging.

    Good luck. It was a lot of work on both of our parts!

    Hot Lava Mama


    see responses in red. ha

  2. My only btdt is probably years out of date, both my sister and I have reverse thrusting.


    We did some sort of physical therapy as children but I don't remember many details.


    It might have worked for a while but it must not have lasted. I still occasionally reverse swallow, several of my dentists have noticed and remarked on it but no one has suggested I do anything about it. :001_smile: My sister does it more than I do and it has caused her teeth to misalign again even though she wore braces for years as a child.


    I am sorry this is not very encouraging. :glare:


    One positive thing though, I do remember learning to hold my tongue properly 'at rest' which stopped the mouth breathing, the odd position of holding my jaw, and fixed the close your mouth while you chew thing. It was part of the therapy.

  3. Agree about checking the zoning laws.


    It is fairly easy to move a single wide mobile home.


    You will need to put in utilities. Electric is fairly easy, but water and sewer require some planning. If you are rural enough you can put in a septic tank.


    You also need to put in some type of foundation to rest the home on. It does not have to be fancy, some people just lay a concrete slab or two concrete strips.


    If you live in a high wind area you will want to install tie down straps. I think they have a fancier name. :tongue_smilie: These are not difficult to do while setting up the home, they are a little more expensive as a retrofit.


    Beyond that, you need some sort of stairs/porch since mobile home doors are not level with the ground and some type of skirting. The skirting can be functional to protect the underside of the home, to keep out varmits and in some cases people use the underside area for storage. Skirting does not have to been the metal panels, it can be slump block or wood or any other material you like. Leave access spaces (doors) for any maintainence to the plumbing etc underneath.


    There are lots of options if you want to buy new but if you are willing to look at used mobile homes they can be very inexpensive.

  4. I have seen plenty of 'in lieu of flowers' requests to send money to a charity. In fact I will probably request that if I ever pre-plan my own funeral. IMO flowers are a waste of money for a few hours at a funeral home.


    One of my local homeschool families asked for money for their kids scholarship fund after the father (and sole breadwinner) passed away. That made sense, as well as being tragic, his unexpected death left a huge gap in their plans.

  5. What an idiot. He really gives Christians a bad name. :mad:


    We as the human race should vote him off the island.


    yes...this (bolded) :iagree::iagree:


    I live in the Bible belt and I can tell you Christians already have a bad name. This type of carp just makes it worse.


    I know so many people who have been deeply wounded by 'christians' (lower case c definitely intended), some of the stories they tell bear little or no resemblance to Christ. I am sure the next time I speak to one of them I will hear how christians approve of wife-beating. sigh

  6. I didn't know any one actually still thought that! I remember my grandmother saying something about it, but then musing that apparently "kids these days use it for something else, so, oh well." :lol:



    :iagree::iagree::lol::lol: I was in high school in the '70s, I remember all the kids wanting to wear peace symbols and the adults saying it was the sign of the devil. I think the logic was that it was a devil's claw.


    I just did not think anyone still believed that.


    Pat Robertson is not relevant in anyway.


    OP if your dd want to wear it, I would let her and tell the objectors that you have said it is okay.

  7. The only person who knows how much someone gives is the treasurer. And they keep track for income tax purposes only. Finance committee only knows total taken in from everyone. United Methodist Church-- everyone UMC we've gone to was the same way.




    I was financial secretary for many years at my old church before we moved away. The treasurer and I counted donations; he made deposits and payed bills and I kept 'record of giving' for each person or family. That was it, no one else not even our spouses knew who gave what.


    Finance committee knows total giving and total pledges, they base the budget out of that.

  8. Ok, I admit, after reading the title, my only thought was to give the rat to a snake for a nice treat. But since this is apparently a loved pet (and I can't imagine why to be honest), I won't make that suggestion.


    A former boyfriend would make tunnels for his rats using PVC pipes from one cage to another. He would occassionally change the route for interest.


    We used to do this in our family room, had about 10' of pipe at one time. :lol:


    and I totally understand your first reaction though, my younger dd and her boyfriend brought Calliope home for me (about 200 miles). He was very distressed having a rat in his car. :auto: Younger dd kept her quiet by feeding her half a package of sunflower seed, yeah that helped :glare:.

  9. Our three rats use an exercise wheel. :confused: I don't think they're dumb, but I haven't had their IQ checked so it's possible I suppose.:tongue_smilie:


    Our rats like to chase each other up and down the stairs, fetch toys for the girls, and chase the dogs out of "their" room. They'll also follow the girls pretty much anywhere they go in the house. The oldest rat also grooms one of our Great Pyrenes, which isn't a lot of exercise but awfully darn funny.:D


    oops sorry, no intention to offend your rats. :001_smile: My previous ones did not like wheels, they would run for a bit look around and get down. Obviously, not all rats think alike. ha

  10. My initial thought was get a cat and let them run!


    Do they make 'rat wheels'?


    I am being a little serious. I had a cat that would just get FAT. The vet would beg me to try to find ways to get her some exercise. He was less worried about what the cat ate than how little she moved. She was a 'stay under the bed all day, every day' kind of cat. We rarely saw her.


    Sadly, no. Rats do not exercise on wheels, because they are really smart and figure out very quickly that they aren't going anywhere. :lol:


    They are also extremely curious (at least the ones I have had have been), so I will try letting her explore in a safe area.

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