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Posts posted by Geo

  1. You'd be surprised how great just a little olive oil (1-2 tsp) and fresh squeezed lemon juice (with a twist of the salt grinder) with/without fresh garlic is. I started using it with greek salad, but the dressing has followed me. Substitute fresh lime juice and it takes a southwestern or asian turn for the better.

  2. I do one odd thing that seems to make it easier on us. I don't fold any shirts. All shirts go on hangers no matter what kind of shirt they are. Next to my washer and dryer I have one of those hanger things on wheels that you can buy at a Walmart or wherever. I always have empty hangers hanging on it. Shirts come straight out of the dryer and right to the hangers, no chance to get wrinkled. Hung up immediately then when the whole load is folded it's all put away right away. Kids can definitely hang stuff in their closets. If they can't reach get a chair.


    If we have any dirty laundry we do it. I don't care how little, I can't stand laundry piling up. Ellie is right, I always had to have a clean house before I could teach. It's just as important and makes everything run smoother. Once you get into the swing of it you'll wonder why it took so long.




    Ha! We do this now, even with only 2 kids. There was no need when we had 5 or 6 at home...I have/had a daughter who loved to do laundry AND fold it. By golly, she even put it all away in drawers. The hanging shirts solution developed a few years after my laundress moved out on her own. It does work, and eliminates ironing.

  3. No. I think that certain books need to be read when people are at the right maturity level to read them to really get the most out of them. That depends on a whole lot of things - reading level, difficulty/complexity of the themes and issues (the one I'd focus on with this work), a certain amount of life experience to bring to the reading. . .


    This too. :rolleyes:

  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My son is 8. You're describing what he was like at 6. He is a sensory-seeker and was just diagnosed with ADHD. I feel like you do. He's 8 and acts like he's about 5. It's frustrating. We're in the process of trying to figure out what to do about it.


    Immaturity for age is commonplace with ADHD. My 10yo is about 7/8yo. I read one doctor's article where he sees ADHD not as a disorder, but as a developmental delay. Not entirely sure what all that means, but I do see the delay part of it.

  5. The recipe below is a teriyaki-like glaze for chicken drumsticks or thighs...not chicken breast pieces, which tend to turn out drier.

    It's a real crowd pleaser.



    Cranberry Chicken


    1 can cranberry sauce (whole berry or regular)


    1/2 cup soy sauce


    1/2 cup brown sugar


    2 tsp dry mustard


    2 tsp ground ginger


    1/4 tsp garlic powder OR 2 cloves, crushed


    4 Tbsp lemon juice


    Heat in saucepan until smooth, stirring occasionally


    Place chicken in a pan large enough to leave space between the pieces. Pour sauce over chicken and bake at 350 for 1 hour, or until done. Turn chicken and spoon sauce liberally over pieces during baking, to promote glazing. Serve with jasmine rice.

  6. For me, staying up late is VERY reviving--until the alarm goes off in the morning. I've been doing it too much lately and the sleep deprivation is making me even more sensitive to the social input. For now and then it's wonderful, but I think I need a longer-term solution right now.


    On the boundaries...yeah, dh is a dear man but he was not raised around really healthy relationships. I didn't realize how many relationship issues he had when I married him because his family is very good at putting up a front and since we didn't live close to them at the time I didn't get to know them well before the wedding. Over the years, of course, I've gotten to know them better, and I've learned to love them too, and really I think they did amazingly well considering the issues THEY were raised with, but that's a whole other story...


    Anyway he does have a bit of baggage when it comes to relationships and was never really taught how a healthy family functions. I don't think I want to discuss it much here because he's a pretty private person, and I may have said too much already, and I wouldn't hurt him for the world, but he really is trying hard and consistently doing better all the time. One thing I really respect about him is his determination to figure out how to live well, and then do it. But yes, there are still things we're in the process of working out. I think part of my hesitation to just sit down and talk with him about it is that he's struggling with some things himself right now and he really doesn't need to have anyone suggest that he's not a good enough husband (which is how he would take it, even if that's not what I meant). His mom just died in September, and his dad may be on the verge of that himself, and dealing with his parents' mortality has him really looking some stuff from his childhood in the face--really for the first time. But I do think we need to talk about this because he really doesn't need me falling apart on him either. Today isn't the day because his work computer has a virus or something and he's spent all day fighting with it (and telling me about it) instead of getting work done and is incredibly frustrated. We're going out for dinner, just the two of us, which is something that HE finds restorative, and I think he gets dibs today. But I'll find a good time in the near future and see what we can work out.



    He sounds like a good man. You're a good woman. It's a piece of cake. ;)


    You can do this. :thumbup:

  7. We are from a multigenerational rat owning/loving family. With proper attention, they will come when you call them by name. They love massages, playing fetch, learn tricks as good or better than a dog. Their tails don't freak me out at all...but rat boy-parts do. I'm glad you got a girl, she's just perfect. :001_wub:


    Here are some of my favorites:


    Not all are this mellow, but one CAN hope.


    Rat massage


    Pet allergies? No excuses! (I had one of these years ago)



    Needless to say, I LOVE me some rat.

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