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Posts posted by Geo

  1. Sounds like my ds at that age. He was diagnosed with ADHD w/anxiety, SPD and ODD, at 8yo. I wish I could have gotten him diagnosed sooner, but dh was in denial for a long time and we had to work through that first. I encourage you to trust your gut and schedule an eval...or talk to your ped and maybe get a referral. We went the medication route, and it was/is a tremendous help for our entire family, ds included. We, (dh & I) are presently in the process of making the dietary changes we need to make to eliminate any allegies or triggers in his diet. Many people have found help through diet alone, but don't feel guilty if you do use medication.

  2. Of course I don't know what exactly was being discussed, but I think that there can be a certain security in having certain decisions made for you by your parents. Making those decisions for yourself is ultimately better, if you have the capacity to do so. But I wonder if she was telling you that she did not have the capacity to deny herself something that she wants even if she knows that it might not be the best.



  3. The last two days I have had to take a nap. I am really constipated (tmi). I have also stopped losing weight. I am stuck at 5 lbs down 9 days in which is not bad. I am making smoothies rather than juicing though. I am still going to stick this out and see how it goes. I do not feel well right now. Maybe this is detox :nopity:


    Bananas can make you constipated. Why don't you try some different recipes to get some relief and spur your metabolism? Here are a few...


    Try a less sweeter one, like this:


    Parsley Passion Smoothie

    Sergei Boutenko

    1 bunch fresh parsley

    1 cucumber, peeled

    1 Fuji apple

    1 ripe banana

    1–2 cups water


    Yields 2 quarts


    ... and if you need to, add a little stevia to bring it up to a tolerable "not so sweet"-ness...then just add less and less over time, until you have reset your taste buds. Too much fruit can/will feed yeast/candida, not to mention spike your blood sugar...which impedes weight loss.



    Best wishes on your raw journey!

  4. No, I haven't done this yet. I have an acquaintance that is all about this stuff - sprouting and cultures et.al. I would like to meet with her to see firsthand what she does and how she does it. Maybe I'll ask her, even though we don't know each other well. Is it easy to get started? Do you have any links for someone completely in the dark about it?


    That's ok, sprouts will grow in the dark. :D Yes! Here's a site that will give you everything you need information-wise.


    http://sproutpeople.org/seeds/broccoli.html I just found this for you today. I have no prior knowledge of the site...so I don't know about their seed prices or anything else. The price on this page is for sprouts I think, not seeds. Just click on which type of sprout and it will give video instructions...can't get much easier. Sprouts do need special care, but are easy-peasy. You only need a quart jar for each type of sprout. Nylon screen mesh and a rubber band for the holding onto the top of jar, or a special screened lid...available at most healthfood stores. If you get really into them...you may need a 1-gallon jar! Enjoy! I'll come back and link you to a kimchi-making website tonight (if you like it)...for a delicious fermented Korean sauerkraut type of dish. It's an excellent probiotic...and not hard to make. Not like the german kind. It's an amazing probitiotic that really helps the immune system. Having so much fun "eating" with you!


    I gotta go to town now, bye.



  5. No, other than what he did with the Hallelujah diet for the first couple of months to jump start. He does see a chiropractor who helps him and who started him juicing. He's his mentor for the moment and then the two of us call each other weekly at the minimum to help each other if needed.




    Right now I juice only for breakfast. I use 6-8 carrots (depending on size), 3 celery stalks w/leaves, 1 apple, and a bunch of spinach. Sometimes I exchange the apple for blackberries and that is quite yummy, too. One of my favorite juices though is carrots, celery and tomato. It is so refreshing and reminds me of an awesome Bloody Mary. I haven't yet added alcohol to it to make it one, but I have thought about it many times! Maybe over the summer...:D When I first started out, I juiced for breakfast and lunch. Now, as I said, it's just breakfast. For the remainder of my day I eat spinach with homemade hummus (made with raw zucchini and tahini instead of chickpeas. It is SO GOOD), or I'll have a spinach salad with cubed tomatoes and avocado, salt and pepper - one of my favorites! Today I ate a bunch of sweet peppers dipped in the hummus for lunch. I'll also make smoothies with coconut, coconut water, mesquite powder, green powder, gogi berries, hemp seeds, raw cacao powder, blueberries and banana, but I don't do that everyday. THAT'S a powerhouse of a smoothie, I'll tell ya. I also make raw cashew/date/peanut butter balls which are delish as a snack, and I also regularly make my own "spaghini" - zucchini run through a spirooli slicer to make this noodles. I'll make a raw pesto or salsa to put on top and that is quite delicious, also.



    Do you have the 5 or 9 tray? I have been debating on this purchase for some time because I don't know what size I will need/want. I'm the only one in the house who eats this way, so I don't think I need the 9. But, I'm afraid of getting the 5 and wishing I had the 9 later on. However, the 9 seems so big and bulky.... :confused: Also, did you order online, or at a local store? I wish I could find one at a local store to look at, but I think I'm going to be stuck ordering online. The other purchase I'm saving for is a Vita Mix. Oy, that's a pricey one. ;)



    I bought the big, bulky 9 tray.:) It's better to have the big one so you can do more at once, it saves time and money over all. Do get some liners...so you can make flax crackers, spicy AND plain. When I dried some tomatoes it took up all 9 trays...and the results fit in a small bowl. :001_huh: Zucchini and kale chips are great! Here's a great vid using the excalibur. I love this guy, and he's so helpful. I watch alot of his vids on youtube. I bought my dehydrator from him (www.discountjuicers.com) at the best price I could find...plus, free shipping.



    Excalibur and vegetable chips demo


    Have you begun sprouting or microgreens yet?....very economical and delicious (if you buy bulk seeds). I LOVE sunflower microgreens. Very dense nutrition...broccoli sprouts have 50x more of cancer fighting properies than regular broccoli. You can juice them too. The best prices I've found are here: http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/seed.htm

  6. We are also going more raw. Dh and I have a green smoothie for breakfast and then a big salad or wrap with avocado or hummus. I make a cooked dinner of veggie pasta, stirfry, sweet pot falafel, black burgers, lentils, etc.

    We plan on juicing in April and cutting out the raw lunch and moving it to dinners for the 2 of us. My plan for a 2 week reset:

    B- carrot beet celery parsley juice

    Lunch- green smoothie

    Mid afternoon- veg juice again

    Raw dinner

    I might even just juice for 3days before this. We are also drinking 2 gallons of alkaline water a day.


    I bet you'll glow in the dark! ;)

  7. How do you make the raw biscottis?


    I don't know your tastes, but here are a couple recipes:


    FYI, almond flour(meal) is what's left after making almond milk...or, the "pulp".







    you can substitute virgin coconut oil for the cocoa butter...for a wonderful coconut flavor.



  8. Janna,


    Bravo! I'm so glad to hear that. Is he following a cancer protocol? We are just beginning our juicing adventure...just waiting for the Omega 8006 to arrive. :glare: We've been eating raw and really feel the difference. I want to do a 30-day juice detox, then juice for breakfast and lunch for another 30 days with raw dinners, and continue raw from there. How have you been doing it? What's your favorite juice so far? We grow most of our produce, but really have to plant alot more to supply the juicing thing.


    I do have an Excalibur dehydrator....yum, love those dehydrated greens and raw biscottis.

  9. That's awesome! I have been eating raw since November and it has been one of the best things I've done for myself! I hope you consider going longer than 60 days, too!


    If anyone needed a reason to do it, I have it: my father was diagnosed with his 4th (unrelated) cancer 15 months ago. He has stage 4 lung cancer (non-smoking). After 10 months of being on chemo, feeling absolutely miserable - more so than his other cancers, and not seeing dramatic changes in the tumors, he decided to forgo chemo and start the "Hallelujah Diet" which he did for about 2 months. Then he decided to just eat raw. Out of support for him, and because I have been moving in that direction over the years anyway, I started eating raw, also. Since he got off of chemo in September, *all* of his little tumors have disappeared, leaving only the largest one, which is still growing, but at a very slow pace. He has energy and his quality of life is just SO much better! Originally, he was given 8-15 months to live. He is at the 15 month mark now, just had a scan last week, and there is very minimal change. Diet works. It really, really does. We're not expecting a cure, but certainly a longer life span and better quality of life while he's here. Oh, and I should mention, too, that he has had type 2 diabetes for 14 years, has been on insulin for 5 years and with this new "diet", he is now insulin free, having lost nearly 40 pounds!


    If you've ever been on the fence about eating raw, or just adding more fruits and veggies to your diet and eliminating harmful foods, I hope this helps you make that choice. Eating raw *does* take more planning, but so does anything that you start for the first time. Once you're used to eating a particular way, it becomes second nature and isn't that big of a deal. Yes, it is more expensive at the start, but I think you'll see savings in other things if you stick to it and it will even out in the end. And, with summer coming up, a garden would be a huge cost saver. My hope is to purchase a dehydrator soon and that will help even more with the cost as I can dehydrate my veggies and herbs that are planted this year.


    Congrats again, Cabreban!


    May I ask....?

    Is your dad juicing his greens to get in the higher quantities of micronutrients (without the bulk)...to support his fight against cancer? It would require a masticating type juicer...not the typical centrifugal juicer. He could drink 10x more than he can eat.

  10. I had a dog who had a stroke. She was about 15yo at the time. She was on her bed and began barking for no reason. It startled me because she just didn't do stuff like that. When she kept on barking after being told to stop, I walked toward her to drive the message home. When I got close to her I could see her eyes...the orbs were erratic and jiggling! Her legs were also kind of "running" during all this, which lasted 5 min (or so?). I called the vet immediately...it was 6pm on a Friday and our area didn't have a 24 hr emergency vet. He called me back about an hour later. After hearing the symptoms he said it was most likely a stroke and she would probably be fine...that it isn't usually as catastrophic in dogs as in humans. She seemingly recovered with no ill-effect and lived another year, dying (with compassionate help) at 16yo.

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