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Posts posted by ashfern

  1. We got our most recent one at Hobby Lobby. The ones at Home Depot and Lowes are nice too. We just happened to get a really good deal on it. I prefer the pre-lit trees as I hate stringing lights. The lights works like normal lights, you replace the bulbs or fuses if they burn out. I think most of the trees now are just 3-4 sections that stack together. Our first one you had to put in each individual branch. 

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  2. We've had to do that with our dental office. One time it was for my crown. My insurance only pays for a metal one unless it's on a front tooth. I paid the difference but they submitted it wrong. The insurance company rep said to have it redone with a metal crown and they would pay.  :confused1:  Seriously, who would have a new crown taken out for that. Plus, I would still owe the dentist for the first crown. I talked to billing and they first insisted that I needed to pay the difference. I told them that I already had and that they needed to submit it correctly to get paid. I never heard anything back about it. I will say that if my dentist makes another billing error that we will find a new dentist. The billing department is really rude!

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  3. I would make sure you had a good salad or veggie option for each meal. I had to cook dinner for someone who was allergic to meat. I made pasta with marinara sauce and then had meatballs on the side. I have a recipe for lentil stew that my kids love. There are a lot of dishes that you can just have the meat separate from the veggie or starch and then combine on the plate.

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  4. I wanted to update this. The meeting was for our entire stake (all historians and auxiliary secretaries). There were 5 historians and the only secretaries there were from our ward.  :huh:  It was a good meeting. We have a great ward historian who has been doing 100% of this for the past 2 years. We are all excited to be able to help him make our history even better. 

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  5. It takes me about an hour including drive time. I try to leave as many of the kids home as I can. I usually take 1 to help out. That's once a week shopping at Aldi's. Round trip drive time is 40 minutes. Now, Kroger's is only 5 minutes away but still takes about an hour. Store is much bigger, more crowded, and they always seem to be restocking so blocking aisles. Then there's the wait because only 1 staffed register is open. I won't use the self-checkout unless I really have to.

  6. So I have questions about dusting. I know the flylady recommendation is a feather duster, but in my experience, they just redistribute the dust, not actually pick it up. It's the same reason I don't use a broom; you can get a lot of things into the pan and toss it, but it also stirs up a lot of dust.


    So when I dust I either use the vacuum with the hose attachment or a microfiber cloth, that I then shake out outside. Admittedly, I don't dust frequently, so when I do there's a lot built up. It just comes down to I feel like I'm doing it wrong. 


    So what do you use?

    And how do you make sure the dust is actually being removed (not just moved)?


    I use a microfiber cloth or vacuum depending on the surface needing to be dusted.

  7. When we were having a basement finished, it got to 80-90% done and then they stopped coming. They had started on a new project so didn't have time to finish out our job. We were still within the estimated time frame for completion. My husband called them and offered them a bonus if they would finish early. They were at our house the next morning and finished up to get their bonus. It wasn't a huge amount of money.

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  8. I did horrible yesterday. Realized when the girls were going to bed that somehow all of the twin fitted sheets are "dirty". I think they were making forts or something. I have to wash all the sheets today which wasn't on my radar. I also need to do towels because they went through ALL of the towels again.  :cursing:  And all of the kids have sore throats & runny noses which means I get to pick dirty tissues all day long.  :glare:


    Since I have yet to shower, I will clean the shower today.  :lol:

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  9. We had three and then the Lord had other plans for when DD came - making it a four child family. When I told my DAD (whom I love dearly and am close to) that we were pregnant with our fourth, he shook his head in dismay and walked away. Ouch.


    I am not sure why people think it is appropriate to comment on peoples' family size except to give encouragement or a compliment.


    My mom was very disappointed when we announced #4. That's why we waited until the half-way point to say anything about #5.

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  10. Today I am going to have to fold the 2 loads of towels that my 15 yo hasn't done yet. There's at least 2 more loads of towels to wash thanks to the other 2 girls. I've decided that I will unload the dishwasher in the morning for the 12 yo since she sleeps in. That way the breakfast dishes aren't in the way of me making lunch. She'll have an opportunity to unload the dishwasher for her chore later in the day. I started organizing my desk. I need to file some papers in a binder and they were all scattered. That's all together. Now I need to print off the rest so I can just file them all at once. I will clean the bathroom tonight. I should have done it when I was in there showering but I have to shower fast so the 3 yo doesn't destroy the house.

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  11.  My pet peeve is that MLMs won't just come out and say they're MLMs. Beach body, Isagenix, so many of their reps post on social media in "covert" ways w/o mentioning the company name. Then if you ask any questions, you find out it's an MLM. Just say so in the first place! If you want to spend your time that way - and endanger your relationships - go ahead, but at least be up front about it! 

    I wish I had the courage to unfriend people who use their personal pages to sell their product.  :blushing:


    That's usually company policy. They are very strict about what you can & can't say on social media.

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