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Posts posted by ashfern

  1. We make food baskets that we send (apple butter, candied nuts, cookies, chocolate dipped pretzels, etc). We used to order from Harry & David but it's so expensive for what you're actually getting. We put it in one of the "if it fits it ships" boxes from the PO. This year I'm going to add in crocheted coasters for my MIL since she mentioned how much she liked mine when she was visiting. 

  2. I have a world that I created in 1.10 but if I open it in 1.12 it will corrupt that file. You usually get a warning to let you know. I have multiple versions in the launcher and just choose the one that I need for that file. For us to play together on single player you have to "open to LAN" for everyone else to see & join in. Does that help?

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  3. My kids keep changing what they want to be. We have Trunk or Treat at church, there is a party at our karate studio, and then we'll do the neighborhood trick or treating. MIL is sending the kids a giant blow-up decoration for the front yard.  :confused1:  I don't know why. We already have all the decorations we want or need.

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  4. I keep trying this as we have so many freaking toys but my IL's just do what they want. They also spend way too much $. And it has to be the same amount spent on each kid. So the older kiddos get 1-2 gifts and the littles get 6-7 because the older kid stuff costs more.  :willy_nilly:

  5. :grouphug: I have one that keeps getting sick. We have really crappy insurance so DH gets really irritated as she always gets sick on the weekends. He's still upset about her Dec visit to the urgent care which sent us to the ER. Of course we're still paying on that one. She was diagnosed with "mild" pneumonia. He focuses on the mild and thinks I shouldn't have taken her in.  :glare:

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  6. Yes we did a freeze in the past. Clark Howard has info on his website of how to do it. Depending on your state you may have to pay for it. It was super cheap (less than $5). It can be a pain in the butt because you have to have it lifted to do anything credit related (open new account, buy house, buy car, etc). Our state we have to pay to have it lifted too.

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