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Posts posted by abreakfromlife

  1. So, I'm glad I started this thread and had my thoughts confirmed. Can anyone tell me about Kringle Candles?


    I was just coming on here to post about Kringle, lol. The son of the founder of YC started his own candle business - Kringle Candles, with his dad's help (he sold YC a couple of years ago) and Kringle looks amazing. When I'm out of my YC tarts, I'm going to order some Kringle and give them a try.

  2. ugh, I feel your pain. I'm facing the same thing, and it's so frustrating. It's not about the OE/YE issue, although I know they are all YE'rs, but I was asked to help a couple of friends start a co-op. We had a meeting last night, and it went great, until they started passing around the registration forms and they had a SOF to sign, and I don't join groups that have a SOF. I think it's offensive for christians to be exclusive like that. Why can't we just all get along and go on field trips together and do non-academic classes without having to have the exact same beliefs???


    So they are taking some time to think about it, but I felt like such a fish out of water trying to explain why I didn't agree with a SOF and how it wasn't necessary to be a christian to be in an art class or go on a field trip. And then it got into they hs for religious reasons, and I don't, so.......it's just sad that at the core of Christianity is a man who was open and welcoming to the whole world, and yet all of these people are so stinking exclusive. It really bothers me.

  3. that's how I view it. We're supposed to give to God, not a building. But I know the building needs money. I was hashing this out with my pastor and he was like 'a person won't come up to you and say hey I need some help' but they'll go to a church and say it. So I get that argument. So I think our tithe ends up being about 50/50 giving to church/charity. I know this is a fairly contentious topic, lol. But I look at the NT guidelines, and they are to give to God generously, cheerfully, and sacrificially, sot that's my goal.

  4. I think a random dude on the internet is different than an established, somewhat famous, author. Even if the author is a creep, they aren't likely to do anything to a kid because of the bad publicity. An anonymous guy won't have the same constraints. I wouldn't do it, and I'm pretty lax when it comes to stranger-danger stuff :tongue_smilie:

  5. Is there a list anywhere of the books on their reading list? Or is that part of what you pay for when you buy the curriculum? I'm up in the air about buying ECC for next year, and I'm going to a used curric. sale in a few days, and if I happened to see book basket books, I'd get them. I've seen several people say the book basket is what makes the program for them, yet I can't find anything on their site that says what books, or how many, they have in the book basket. I'd like to know upfront what I'm getting into with what books I need or should have....I don't want to get into it and realize I have to spend a bunch of time requesting books from the library if I don't have to.

  6. I had NEVER heard of the "Toledo War" or battle or whichever they called it.
    We learned about this in 4th grade state history...I remember my teacher saying 'really, we should have gotten to keep Toledo, but I'm sure if you go down into Ohio, they'll say, well of course we should get Toledo' :D


    I thought the WV part was cool....I had no idea the Hatfields and McCoys were real people :001_huh: I thought they were just an American myth. The little bit of Kentucky in Missouri was cool too. It's a neat show!

  7. I'm in the middle of reading Debt Free U, and it just makes me sick. But, I dont' have to worry about filling out FAFSA's for my kids :D We took out more student loans than what we needed for tuition, b/c we used it as income. We had a couple of kids, so it would have cost more for me to work, so we took out just enough to cover rent and food plus tuition. Looking back, I wish I would have begged the grandparents to babysit and just worked full-time, but oh well. But yeah it's legal...you still have to pay back the loan.

  8. Ok, I skipped ahead and read it........I thought it was beautiful. I can see why some people wouldn't like it, but I thought it was an apt metaphor. It was a tad personal, but it's inspiring to see someone able to be that fully connected with God. I think some of it might have to do with what your spiritual personality is, and so I think her style of worship isn't going to appeal to some people.


    I do agree with everything Janie Grace said, and the thing that drives me batty with her blog is the bolded sentence, which seems to be every other sentence. You shouldn't have to do that to make your point. So it was nice reading the book without any bolding. And I have noticed copycat blogs doing the same thing, which is really, very annoying.

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