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Once Again

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Posts posted by Once Again

  1. Is it offensive/disrespectful to wear a headcovering just because you like it? I am seriously in love with some of those coverings from Garlands of Grace--like I said upthread, I wear my hair back in a bandana regularly because it's easier to manage and I think it looks nice.


    My DD has my very curly, crazy hair, and she'd look so adorable in some of the coverings for girls. (I doubt I could get her to keep it on for more than five minutes, but she'd look really cute for those five minutes.)


    So would it be wrong to order from them if I didn't have religious/modesty reasons for doing so?


    Yes, I do worry about things like this. I'm paranoid that way.



    I don't think anyone would be offended by that. Their coverings are beautiful.

  2. My dd, age 7, and I are working slowly through Saxon Math K. But this week, we've stopped because I realized she has not learned to recognize the numbers 0-20. I've been having her write the numbers she is having trouble with several times while saying that number and she seems to get it then; but then the very next day she can't remember it. Now, she is going through Saxon Phonics K and doing pretty well. She is able to sound out 3 and 4 letter words with some help and reading the easiest Bob Books, so I know she is capable of learning. Does anyone have any suggestions on helping her learn to recognize numbers? Please help, I am getting a bit desperate.

  3. I've been overweight for several years by about 50 lbs. In July, I finally decided I'd had enough. The weight was effecting my health and mobility. I remember that back in my teens and 20's, I was thin because I would carefully limit my food intake. So, I've tried to limit my intake. When we go out, I am very careful to eat only half of what comes on my plate. If we eat Mexican, I limit myself to only 4 chips with salsa. At home, I put a certain amount of food on my plate and I DON'T go back for seconds. I limit dessert to one time a week, and make sure that it is a small serving when I do have it. Above all, I quit drinking pop. Exercise helps a LOT, but I'm convinced eating less is just as important.

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