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Once Again

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Posts posted by Once Again

  1. I've always believed strongly in getting a dog or puppy from a shelter. So far I've adopted two pups in this manner. However, you should know that any dog you get from a shelter has likely been exposed to other dogs with illnesses. It is pretty much the norm that any dog you adopt from a shelter with be sick. The first dog I got turned out to have distemper. She survived with a lot of care, but it was a near thing. The second had some sort of viral infection. It took her a couple of months to get over it, though she was not nearly as sick as my first dog. Just keep that in mind if you get a pound dog.

  2. Have any conservative Christians used this curriculum? If so, what did you think? I am mainly wondering what the science courses were like and if you found any of the literature courses objectional.


    Also, I saw on their website that each student could work at their own pace. Would this curriculum work for a special needs child? TIA.

  3. I've been reading up on this diet for kids on the autism spectrum, and I have a question that I cannot seem to find the answer to in the books on this subject. If your child does not have any GI symptoms (diarrhea, constipation), is this diet necessary?

  4. I've lurked on the welltrained mind boards off and on for years, but this is the first time I've posted in a long time. My three year old daughter was just diagnosed with PDDNOS. I've been frantically reading all I can on the subject and came across something called the ABA program. I live in a place where it is not possible to get the school system to pay for professionals to do it and we cannot afford to hire our own professionals. So, I want to give it a try myself. Has anyone here tried or heard of someone trying this on their own? Any suggestions, hints, advice etc???



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