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Posts posted by Bang!Zoom!

  1. You can do it by introduction of people in the spine to keep it basic.


    If they go off on a rabbit trail and get into a bio, add it if you like.


    Homeschool in the Woods has an excellent CD set for this, or you can make your own.


    PS: I always have supplemented intentionally on this to include female figures. That's just me..


    PPS: you can always do a timeline in book form as well. :)

  2. Mathwonk, I believe this course is being discussed in other sections of the board as well - lots of folks are viewing it.


    Was it the first video she mentions that 20K have signed up for this course?


    Here is another thread which it is being discussed on a sub forum for K-8 here: (mathwonk, you may find some of this discussion interesting also)



  3. It's very light work here. I have several things planned for fall, and each day we take a little run at intro and practice for fall things. Nothing heavy, just exposure to materials is all.


    These are things that should we bomb or change come fall, we can jump into full speed.


    The only thing that is full speed is reading I should say, that just gets done without any planning around here.

  4. Heather, try to keep in mind that the commitment there isn't permanent. If he starts, try to make pals and talk with the other parents, trade phone numbers and all that good stuff. Is there any way you can do a little extra on site at the school, like an after school club? If not, could you do something at home or in town with a small group of kids?


    Are you planning on carrying on your materials at home in any structured sort of plan?

  5. You absolutely can toss the calendar in a PS attending plan. I do.


    I admit it's a very foreign mindset, but it works here.


    The other side of the toss is to really, really look deeply at the PS year and plan around the open spaces, which there are zillions of.


    Of the 180 days which school is in session (legalistically) - 115 days of that year are free game, and they break down into six distinct and very easily adapted categories for home study as well for us.

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