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Posts posted by Momof3littles

  1. I have no advice, but have had a copy of GSWL for ages, and have finally started working through it on my own.  I am only about 1/3 of the way through, but I think I'm going to use it as a gentle introduction for my kids (10 and 7 yo).  I haven't had Latin since 7th grade, so I need to start from scratch for myself.  I don't know that it would be worthwhile for an older child, except maybe as a way to dip your toes in?


    eta: I can't deal with formally teaching "y'all."  At all.  So we will just call it 2nd person plural or you plural.

  2. We are part of a small co-op, and I love that it forces us to do art.  They get a short art history lesson, discuss a movement, technique, etc. and then are assigned a project that reinforces that technique.  They carry out that project at home during the rest of the week.  Left to my own devices, I somewhat neglect art more than I'd like, so it forces us to get it done.  We've also had the kids do copywork related to the artists we study as part of the co-op, so that is at times a nice reinforcement.

  3. I get the side eye from older neighbors in my subdivision sometimes, even though they know we school year round.  I've mentioned it in passing a few times, and that we take breaks as needed (holidays, grandparent visits from out of state, nice weather ;) )  I am at the point I don't care all that much.  We run errands, etc. as needed.  For my own sanity I generally don't run errands until after we are done with school, but we sometimes finish up early on a Friday and head out by 1-2pm.  We've been asked about school being "out" a few times, but most people don't say anything about us being out at the store or a restaurant. I  think they might assume we picked up from school early for an appt, etc. and ran errands afterwards.  Sometimes I do feel like people notice, but again, I don't really care at this point.  My DH also gets a lot of PTO/flex time off, so we will be out and about as a family on weekdays during school hrs.  I almost feel like that attracts more attention than when I'm out with the kids without DH.


    I live in a very restrictive state, but our law goes so far as to specify homeschool doesn't have to take place during traditional school hrs, etc.  I don't worry one bit about getting in "trouble" legally, but I do get slightly annoyed by the older neighbors' side eye sometimes.  On the bright side, my neighbor 2 doors down is an elderly lady who lives alone, and her grandkids are HS'd.  She loves our kids and I know she is thrilled when they are outside riding bikes on a sunny day before public school lets out.

  4. Diva.  Love it.  There was a learning curve for me, and I do occasionally pair it with a cloth pantiliner. I really like it, but have considered trying some of the other ones just for comparison.


    I did shorten the stem too, cutting off with scissors.

  5. I aim for ready for bed by 8, meaning jammies on, teeth brushed, read alouds done or underway, snack completed.  The oldest (10yo) stays up and reads longer, until maybe 9-9:30 and wakes up about 7:30.  DD (7 yo) needs 11 hrs or so of sleep and is out between 8:30-9, sometimes a little later since she's starting to get engrossed in books.  She sleeps until 8 or 8:30, sometimes 9 if she was really active the day before. DS2 (4yo) is asleep between 8:30 and 9.  Usually a bit earlier than the other kids.  He no longer naps, and if he's had a lot of outdoor time, he falls asleep pretty quickly. He is up between 7:30 and 8am.


    At a certain point we tell them we are off duty unless they are on fire or sick.  We coslept, etc. for years, and at their ages (4yo gets a little forgiveness) I expect them to understand our need for downtime as a couple.  My introverted self needs a BREAK by 9 pm.  I am with my kids all day, and really need my hr in the morning a nd 2 hrs in the evening, or I lose my mind.  That's why DS1 gets more wiggle room, for ex.  He still wakes up at a reasonable time, he will stay up a bit later reading but doesn't bug us, etc. so I am willing to let him slide by without an incredibly strict bedtime.  He self regulates and has lights out by 9-9:30 usually.

  6. We gave up after maybe the third season.  I like it, but I would joke with DH that I often found myself dozing off, only to realize it followed the same formula as a million other episodes LOL.  But I did enjoy it.  Right now most of the series we watch are wrapping up, so maybe we'll dive back into 24 on Prime.  We never watched Scandal and just finished season 1, so that's been our "new" show to watch.


    Love that it is in London though!!!!

  7. Main dish regularly, especially in the summer months.  We don't really do bread. Sometimes in the winter it might be paired with soup, but in the warmer months (spring through fall) we have salad probably 2x a week as a main dish, and as a side maybe 2-3x more per week.


    We definitely have to have some fat with it in order to not be hungry a few hrs later.  We have that  issue with super lean protein dinners even of the non salad variety though.



  8. Our local conference usually has speakers that are so far from my cup of tea that I register and then just attend the used curriculum sale.  In the past, the speakers have been so unappealing to me that I couldn't find a single lecture I was interested in attending.  On the bright side, this year they are hosting SWB, and I am thrilled beyond words!

    I also greatly enjoyed the RFWP conference last year. 


    I mention those only because I think many of us need to have our voices heard, and if we persist, maybe we can get some appealing speakers on the schedules of conferences.


    I am definitely in the mood to hunker down with some audio talks and love this thread.  I always mean to download and listen, but by the time the house is quiet enough to enjoy them, I feel too tired to focus!

  9. Somewhere with a lower COL, lots of cultural events, but affordable property out in the country.  Off the top of my head, I'd love to be in a college town (love Chapel Hill for example).  DH may ease into retirement through consulting by that point, as his profession is one that would lend itself to that being an option.  As a result, being somewhat near an airport would be nice, particularly one that isn't overwhelmingly large or in an area with horrid traffic.

  10. Love kombucha. We go through periods of brewing our own, but then get lazy and buy some. All 3 of my kids were cnm attended births. One hospital, one fsbc, one homebirth. I sadly can't recall my Meyers Briggs type...but I am extremely tilted to the introvert side. Just did a quick one and came back istj. If I had good childcare, would have considered midwifery. I have a master's in a different health care field, but not currently practicing.

  11. Another option is ER when you are having acute symptoms. They can test reflexes and look for other diagnostic cues while while your symptoms are aggrevated. Their diagnostics may or may not be terribly helpful but based on what they see they may recommend a followup with a specialist. Not ideal but imo better than waiting.

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