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Posts posted by itsheresomewhere

  1. I do both- one in the morning and the other one at night.  It seems to work for my elderly dachshund well along with the liberla.  I will increase the meds when she needs more without hesitation. 

    The vet I work for would tell you to try the lowest dose of both first and see how it goes.  At that age, many things could happen from age and not just the kidneys from meds.  You want the pup to enjoy the life they have left in as little pain as possible ( remember we don’t always see the pain they are in until it is bad as some will hide it).  

    • Like 1
  2. It was one of the best ending I have seen in a long time. My sinuses are clear now.

    I really liked how they showed the different emotions on how it is completely different for each person on dealing with grief. 

    • Like 3
  3. I am using a tunnel on off Amazon.  It has done very well.  I modified it with adding a diesel heater for the really cold nights, insulated the bottom half with foam boards, used 6 ml plastic to hang on the walls/ceiling/door and some foam in the top with some reinforcement wood strips to the top of the tunnel for snow load.  Mine is 10x12 and has kept my orchids, topicals and other plants/seed starting very happy.  I lined the floor in slate that someone was throwing out to help with maintaining temperature.  Govee on Amazon has some wonderful temp/humidity monitors that connect to your phone.  I use them to monitor all the time.  

    Most of the shelving and foam I re-homed from the trash over the summer so it has cost me very little.  My entire setup cost 200 and it has done very well.  

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    Does your person like shrimp? Kroger runs bogo deals that can make them surprisingly affordable. They come in trays of various sizes, so you can pull off just a small amount (4-6) to defrost and enjoy.

    She does not eat anything from the sea.   

  5. 1 hour ago, City Mouse said:

    What about the baked version of common chip varieties? I know they are only slightly healthier than the regular variety, but the Cheetos, Lays, Ruffles names may be more acceptable to a person who is extremely picky. Or Sensible Potions brand https://www.gardenveggiesnacks.com

    Would portion control packaging help? Lots of snacks come in multi-packs of small individual bags that are holiday themed. Halloween has the most, but valentines and Easter have some too. I have gotten Goldfish cracker, pretzels, cheese balls, Sensible Portion chips, rice crispy treats, granola bars. (Not all at the same time)
    Since you bring her fruit on a daily basis, maybe the crunchy snacks could be given out that way too so that she doesn’t eat too much at one time. 

    Hates the baked chips. 

    The snacks are left there each week.  She was not happy with it otherwise.  The way I get away with the fruit is that it taste better fresh cut daily. 

  6. 59 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

    I meant crisps, not fries.


    22 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

    I didn't think anyone ate raw sweet potatoes. 

    They don't open packets of these and bake them with sugar and marshmallow like, I don't know, diabolical nachos, do they?

    I knew what you meant and she won’t eat it.  

    And they do have nachos made out of them.  It is delicious.  They had a cinnamon sauce, ice cream and whipped cream.  Lol

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

    Sweet potato chips are lower GI than ordinary. I could eat them even when I had gestational diabetes.

    Hates sweet potatoes with a passion unless it is covered in marshmallows and brown sugar. Lol.  I even mixed in some sweet potatoes chips with her regular ones and it was a no go.  

  8. 9 minutes ago, Halftime Hope said:

    I kind of doubt she'd like this, but I really love the salty, crunchy dried whole shitake mushrooms from Costco. They do have yeast extract (a similar additive in the MSG family), but pretty low carb and filling. They meet that umami need.

    Does she like fudgsicles at all? It's easy to make soft tofu fudgsicles that are low carb, and they're delicious!

    I love those mushrooms.  So good. But her, not a chance.  And she doesn’t eat fudgsicles.  

  9. 12 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

    Applesauce? Not low carb, but not sugary either. The unsweetened is still sweet and yummy. 

    She doesn’t eat anything like applesauce/pudding/yogurt/ cottage cheese. It is a sensory thing.  

  10. 8 minutes ago, Spryte said:

    Is she looking for a salty and crunchy finger food? I’m familiar with this quest.

    Popcorn can be great, but do be careful with the teeth. Our elders love Skinny Pop but we have found that the quality varies with where we buy it. Costco seems the least dangerous to teeth — fewer hard kernels.


    I think this is really want she wants just doesn’t come right out and say it. Salty , crunchy finger foods seem to be all she likes for snacks.  

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, ScoutTN said:

    You are kind to work so hard to find healthier choices for someone who is challenging.

    Thank you.  The two of us appreciate that.  We are trying but some days it is just hard.  

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

    Are you near a Trader Joe's?  They have an alternate - a peanut and corn puff Bamba snack.

    I just got and bought these so tomorrow we will see if it passes the test.  Putting it in a Tupperware container so she doesn’t just turn it down by the wrapper. 

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  13. 30 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

    What about trail mix (without candy), popcorn, or frozen yogurt sweetened with fruit?

    The only thing she might eat is the popcorn.  I just have to see if she can with her teeth.  

  14. 8 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

    What does she eat for meals? 

    What would happen if there weren’t snacks? 

    She must have snacks or she is a bit nasty and uncooperative.  So we have learned snacks are a must.  And apparently you can’t watch her morning or afternoon programs without a snack.     

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  15. 2 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

    Does she like eggs? Scrambled eggs are really satisfying. Melt some cheese on them and it’s quick and filling. 

    “Eggs are a breakfast food”. And would you believe she won’t eat anything on her egg nor eat scrambled.  

  16. 12 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Is budget an issue? Cheese whisps are $4.49/package at StuffMart and Target, but essentially zero carb. 

    Strawberry cream cheese bites: 1 c. diced strawberry, 1 t. vanilla, 1/4 c. coconut oil, 3/4 c. softened cream cheese; blend, pour into silicon cupcake wrappers, freeze (I would unwrap these before giving them to her as she may accidentally toss the wrapper.)

    I will also say that at a certain point with a particular elderly person...when dementia and habits really set in (even less flexibility with age--went to about 5-6 safe foods)....we began to focus more on quality of life and less on blood sugars. I don't know when that point is for you when you can let go for the person in your life, but if you're talking about sensory + other stuff... I truly understand how limiting that can be.  Is better diet control something she is wanting or is it something you wish would happen for her? 

    Also, if you want to toss in an age reference (are we talking a 70 yo or a 90 yo) I can think about childhood favorite spinoffs....like maybe keto lemon bars using coconut oil and almond flour and monk fruit. Have you tried monk fruit yet as a sweetener?  Also, have you tried the whole Benefiber + probiotic thing to try to address the IBS? Often the IBS with picky eaters is tied to not having adequate fiber as the base issue....the good fiber feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut biome so stuff like artificial sweeteners (which decreases healthy gut bacteria) doesn't create cascading problems

    Budget is not an issue at all.  Just picky/stubborn. 

    Monkfruit was a no go as it tastes weird.  She does take a fiber and probiotics daily when she wants and admits that helps ( shocker I know).  I think she has noticed she feels better when eating a bit better is why she is somewhat caring about her diet but it is day by day. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

    Natural pb with no sugar in it. On apples or low carb tortillas.

    apples with sharp cheddar cheese


    Will she eat a breakfast burrito? 

    Dill pickles?

    Pimento cheese? 

    Will this person eat “real” foods packaged/prepped like snacks? In cute, portioned boxes, with toothpicks, etc? 



    Peanut butter not a cookie-  no

    All fruit has to be brought over as she will eat it all in one sitting.  But she doesn’t eat oranges as she says too much work for little fruit even when peeled.  So we do bring fruit daily but limited portions so she doesn’t make herself sick.  

    Burritos are too many ingredients together and pimento cheese is the same.  

    We do make our own prepackaged but sometimes you just need not homemade. Hilariously, she will not eat it if it is in a cute box to cut cute.  Learned that one the hard way. 

  18. Just now, happypamama said:

    Aw, man!

    This sounds very hard. Kudos to you for trying so hard for her.


    Thanks.  I know we appreciate you saying that.  It has been a little taxing for both of us trying. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, HomeAgain said:

    If the popcorn is too rough, you might be able to get away with Hippeas if you hide the bag.  Like corn puffs, cheesy, and full of protein because they're made from chickpeas (but without the taste or texture).

    No chickpeas.  Somehow she can sniff those out like a bloodhound and refuses to eat them.  I actually put them in a Tupperware to see if she would try it. 

  20. Just now, happypamama said:

    Even Stevia? It's an herb that tastes sweet, rather than an artificial sweetener. 

    Even stevia.  I even tried some of the fresh stevia I grow.  It wasn’t pleasant. 

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