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Posts posted by SJ.

  1. 1 hour ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

    Do you know why?   Just as a preventative for issues that might arise down the road?

    We always joked that it was because the dental staff needed practice to gain experience!  Margaret is right that it makes you nondeployable regardless of whether the wisdom teeth have any issues. 

  2. 16 hours ago, MDL said:

    I had a detailed reply typed up, lost it and then dinner happened. 

    I guess I thought that BYL was lighter, with lots of reading. Maybe it’s just too much. 

    How important is it to do physical mapwork and/or timelines? I feel like they miss out on some essential brain synapse connections. 

    8fillTheHeart, do you think it would be light to manageable if I dropped BYL 8? I know Lukeion is a big one that is neither light nor easy. But it’s the one place this guy has done the hard work and reaped the rewards (A in Latin 1, great score on the NLE and he passed with high honors into CTY in language, not that we have any time to use their program this semester, though)

    I think it would be manageable if only math and spelling (unless it is in the early programs)  was added to the program. I think in early elementary I would have been fine just adding math and spelling but in later years my family needs more in depth writing. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, SereneHome said:


    From BYL we do - read-alouds, SOTW, art, poetry and some vocab.  I don't follow the "days", I follow subjects.  So, I don't break down SOTW chapter into 3 days, I just read it all in one day, they are not that long.  I do vocab at the beg and end of the week.  Kind of like pre-view and review. I read books sometimes during lunch, sometimes during school, but again, I don't always stop at "chapters of the day".  And we do art only once a week, so whatever was supposed to be covered during the week gets covered that day.

    I found it too much hassle to be flipping between history, art, read-aloud.  Also, I like break up "listening" subjects with "doing" subjects.  So, we'll do history for half an hour and then math for another half an hour.  And then I might go back to art or poetry.  And then to science.

    I like this idea. Maybe I will look at next week and see if everything will be more manageable if he focuses on subjects instead of daily work. Thanks!

  4. I can totally relate and would love to tips to get everything finished. My 8th grader is doing byl8 without narration and dictation. His other classes are wtma expository writing 2, wtma aops algebra, wtma Geography (which I tried to convince him to cancel), an outside science class 2x a week (with homework), vocab study, analytical grammar (starting next  week), and he wants to do ancient history. 

    This week has been tough. We are one day short because of labor day and he didn't get much finished on Tuesday either from being distracted.  

    This is where we stand as of right now with byl8 week 1

    Art - none completed with a goal to read the first part today and write a very short summary or basic outline, second part over the weekend

    Astronomy for all ages- nothing done, maybe we will do it over the weekend

    Golden Goblet- complete through day 4, Egyptian good packet nothing done

    History- with all of the reading and being worried the book is too dry, I summarized day one reading for him and he completed the timeline and map for the first day. Goal is the rest over the weekend

    Poetry - he annotated the poem and began memorizing it

    Story of science - he read ch 1-2 and completed study guide, goal to finish 3 today or this weekend

    Science- read and outlined the encyclopedia for the first reading, goal is to finish the 2nd by the end of the weekend

    Magic of reality- goal was to use as a read aloud and discuss, haven't started.


    Byl is so much when you are trying to do other subjects. I hope next week his time is spent wiser than this past week and he isn't scrambling over the weekend to finish. He also has 9 hours of a competitive sport during the week. I am not sure how I will survive the year without going crazy!!




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  5. 13 minutes ago, SanDiegoMom in VA said:

    The pre-algebra book had three different authors, so the style of writing greatly  varies throughout. The first two chapters are a slog and with my second kid we just skimmed through the lengthy explanations. By chapter three things get much more streamlined. Definitely don't judge it by the first two chapters! 

    Yes, this! I was just about to ask what section you are working in. If you stick with it, it gets much better!

    There are not videos for each section but I highly recommend using them for the sections they exist

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  6. This week is WTMA orientation week and next week classes officially begin.  What classes are your students taking? 

    My 8th grader is taking AOPS Algebra (delayed), Expository Writing II (delayed), and Geography.   This is his 3rd year at WTMA.

    Algebra- last year my nonmathy Ds took prealgebra through WTMA with Mrs Yoo.  He needed a lot of extra help from me but he learned a lot, more than I think he would have learned otherwise I think.  One frustration for him was he was much slower than other students so it was difficult when it was time to work out examples. This year he is doing the delayed option so he can pause the video and work the problems.  He is also using the online text which is much easier to read and it has the videos embedded.

    Expository Writing II - this will be his first writing class at WTMA. He completed WWS1 two years ago. Last year he did some W&R and a lot of summaries and reports. He is very excited about this course and a little disappointed that it isn't live.

    Geography- last spring I signed him up for this class during the discounted period not knowing if he would have time in his schedule. Over the summer it became clear that there wasn't room in his schedule for it and I was planning on dropping the course. After signing in to his WTMA account and exploring the class he is most excited for this class so he will try to fit it in. Right now he is in orientation.

    What classes are your students taking?

  7. Last year we did byl7 and there was so much reading. I like your idea of easing into it and skipping that book. 

    Are you assigning the reader and the literature to be read or are you reading one aloud?

    We are using byl8, too. DS will start after labor day. I still need to purchase most of the books that are spines! The rest will come from the library 

  8. When I first purchased aops prealgebra for my nonmathy Ds I was very overwhelmed looking through the book and doubting the choice to use the program.  DS completed the program through WTMA with a lot of help from me but he learned so much.  He is doing aops algebra this year with wtma and I anticipate a similar, perhaps better, year. 

    This year I purchased the online version of the algebra book along with the hard copy. The online version is so much easier to read and not as overwhelming. I highly recommend checking it out on the website. In addition to being easier to view, the videos are embedded in the lessons and you can enter the answers to the exercise problems and receive immediate feedback. 

    Good luck finding a program that works for your family!


  9. We found the prealgebra aops book very overwhelming and hard to read but stuck with it using WTMA.  This year I purchased the aops algebra book with the online text. It is so much easier to read the online version, clearer and less overwhelming. The videos that cover the lessons are embedded in the text which is very nice. Another big plus is that the exercise questions have a place to enter the answers and then there is a show solution button that gives immediate, detailed feedback.  Good luck finding a curriculum!


  10. To answer the original question - Ds is using BA Online as his main math program. He reads the text and completes the questions.  He is in level 5A and it is challenging. He just finished the first section and the last set of problems took him an hour to complete because they were so tough. 

  11. Last year we took the plunge get and did AOPS prealgebea. My 7th grader is not a math kid and I was pretty nervous about it. He took it online through WTMA because I wanted to ensure it was completed within the school year, for accountability, and to have a teacher for additional help if needed. 

    It was hard and he needed a lot of help but it was a good decision. I was also concerned about review problems but the instructor encouraged him to stick it out.  As you go through the class there is plenty of review since each new chapter builds on the previous ones. I feel like my ds learned a lot more than he would have if he had used something else but it was a lot of work for both of us. 

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