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Posts posted by mom4him

  1. Do they know what it is at school that is making her sick? You might want to know that.

    Both my son and myself are very chemically sensitive. I know that he would not survive very long in ps but most homes wouldn't work for him either as most homes have things like scented candles, bleach, scented laundry products, room deodorizers, paints and floor coverings can be an issue, the list simply goes on and on. Do you use any of these products and if so are you willing to change if they are the issue?


    I would want to be the one that picked the matterial that we used. I would go over with the parents what you use and why but have it understood that the matterial choices are mine. Now that said we all know that different children learn different. Are you willing to use something different in the areas of LA and Math if what you are using with your child doesn't work for this other child?


    I think that the only other thing that came to my mind is a release form for in case of an accident and for field trips. You might want something here on file. When I baby sat I had a release form giving me permission to have the children treated in case of an emergency and couldn't get ahold of a parent.


    Just some more things to look at.

  2. Did you ever find out what started yours - was it just stress?


    No, I never did but I am sure it was the stress that put me way over. Our life at that time was a mess in so many ways. Long Story!

    Now, I never did have a total physical either. I am not much for taking myself to a dr.:001_huh: The family Dr that we use knows me well enough by now that he doesn't push for tests unless he thinks I am near dead. LOL I think he figures this way I will come see him when I really need to?

  3. I have just started so not years of experience here but I am using R&S for my 9yr old dd. She loves it! I have used LLATL in the past and tried Character Quality LA for about 3 months. She hated CQLA and I didn't like the way LLATL jumped around. R&S seems to be steady. It presents and then builds with upcoming lessons instead of being all over the place.

  4. I would start by taking the owners manual to your machine and helping her understand how a machine works and how to do things like thread the needle and wind the bobbin.

    I would then have her cut out two squares the size of a pillow form (you can get them in various sizes)and make herself a pillow. This will help her get a 'feel' of the machine and running it. You should cut the fabric 5/8th of an inch bigger on each side than the form. Leave 1/2-3/4 one side unsewn, turn the fabric, put form in and hand sew the opening. (I wish I was close, as this isn't sounding quite like it should. I would love to help her and you.)

    I would then go to a pattern department at a fabric store. Look for quick sew or easy sew patterns with mostly strait lines. and let her make herself something to wear that is simple such as a pair of shorts, a tank top, a straight skirt with elastic waist.

    Do you have a neighbor, grandma, aunt that would be able to help you with the beginning steps.

    Happy sewing! It can be so much fun.

  5. Yes, about 4 yrs ago. My bp would shoot up to 220/178. This happened twice that I took it. For me it was major stress going on at that time with extended family and church. It was a pretty aweful mess. The bad part is now I fight high bp. I am on meds but I hate taking them.

    I hope you can figure out what the problem is.

    Just a thought, has your doc tested your blood sugar?

  6. I so totally agree with the previous posts. Last fall we started in mid Aug. and then the garden kicked in, fruit became available to put up and school got set on the back burner. I was so stressed about it all. I have a dear hs friend and she helped me see that just because we weren't setting at the school table with a book in front of us didn't mean the kids weren't learning. They were helping pick apples, wash, cut and process them. They helped pick tomatoes, wash and process them. The list goes on. During this time we talked about my mom and how she canned EVERY thing we ate as a veggie or fruit when I was a girl. They got to experience how much work it can all be and the pleasure of getting to eat some of it then and having it at our finger tips now.

    Take every oppertunity you can to make them a part and teach them what it is all about.

  7. Now, I'm personally not having problems with neighborhood kids, however, I'd love to come along, cause I would love to have more than a postage stamp size garden. I enjoy growing fruit & vegetables, and would love to be able to reduce our families dependance on the local grocery stores.

    We have a very small yard and I have yearned for a garden spot for years. Last summer we tilled up our front yard and planted it. This year we are adding a couple of flower garden spots to that. They aren't very big but I figure I just as well be watering food as flowers.


    I would love to join the commune. I have yearned to live in the country ever since we adopted our two youngest but dh isn't at all interested. We live in the middle of Rally town and 3-4 wks of the year are horrible. I have even prayed for the Lord to take this desire away from me if it isn't right but it seems it just gets stronger. (sigh)

  8. I have never used HOD. I have heard a lot of good things about it though. We did use MFW 1 1/2 yrs. It was ok but just didn't seem to flow for us.

    We are going to use Truth Quest for history this coming year. It is a bit more labor intensive but I can do my own schedule instead of 'feeling' tied to someone elses.

  9. If this has been suggested by someone else please forgive me. I haven't read all of the posts.

    For us having a VERY sturdy table is a must. What I did was hunted the second hand shops until I found a table that was the size I wanted and my dh then put a peace of sheat plastic(in our area it is called 'dairy barn panels) on it with the smooth side up. We got the table for around $40 and we had the plastic but it sells I think for about $15. I had dh skrew it down so it doesn't slip all over but gave a nice smooth surface.

  10. I think I spent our first 2 years of hs these two in burnt out. Maybe even three. I think that this year is truly the first one that I don't feel overwhelmed and exausted by it.

    Some things that I have learned:

    1. It IS OK to take time when I need it for what ever I need it for, canning, appointments, play date, etc. I try to not be frivalus(sp) but I also don't feel guilty with it.

    2. Be sure your curr. fits not just your child but you. If it doesn't try something else. This was a big one for me. To find what worked for us and again not feel guilty for stopping whatever and using something else. I sell what I can of ones that haven't worked and go on.

    3. I rest in the afternoon almost every day. My schedule is pretty long as I get my oldest son up and out the door to work every day and put him to bed. He is a quad so my day starts early(I also get up anywhere from 1-1 1/2 hrs before I start him to have some quiet time) with 2 1/2 hrs of physical labor and ends late the same way. I used to fight through thinking that I had to fill the day up with school and that I was letting my kids down if I didn't. By 3 in the afternoon I would be so tired there would have been one and only one word to describe me -- CRABBY! It is much more important to enjoy my kids and for them to have a joy about learning that to keep what I had felt everyone else expected of my.

    There is more but those are probably the biggest ones. For me it all fell under the title of feeling guilty. I have a hs dear friend that has helped me get and keep many of these things. Thanks Julie!

    I pray that you can get some rest, and regain the joy of hsing your children.

  11. I haven't read all the other posts so this might be a repeat of some.

    Laundry(how to run the washer, putting the detergent in, how to sort, getting the clothes into the dryer,folding and putting away) the whole thing.

    How to do basic sewing(buttons, redoe a hem etc)

    How to pound a nail, saw a board.(making a small bird house works great for this)

    Dust, clean the bathroom,change his bedding and launder it etc.

    I think you simple need to think of all the things that you and your husband do on a consistent basis throughout the year. These are things he is going to need to know. Being homeschool is such an awesome opportunity as you have all day to incorporate him in on these things.

    My 2 are 8 & 9 and they help with the weekly cleaning, help prepare meals(can fix their own breakfast of pancakes and eggs) unload the dishwasher, do their own laundry including their bedding. I work along with them in most of these things yet but some of them are independent.

    Have fun.

  12. I look at your list and I think some could be intergrated in with other such as composers and artists could be worked in as part of your history along with the handi crafts.

    I don't do both history and science at the same time. We do one or the other. We are doing a lapbook on Dinos right now and when we start school up in Aug. we will start our Truth Quest history.

    I guess I think that the life skills just happens. That is where you have your kids help fix meals, do dishes, clean, etc. My two are learning to do their own laundry along with what happens if you don't do your laundry. LOL

    I fully believe that children need time to 'just do their thing' too. I don't try to fill up their day. They have their chores, we do school 4 days a week with the basic getting done in the morning. We do the 'life skill' part more on Friday as far as cleaning and such. In the afternoon we do our history or science. They have time in the afternoon to be that free spirit that children in mho need to be.

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