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Posts posted by mom4him

  1. I agree with you whole heartedly, Alicia.

    A little over a year ago our Wed. night Bible study was on how you shouldn't 'be friends' with a non Christian. It was offensive to me. Some of my best friends have not been what many Christians consider 'Christian' because they..............You can fill in the list. Right now one of my most loyal friends is what most people would consider non Christian. She had been a support to me in ways that so go over anything that the people I once thought were my friends would ever do. She isn't doing them to win me over or gain presidence with me, she is just a kind hearted supportive lady who is willing to be honest and open with me.

    The honest and open part is something that many, maybe even most Christians can't handle. You should put on this face of happy, all is grand and never let anyone know that it is really different.

    I do think we need to be careful about hanging around someone that may lead us down a trail of hurt. I have a niece that is struggling with drinking. She needs to cut off the friends that lead her down that trail.

  2. Does he do this with other parents and their toddlers?

    I fully believe that you need to follow what your inner voice is saying. I believe that God gives us a 'nowing' many times about people. I have had 3 different men in the past years that I felt very uncomfortable around. You know the feeling that goes 'yuk' when they were in the same room as you. I could never really put my finger on why as they were never inappropriate with me or anyone else that I saw but still just that 'feeling' was always there. I have found out in three of them that they have history of child molestation(sp).

    I don't feel guilty about it anymore. I listen to that inner voice and take percautions.

    Personally, I would manage one way or another to no longer allow this person to hold my baby. I would try to not be rude but if I had to I would.(I am not normally a rude person but I have learned how if need be.)

  3. We homeschool year around, well sort of. We start our official school yr the second full week of Aug. and officially end around the middle of July so we have about 3 wks of 'summer vacation'. In Aug., Sept., Oct. I take days that I need to can and freeze produce. We take the week of Thanksgiving off and 2-3 weeks at Christmas time. We also take a week in June for VBS.

    We do a 4 day school week also and take other days here and there when needed. For my two it keeps them in a little more of a schedule and they seem to do better with that. Also, They don't 'loose' things that they had learned the year before like when you take 3 months at a time.

  4. *That* email fwd, I would delete...I don't send the "plz fwd this to fifteen people!!" emails on to anyone like that...


    If - and this is IF - I get a fwd that I think it's really cute (like something with totally adorable kitten photos or whatever - or it could be a Christian themed one that spoke to me in a special way) or particularly meaningful, I may pass it on to specific people ---- people who will enjoy it, and I know they will because they've told me so the times I've seen them something before. I fix it up though - it doesn't go on with all the junk attached (a million email addresses, all the text that doesn't belong, etc) .. I fix it and send it to that/those specific people. :)


    The one you just posted though? Nope. Delete.


    This is what I do also IF I have the time to even open it and look at it. Most of the time I hit delete on forwards.

    I really don't get very many any more as I have casually mentioned to most that send that I just delete most. It works for me.

  5. I am starting my first year of HSing with a first grader. I have researched and researched different ways to 'lesson plan' the subjects.

    One thought is to write it out as a teacher would in a calendar book. Another thought is doing a checklist but still planning out the year. Another is an online system/software.

    So here comes my question... this will show my experience with HS.... why can't I just look at the table of contents and go lesson by lesson each day we do school? Take math and do lesson one then two... etc. Take History book and start with lesson 1 then 2 ...etc.


    What am I missing that is important in lesson planning?:confused:


    I am all :bigear: when it comes to suggestions.


    I do a real basic lesson plan 1-2 wks ahead. It simply helps me keep on track with what we need to accomplish in that time period to be close to finishing for the year.

    Also, somewhere on the web site of HSLDA I read that they encourage all homeschoolers to keep an account of what you have completed daily in case there were ever aligations brought against you? If they were to have to defend you they would have a documentation of what you did in that school yr.

    I purchase a very simple, inexpensive lesson planner, put my plan in pencil, star it when completed that day or erase and move it forward. If we don't do school on a specific day I put why(to RC for Hutterite order, or Aunt Mary came for an overnight visit etc.)

  6. I put about 1/2 inch water in the bottom of my pan, add a layer of onion and then place my roast on top. I then sprinkle lightly with sea salt and very lightly with some type of red pepper. I put carrots that are washed and cut up into about 3-4" pieces around and over if need be. Roast at a low heat like 300 until done. Oh, you must have a good cover over it all to help hold the moisture in.

    You really do end up with a meal in your roaster. If you use potatoes you can add them too. The veggies are yummy and so is the roast.

    When you have your meat and veggies removed from the pan the juice is yummy to make gravy with also.

  7. We are so far behind. I had great plans for this year (see my sig line--ha!), and I feel awful that we are where we are. In September, work exploded in my face (we were acquired and had a TON of work to finish to fulfill contracts by 12/31). In January I was thrown into the deep end of the training process for my new job, which was much more intense than my colleagues and I anticipated. I'm finally coming out of training and working on my own, but now there are SO MANY MEETINGS. Every week. Pointless, pointless meetings and phone calls and check-ins. (Gah! OK, vent over.)


    Anyway, here we are, something like 1/4 of the way into our "school year," and I'm still flapping around like a fish out of water. I know it's "just" first grade, but I still wanted to do so much better than I did this year. And now I feel like we're already behind on second grade! I wanted to start Latin, Primary Language Lessons, yada yada yada.


    Yeesh. Am I alone in this? There's a part of me that's screaming, "If you can't do this well, you shouldn't be doing it at all!" And then there's the other part that's holding desperately to the hope that I'll be able to quit my job at the end of the year like we've discussed, and then I can go wholeheartedly into HSing the way I want to and the way kids deserve. I just don't know. WWYD? Have I destroyed my DD's educational foundation?



    Take a deep breath, it is ok. I have a dear hs friend that so many times has encouraged me to just keep going. It is much more important that the child learn the principle than for us moms to be able to say we have finished#%&^. When I started this journey I was so hung up on keeping my two at their grade level that I made school misserable for all of us. I soon leaned that one of the things that helps us is to school pretty much year around. For one thing there are several lessons at the beginning of math and sometimes LA that are review of the previous year. When you don't have that long time off those can either be skipped or quickly gone over because the child hasn't forgotten what he learned last year. If we don't finishe a book I just pick up from where we left off.

    I am planning on taking 1 wk off in June and about 3 wks off in July and Aug. I start up normally the second full week of Aug. and it depends on how much preserving of garden and fruits purchased that I have to do as to whether we do school 1 day or 4 days in a week. We just keep plugging through. I involve my kids with the canning and freezing so it isn't totally non educational.

    We will be doing some at the start of next year that didn't get finished this year but my kids are learning and flurishing. That is what counts.

  8. Thank you for all the helpful suggestions... I had never even heard of a Labradoodle! So I am glad I asked the Hive...

    Just one more thing about the labradoodles. The lady that we bought ours from told me that they need to be groomed twice a year max. Now that doesn't include shampooing then they go play in the muddy flower garden.(Picture that on an almost white, happy, hoppy puppie) So far I can not see where their coat has grown in length.

    We got ours very inexpensively for labradoodles also. If you want the gals name and # pm me.

  9. We left mainstream church in 2002. I was wondering if any of you homechurch or have an unorthodox approach to church gatherings. We have fellowship, but not in a traditional church setting. I often blush to say we homeschool and homechurch. :tongue_smilie: But, we do!

    Yes, sort of. Both my son and I are chemically sensitive. Going to 'church' right now is just not an option because of all the fragrances from colognes, perfumes, laundry care products, etc. We were going to just Childrens Church for a while but I have pulled us back out again as it was really affecting my ds again. I could see it was not going to be long before we were going to be having some real problems.

    I would love to find a home church that we could be a part of as we do miss the fellowship but so far have not. The truth is we probably wouldn't be able to go to one of them on a consistent basis either as it seems like nearly everyone is unwilling to consider what they do in the area of these products and the affect it may have on not only others but their own families.

    I do a class most weeks that is for Sunday but we would all like to be back in our church.

  10. We just got 2 labradoodles a couple of months ago. They have been a blast! They are F3 which from what I understand you need before they are more non shedding. They are brother and sister but one is almost double the size of the other. The largest is blond, the boy and totally fun. The smallest is black, the girl and very girly. She would twirl around in a frilly dance move if she could unless she is upset with her brother and then watch out. She can flip him on his back so fast that it makes your head spin.

    We totally love them.

    We have also had Schnauzers and they were just as personable.

  11. I don't have time to look right now but I believe the name of the video is Stranger Danger. It is excellent! I have watched this several times with my two and gone over who are their 'safe people'. It goes through what to do if a stranger gets into your 'safe zone' while out in public, what do you do when mommy can't go to the door(like while in the bathroom) and someone comes. It is not fail proof but very good. The other day Mr T told me, "Mom, there were some people on the side walk and we practiced our 'Safe zone'.

    It really give you a basis to talk about some of these things without necessarily scaring the child, also.

  12. I was doing spelling with my dd at the age of 7 and she was major struggling. I simply quit. We did a little as we were going with what was built into her LA but it was very little and I didn't focus on it.

    We have just picked it up again(she is now 9) and she is flying with it.

    One of the things that I often do is have her do her spelling test with magnetic letters. Although she can do it on paper without a problem, she really enjoys 'testing' with the letters. It becomes more like a game. I don't do this every week for the test but she does get to spell her words with them almost every week.

    My 8 yr old ds goes blank when I dictate a spelling list to him. He looks at me as though I were a man from outer space.:confused: Maybe it is my hair that day but I really think he just isn't ready. I am taking the same route with him.

  13. Which unit of Reading are you in? They go up to 5! Can she blow through that quickly as well? They get progressively harder. As far as spelling, I don't use R&S spelling however I have it. You could use the Reading program at the unit that fits and the grade 3 spelling program maybe.

    I hadn't started her in the reading yet as she is still doing the Advanced Reading HOP computer program. In looking at the reading of the 2nd grade I know she wouldn't have a problem with it though. In fact in looking at the 3rd grade I am sure she would be going strong with it. I am more concerned with 'missing something' but skipping the 2nd grade Eng.

    Oh, she is also whizzing through the 2nd grade spelling.

  14. Have any of you gone the way of medicine after a few years of vitamins/minerals, diet, etc.?


    Our little boy was not just unattentive, moving etc but it got to where he would rage 2-3 times a day. I am talking about a rage that would last anywhere from 20min to 1 1/2 hrs. It was life here on earth with a real good idea of what h=ll could be like.

    After much study and different approaches we started on the Specific Carb. Diet. We saw amazing results within a couple of days. We have been on it now for almost 3 1/2 yrs and don't plan on any changes there in the near future.

    We were still experiencing some raging and was very puzzled about it. I started to keep track of where we were, what we had been doing, who we were around etc and realized that he was having major reactions to chemicals. The diet was a difficult transition but to not just take the chemicals out of our personal home but to learn where it was safe to go has been major difficult. The thing is we have not had a rage now since Oct. Not only that but he not only does his school work(not always happy about it but does it) but he has started wanting more many days.

    I never would have seen either of these if we hadn't gone 100% with both but it has been worth it. Our Mr T is a very bright little boy and I don't believe that a drug would have done anything compared to what making these life style changes have.

    I you are wanting more info feel free to send me a pm.

    I guess I will also say that I am not condemming anyone who goes the way of drugs. Each parent has to do what is right for their child/family. Neither is an easy road.

  15. Ok, we started with using LLATL and I really didn't much like it. It seemed as though it never stay on any one thing long enough for it to sink in.

    Before Christmas I saw CQLA and fell in love BUT my little girl DIDN'T. We struggled with it for almost 3 months before I decided I needed to find something that SHE really liked. I looked at what she did know about gramar and felt like it was almost nothing so I ordered both the 2nd and 3rd grade English. Along with this I also ordered the Reading and Spelling for both grades. I looked at them and decided to put her in the 2nd grade matterial(tech. she is in 3rd grade) but now I am thinking of going ahead and switching her to the 3rd grade. We are going through the 2nd grade book at 2-3 lessons a day(mainly orally) and she is easily 'getting it' able to give back the next day what we covered the previous. She is a good reader both in reading and comprehension so I know the content of the 3rd grade reader won't be to much. I guess I am just concerned that by skipping the 2nd grade I might miss some things that she needs to be fluent in the 3rd? Of course we would go through the 3rd at a much slower pace, covering only one lesson or maybe 2 if it is a review.

    What do you think would be the best way to preceed?

  16. I guess it would depend on what you consider 'contact'. I don't really have a lot of 'contact' with a lot of people on a person, one on one basis. Now saying that one of my best, most faithful friend would probably not be considered 'a Christian' by many. She has been there for me with the ends and outs of life the last few years much more supportively than some of the people that I used to consider 'my best friends'.

    I also believe that we need to consider the people what we come into contact when just out and about. I really try to keep a good attitude when a clerk makes a mistake or when they are crabby with me whether justified of not. Some times I even have an opportunity to give a little glimps of Gods love for them.

  17. When I started hsing I thought that I'd need my alone time, but it was strange: the longer I hsed, the less I needed it (I still went grocery shopping alone, though).


    :iagree:This is where I am at. I think some of it is because the kids are a little older but more than anything I have learned to 'really enjoy' them.

    This last December we were in K-Mart and as was we were looking at all of the Christmas stuff I had this AHA moment. I realized that I totally enjoy having them with me and don't have that 'big' desire to go without them.

    If I need to do something with out them I do such as some shopping that I don't want their eyes seeing, surprises and such but for the most part we do it all together.:) I love it!

  18. Yup! My 8 yr old ds can be a bean with this. I try to have whatever marked off before he learns a lesson and that helps but when it becomes a stand off I simply tell him that I can errase the Xed off ones and he will 'get' to do them all. It normally takes care of the problem.

    Once in a while I remind my kiddoes that I have not chosen their matterial quickly nor lightly. It is something that I have sot God about.

    I guess we all want to get by with doing less if we can manage it but you can only get to so much less before you aren't doing it at all.

  19. We have been going through a course called "Truth Project". I just had to write a short clip about it and encourage anyone that has the opportunity to participate in the course to do so.

    It has made me think and evaluate every week along with aha moments at least once every week. It is a 13 wk course so a bit of a commitment but well worth it.

  20. I love my Fiesta ware. They have been sturdy, colorful, happy dishes. They aren't cheap but can watch sales and get them at better prices. I bought mine on line at but I can't seem to find the site right now. I will keep looking as this place made it possible for me to get ours. They are made in USA, lead free.

    I had correl ware for years, like over 40 but got really tired of the way it broke when it did break.

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