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Posts posted by mom4him

  1. Caffeine.


    But, the more effective way is to eat right, have some "quiet time" every day, and when I read at night I find I am more peaceful. Also, when I get lax with my prayers my stress really ramps up, so a consistent prayer life can also help. This is usually part of my "quiet time."


    I also find gardening and yard work to be therapuetic, even though I am not very good at it, but I rarely get around to it!



    You made me smile. Caffeine is not a good option for me either. I get shake, crabby, hyper, then crash, hours later. NO ONE LIKES ME WHEN I DO CAFFEINE!:lol:


    I agree, the quiet time is promimemt/must do. I am working on that. I also find the gardening is therapuetic. If I wake up early, many times I will go out into my flower gardens and it is very refreshing.

  2. Thanks everyone. I know I didn't get a personal response to all of you but I did read all the post and appreciate the time and energy that each of you took.


    It has been another really wild day and I am exhausted tonight. My youngest is in one of his really down moods and I just want to go to bed. I know that focusing on my Heavenly Father is the only thing that is really going to get me through and that is what I am trying to carve out, the time to do that more effectively.


    Bless each of you in your journey of more stress than you feel you can handle.

  3. Make sure you get lots of sleep. I'm now taking a nap at least every other day, for about an hour. It really helps me get through the day. I've started doing that instead of relying heavily on coffee and diet sodas. I'm now 3 weeks free from all caffeine and artificial sweeteners. They weren't helping me stay awake anyhow, and I decided I needed to address the real problem, i.e. lack of sleep and poor diet, instead. Anyhow, lots of good ideas here, just a reminder not to fall prey to the idea that you're too busy to get good sleep. You'll pay for it in lost energy and efficiency, and you still won't get anything done...plus you'll feel terrible.


    I also nap, actually nearly every day. My day starts at around 6 in getting my one son up and in his power chair and ends around 11 when I have finished putting him to bed so it is long. Unless we have to go to another town or have an appointment I rest for 1 sometimes 2 hrs in the afternoon. That is when I have been going out into the back yard and relaxing while the kids are in the pool.

  4. Make sure you sleep well. Make sure you eat well. Take vitamins that will help you. Make sure you do something that takes your mind off of it. That's how I made sure I was able to engage the next day.


    When I was in the thick of craziness, I read romances. I didn't have to think, they engaged my brain more than TV could, and they were like taking a mental vacation. Yes, some are bad. So pick good ones. The main theme of a romance is that love conquers all. That's a good story. :-)


    I am doing these things. Even reading the novels. I get good Christian novels from the library and totally enjoy. I read before I go to sleep at night. It is better than a drug.

  5. -Mergath- and QValencia, I appreciate your suggestions. Medications are not for me. To begin with my body responds really weirdly many times to them. I have taken a sleeping pill and not gone to sleep for over 36hr. That was not a good scene. LOL


    I do know that things will level out but in the mean time I have to find a way to hang on and keep my health. Sometimes I wish a pill would do it for me but knowing my body it would probably make it worse.:tongue_smilie:

  6. I could have written this myself, and although my situation is different in some ways, it is also very similar. My dh was downsized from high tech, then had a hard time landing on his feet again. He eventually went in to truck driving, but then there were economic and seasonal layoffs with cut hours that forced us to the point of depleting all our reserves. To cap it all off, a little over a year ago he had a stroke and lost his medical card that is required to be a commercial truck driver. Because of all these things, we have been under a huge amount of financial pressure for a full decade. I'm with you in that I have been worn out beyond worn out from all of it. My family depends on me for so much, and I'm also a part time teacher with many, many students.


    I do the same things you do to stay strong, and I understand your feelings. The only thing I can say that is giving me a new lift more recently is that I've decided to do a total nutritional makeover. The foods that we've been eating over the years have not helped me physically in the least, and so I am consulting with nutritional specialists to help me make better choices. I've decided that my health and well being have to become a priority and that no matter how dh and the rest of the family want to eat and take care of their bodies, I'm going to make changes of my own. I'm increasing my intake of water, fruits and veggies substantially, eating far, far less meat and dairy, eating nuts and legumes and taking a lot of supplements. Right now as I'm at my desk I'm sipping herbal tea and eating about 1/2 lb. of raw carrots LOL!


    All in all, I think that increasing my activity with more exercise and making these dietary changes will put me in a much better place physically. I have a strong feeling that if I don't take care of myself better from now on, dh and I will both be unable to raise our precious dd to adulthood. Long term stress zaps the life out of a body and this is one of the ways to help replenish what is lost.


    I'm sure others will chime in with more, but this is currently my big focus and way of dealing with the challenges of life.


    Blessings to you as you seek more ways to take care of your body, mind and spirit.



    I am with you on the exercise. I know I need to do that. Time. It seems as though time to take even 30 min is difficult most days.


    We do eat a very clean diet. Grass fed beef, as much as I can find organic fruit and veggies. I have been trying to keep veggies washed and cut in the fridge at all times to have to snack on.


    Thanks for your post.

  7. I take a half day off. Seriously. The responsibilities won't go away for a full day, but I can usually carve out a half day once a week. Then, during that half day, I choose something to do that is relaxing - maybe a long bath followed by a nap or sit in the back yard in the sun to read. Maybe visit with a friend on the phone. Paint my toenails.


    Having that little bit of time helps when things get really stressful - especially money-wise.


    Even 1/2 a day is pretty difficult for me right now as I really don't want to leave my two kiddos with my husband for that length of time by themselves. Just can't do it.


    I have gone into the back yard a couple of times this last week and laid in the sun while the kids played in the pool. That felt really good. I also have an afternoon scheduled with a friend and her kids this Friday that will be wonderful. They will come and the kids will all play inthe pool.


    Thanks for your suggestions.

  8. It seems like my life has been filled with stress now for many years. There has been times when I would become very exhausted but given a day or two of rest and I would bounce back. Well, it seems my bounce back days have left. Life has been pretty stressful again the last few months with my husband not being well, not being able to work, we made the lower part of our house into an apartment so had to move out of that part, redo parts of it, partition off a couple of rooms on our main floor for bedrooms for the kids(still not finished), it just keeps on going. Two weeks ago my husband passed out again twice and ended up in the hospital to get not answers once again.


    Well, that is the short version of our last 6 plus months. Last week it was like my body crashed. I get spells that I can hardly stand. It is like the strength simply drains out of my body and I had better be close to a chair. My Dr said he feels that my adrenals are extremely stressed out and that I need a few days on a sunny beach. He looked at me then and said,"That isn't going to happen is it." LOL NO it isn't. I have been really working at relaxing for a time in the afternoon, not doing anything extra, we are trying to find ones to help with the partition walls so that can get finished etc. I know it will get better but...... in the mean time how do you deal with the stress.


    I spend time in the Word of God, I pray, and I know this helps but I am still so physically shot. We didn't got to the town about 30 miles away this afternoon because I simply didn't feel I could drive it safely(another is I am doing all of the driving these days).


    What works for you? How do you manage all the stresses in your life. I know I am not the only one. I know many of you have much more than we have gone through. I will look at any suggestions.

  9. We attend church and activities when we can but our church is very respectful about when we can not. They all know the problems that we deal with and never put pressure on. If they did we would not be going there.


    I would also give no explanation at this point. I would smile, say,'No, but thank you for asking." turn around and go the other way.


    These are well meaning people but their well meaning gets to the point of being rude.

  10. I love quilting. I have downsized my ideas though. Instead of bed quilts I do table runners, wall hangings, throw size quilts, etc. I simply don't have the time for the big ones.:tongue_smilie:


    I would look at things you enjoy having or would like for others to have that you have done.


    I also have done hang applique and hand piecing and LOVE doing both of them. Right now I am doing the piecing for the small quilt projects on the machine and hand quilting them. I simply can't bring myself to do the machine quilting. I tried it but I never like the finished result. It always looks like.......it is machine quilted. ;)

  11. I have to agree with the author. I think the behavior of teens has gotten much worse now that they now longer fear someone beating the crap out of them. Some people just need a good butt-kicking. But, that is not the world we live in. So...


    The bus driver should have taken the kids back to the school, made their parents pick them up and banned them from riding the bus for at least a calendar year. Riding the bus should be a privilege.



  12. I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt, but sometimes when you're diagnosed with an illness rehashing the details with everyone is painful and difficult, no matter how close. Other mediums--FB, email, etc.--spare the patient from having to repeat the same details over and over while they're still processing the dx themselves. I do understand why you're hurt, but try not to take it personally.


    This is where I am at with it, Friend. From personal experience I can tell you that it is exhausting to repeat time and again all the details. Send her a personal not, let her know you saw and you are praying. Let her know that you are there for her any time she needs.


    I say this gently and with love, this was done not to hurt anyone but to relieve much stress on her part. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

  13. If you're not part of the "in crowd", then yes, it is chilly here.

    I am definitely not part of the "in crowd" and yes I have made a post without an answer or maybe one answer that seemed a bit, umm, curt. For the most part I have found the ladies here very warm, helpful and encouraging.


    I figure the ones that were not answered came when everyone was busy that had info on it and the ones that got that one curt answer, well, many times a curt answer will kill a thread.:tongue_smilie:


    The other thing is I really do not post all that often. Truthfully, I don't spend very much time on the boards or my computer any more.:001_smile:

  14. No, Because I am just not convinced completely that I will be really dead.

    I have told DH that if I am dead, please donate my organs, but I am not going on the registry.


    :iagree: This is my feelings. I simply do not trust ones that are not really connected to me to do the right thing. I have talked this over with one of my sons at length and he knows that if when I am tech. dead that I am ok to donate whatever. I want this left up to my family not a medical staff that has an agenda for my organs.:tongue_smilie:

  15. I have been having what I can only refer to as 'flares' where I just feel awful. I'll be fine and then I'll start feeling like a cold is coming on. I'll start feeling very warm like I have a fever - although it's rarely higher than 100 - and my whole body will ache. If I take several advil (like 4) I can control it enough so I can function but it will usually last a few days then go away as quickly as it came. Then I'll be fine for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and I start feeling that way again.


    Is this just me getting old?




    You sound like I used to be. I remember one winter it seemed like I always had the on slot of the flue. Almost 6 years ago I realized that I am multiple chemically sensitive. My FLUE symptoms had a definite corrolation to being exposed to perfumes, colognes, fragranced hair products, laundry products, candles, cleaning product, etc. I have received great help and healing through a Chiropractor that does NAET treatments(similar to acupuncture). If I experience a major exposure I still get those same symptoms until I can get a treatment.

  16. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is a paper trimmer.


    Here is a couple and I do have a couple of different sizes. I got the small one first and then realized I needed/wanted one a bit bigger.






    I also have one like this but don't use it much. It take room I don't have in order to use it.




    It goes in spurts but I have used my paper trimmers A LOT!


    The one word of advice I would give is when you start to feel burned out, take some time off. I have taken up to a week to just get caught up and refresh myself. I find that when I do I can come back with a great attitude and energy. Life has caused for us to have to take a couple of months off a couple of times. I am learning to relax with that and simply take advantage of it all.


    We do hs year around taking weeks off here and there. This works very good for us and helps me with the not stressing part.:tongue_smilie:

  17. I would go with #1 if it is big enough for you. The sex offender can change either way with either home. We live in a very safe neighborhood but have 3 in a 1-5 block radius of us.


    If you go camping or not it would also give you the lower payment to possibly save/do other things you wish to do.


    There was a day I would have voted the other day. This winter I have realized that we can live in a much smaller space than I ever though and it is actually easier to keep up.

  18. Bed and Breakfast in the Black Hills of SD. My husband and I have done this a couple of time for just one or two days and I love it. It is such a beautiful place, can stay at room and read or go sight seeing but no big time stress. Did I say I love it? It has been about 10 yrs since we last went and really doubt that we will be going again but.......OH.......


    There are a lot of places that I thought of but we would have to travel quite a ways to get there and travel is NOT something I enjoy. :tongue_smilie:

  19. Awww....I hope you find some balance soon!


    A friend of mine is coming over tomorrow and I'm thinking that will fill up my socialization meter for about a month :)


    :iagree: This is where I am at. I watch very carefully how much outside activity I schedule. I have very low energy much of the time, especially if I am out and about much because of my MCS so I greatly limit it. The people that know me and are real friends understand.

  20. I'm curious why people have negative feelings about tattoos. Please explain.



    I am an older mom and I have the philosophy of why purposefully do something unnecessarily to your body that could very easily bring harm to you. I have to be honest, I don't get that.


    I do also agree with the one poster that stated she thinks they are tacky. The art that the one gal showed is beautiful, hanging on the wall, possibly even put on a really nice t-shirt but I don't see the attractiveness of it ON a person.:tongue_smilie:


    ETS: I do want to express that I do NOT believe that just because a person has a tattoo they are tacky/trashy/etc. They are people created by the Father. It is the tattoo that I find as such. I also don't like to drink out of a plastic glass nor do I like plastic nic nacs sitting on my shelves.:D


    One person said that they see them as a fashion statement. Tattoos last a life time unless removed. Most fashions last only a couple of years.;)

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