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Dawn in Ohio

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Posts posted by Dawn in Ohio

  1. If this is new behavior, you need to get the kitty checked by the vet for a UTI. Both of my cats went through that in the last year. In both cases, they started peeing outside the box (one chose a couch!!!) as a way of letting us know something was wrong. A course of antibiotics and the problem was solved.


    But she was peeing only on the basement carpet. Once I removed her access to the basement she hasn't had an accident in 3 or 4 months. That doesn't sound like a UTI. Right?

  2. This is hard for me to hear. You want to kill a cat because it pees in one place in your house and the problem has just started?


    It is possible the cat has a UTI and needs medication. Cats don't tend to just pee in the house to be mean. There is some kind of problem. Please take her to the vet. 9 is not old for a cat and if she is healthy otherwise, putting her down would just be cruel. :(


    I am sitting here right now nursing a shelter kitten through resistant giardia that has made my older cat so sick, I had to make an ER vet visit. I have spent $1100 in the last two weeks on my 14 year old cat and this kitten. However, putting them down has never even crossed my mind.


    Please, if you must get rid of this cat, take her to a no kill shelter so they can at least vet her properly and try to find her a loving home.


    Well, the problem started in September when the carpet was installed. The cat is behaving fine right now without access to the basement. But there is no other place in the house to keep the litter box. I'm going to move the litter box back down there. If/when the peeing starts again, I will decide what to do. I doubt we will put the cat down, because of my daughter's sensitive heart. And it would only be done as a last resort.. We will first have a vet visit and see what he says. I already talked to one shelter, but they refused to take her. I suppose there are other places that might take her. She is just not an affectionate cat, so I can't imagine anyone wanting to adopt her.

  3. We had a very feisty, anti-social cat who used a corner of our thick living room rug. We finally gave her away to some friends to become a "farm cat," and were so happy to be left with only our sweet, very sociable cat. Within a month, however, that sweet sociable cat began urinating right in that same spot that our old cat used, to cover up the old smell I assume. This cat had never done anything like that before, and because the other cat was dominant, I guess this cat would never have tried to cover the smell while the other cat was still around. Of course once he (the sweet cat) used it, it became "his" spot.


    Being this was such a sweet cat, we wanted to keep him. We took our beautiful oriental rug to a professional rug cleaner, who specialized in getting out cat smells. This was in the fall, and throughout the fall and winter and even spring, it was no longer a problem.


    However, once summer with its humidity hit, even though WE could not smell it, our sweet cat could smell his old smell again, and went straight back to that same corner again.


    We had it cleaned AGAIN, and this time switched the rug around so that the "smelly" corner was in a different area, and with a chair on top of it. This seemed to be successful for awhile, but eventually the cat began going in that same OLD corner again (even though the smelly corner of the rug was no longer there). I think his smell was so saturated in that area, that the very wood in the floor held it.


    THE ONLY thing that sometimes kept him from using it was if I 1) completely covered up that corner so that he had absolutely no access to it and 2) made sure to clean his litter box daily. These two things definitely helped.


    However, the one day that that corner was uncovered, he went right back to it again. Sadly, we finally gave up and gave him away.


    Awww. What a story! I feel so heartless to even consider getting rid of our cat over such a silly thing. But I don't think she will ever stop.


    (I was reading advice online about similar problems. People advised getting rid of the carpet, getting rid of the pad under the carpet, and then using like 7 layers of some kind of sealer to seal the smell into the concrete! Good grief.)

  4. We have 2 cats, both female. The older one is probably 9 years old. We've had her for 5+ years and she has been spayed since we got her. The younger one is probably 9 months and she was spayed a few months ago. I think the older one is the one peeing on the carpet. It was never an issue until we had the new carpet installed. Or possibly the stress of getting the new cat is the problem.


    I have a Hoover Carpet cleaner and I've used it several times on the carpet. It helps, but doesn't get rid of the smell completely. I'll look for Bac-Out and try that. I know I saw that at the pet store.


    I want to put down the older cat, but I know it would be heart-breaking for my daughter.

  5. One of our cats is peeing on the new basement carpeting. What do I do to get rid of the horrible smell? We just refinished the basement and I want to use and enjoy the space... but the smell is just terrible. I have bought 2 different products recommended at the pet store to get rid of the smell, but still it lingers. It is somewhat better, but not gone.


    Do I get rid of the cat that I think is spraying? I think it is the older, anti-social cat. And how do I get rid of a cat like that? No one would want her. Will a vet put a cat down for something like this? (For now the cats just aren't allowed in the basement. This has stopped any further peeing problems.)


    Do I have to hire a professional to clean the carpet? How much would that cost? Do I get the carpet company to replace the affected area of carpet? Wouldn't it look bad to just replace one section of the carpet in the family room... wouldn't I need to do the entire room?


    Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

  6. http://www.amazon.com/GeoCentral-Box-of-Rocks-Kit/dp/B0006PKYVE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1289357353&sr=8-1


    This one doesn't have that many rocks, but I like that each rock is a good, substantial size. Much better than other collections that my kids have gotten, where the rocks are quite small.


    (My boys love rocks. The local rock and gem show is the highlight of their year!)

  7. I am providing snacks for our church anniversary celebration this weekend. On Friday evening we are having a program that will go from 7-9 pm. We will have snacks after the program. I expect up to 100 people. Is it OK to just offer cookies and other sweet stuff (little brownies, cream puffs, mini cheesecake) ? I just can't make up my mind. I have been debating all afternoon. Any thoughts?

  8. Hi, ladies,

    Do you have crossed eyes... or an eye that wanders... or only see with one eye at a time? How severe is it? Do you think it is a significant cosmetic concern? Do you have problems making eye contact? Do you think it has negatively affected how people treat you?


    I was born with severely crossed eyes. I had surgery at two years old that improved it a lot. I only see with one eye at a time, so I have poor depth perception. I did not have trouble learning to read as a kid. I am terrible at sports and not the best driver, but overall I function OK. In high school and college I had two more eye surgeries to further straighten my eyes. My eye doctors are happy with what they've done for me, but still my left eye crosses or floats up when I am using my right eye. I find it difficult to make eye contact with others because they don't think I am looking at them. I am quite shy. I think my bad eyes are a big part of why I avoid people. It really bothers me.


    So I recently read a book called Fixing My Gaze about a lady with eyes similar to mine. Through vision therapy she was able to learn to use her eyes together. I was so excited when I read her story! I thought there might be hope for me. So today I went to see an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy. It wasn't very encouraging. Most likely insurance won't pay for it. I would need weekly appointments, plus would need to do daily exercises at home. It might take 1-2 years. And even then she says there is only a 20-30% chance of success. I got the impression she thought I was a bit fanatical to care so much.


    What do you think? Would you try the vision therapy or not?

  9. Hmmm. I don't think he has been under any new stress lately. And there haven't been any dietary changes. If he had a UTI, wouldn't it hurt to pee?


    My son is a little embarassed by it. After 2 weeks of accidents I bought a package of pull-ups. Of course his big brothers want to tease him about that...


    I'm not sure if a doctor visit would draw unnecessary attention to the problem. DS is a very quiet, introverted little boy. So I don't want to embarass him. But I also don't want to ignore it if there is an underlying physical problem.


    Anyhow, thanks for the feedback. :)

  10. My 4 1/2 year old son has suddenly begun to wet the bed. He's been wet every night for the past three weeks. Prior to this, it was a very uncommon occurrence. He potty trained when he was 2 1/2 and never wore pull-ups. He would rarely wet the bed-- maybe once every 2 or 3 months.


    Would this sudden change concern you? I'm debating whether I should take him to the doctor.

  11. I can't find blue jeans that fit!


    I wear a size 12. Usually I wear Levis 550 which fit OK through the waist, but are a little tight in the hips and not particularly flattering. Last week I bought a pair of Eddie Bauer curvy fit jeans. They are so much more flattering! The only problem is that the waist is too loose and too low. Can't really sit modestly... if ya know what I mean.


    So what styles and brands do you think are good for a pear-shaped woman with big butt and thighs and a smaller waist. What curvy, boot-cut jeans have a higher rise? I am 5' 8". I can't really spend more than $75 for a pair either, so that is another consideration.


    Thanks :)

  12. I tried Craigslist for the first time last month when I had a crib and nursery bedding to get rid of. I got replies from lots of scammers. It was hard to tell who to trust. I had contact with probably 15 people before I found 2 serious buyers (who came through and were delightful to work with). Almost everyone asked if I would take less, even though my asking price was pretty low to start with.


    I have only listed on ebay auction in the past 6 months and I got no bidders. I will sell a few new kid items before Christmas time, but otherwise I am done with eBay.



  13. I dislike check-ups, but still try to do them occasionally (but probably not as often as recommended).


    My daughter's need for glasses was discovered by our doctor. My baby's 3 holes in her heart were first heard by our doctor at a well-baby appointment. My son's pyloric stenosis was caught very quickly because we had a record of his weight (from a well-baby check-up) and noticed when he started losing weight.

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