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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. DH took the girls out a lot when they were younger.  He would try for a family restroom, but otherwise he took them in the men's room.  Obviously he was careful about things.  They were early readers too, so there were a couple of times when he had to shield them from reading graffiti!

  2. MIL broke her hip last week and has been moved to a physical rehab center.  We live about an hour away.  What little things could we do to brighten up her days?  I asked the girls to draw/color her a picture.  I had crocheted MIL a blanket and I asked that they bring it to her.  We can't visit too much due to practices, DH in school, and a single car.  Any ideas at all?

  3. She had a "pre" meet last month, but the first biggie this weekend! What about yours?



    She went last Saturday for her first one!  She's had a lot of coaching upheaval, so she hasn't gotten her giants yet, but she did manage a 9.45 on beam for gold!  Good luck to your DD!  I'd love to hear all about it and see videos or pics if you don't mind!

    • Like 1
  4. Also, if your DC likes special patterns/colors, try Etsy. I've gotten a lot of reptile print ones there :)


    Make sure you know the sizes. My DD is a youth medium in most clothes and is a youth intermediate in most dance wear-and an adult XS in GK elite leos!



    And on this subject, be sure to measure the torso length!  I originally ordered Rebecca a couple of leos based on her height/weight, but they were too small.  I got the correct fit by getting her torso measurement. 

  5. Living vicariously? Not in this lifetime! I never dreamed of being a gymnast and I didn't even like soccer (until my dd started to play.) I prefer books and being cozy at home--I'm not athletic in the least and don't plan to be :lol:


    These are the sports my kids chose and love. They love the challenge and the competition, and let's face it, the hanging out with friends. For gymnasts, they NEED the 15+ hours a week or they have a great chance of injury due to lack of conditioning. Soccer--the less time playing means they don't have the cardio to keep up. I think competition is good if it's balanced and healthy.



    ^ This!!  You want to know why I put Rebecca in gymnastics when she was 3?  Here you go:


    1. She was a really active kid

    2. I thought it would suit her personality.

    3. They took 3 year olds.


    I never once thought I'd be traipsing around the Southeast with my 12 year old, going to 7 gymnastics competitions within 3 months.  I never took gymnastics myself.  But Rebecca took to it immediately.  This is her sport, her thing.  She eats, sleeps, and breathes gymnastics.  We're not pushing her, she's dragging us!

    • Like 7
  6. She won gold for beam - this is her second highest beam score ever!  I'm going to put up her YouTube channel for a little bit and then take it down.  As I noted on the channel, she's had a lot of coaching turbulence over the past year, so her bars are really not up to par.  We're not quite sure what's up with her floor routine.  But she blew us all away on beam!




    Thanks for letting me show her off a bit!   :)

    • Like 19
  7. I voted no.


    I'm an adult female.


    If the child is legally old enough to stay home alone, they are usually quite able to accomplish quite a bit independently.


    And as the others have observed, "school hours" are not the stifling straitjacket for home schools that they often are for public schools....



    Ditto to this.


    Female, over 18.

  8. It's a completely appropriate use of the term.  The word narcissist has been around a lot longer than NPD has been a diagnosis, and its been used very generally to mean self-absorbed.



    Obviously.  I know that.  BUT.  It makes me feel ill, because my personal experience with narcissism has been so much more malignant than casual self-absorption.  It's not something that I can take or hear lightly.  This is my personal feeling.

    • Like 3
  9. Love that quote. We've had a friend say, "Well I'm narcissistic, too," and by that, the friend means garden-variety type of self-centeredness. (This is said in discussions about the narcissistic person who inflicted so much damage on us.) We have been trying to convey that this is an extraordinary difference in degree between whatever narcissism friend has (and it doesn't show at all) and the Narcissist. This is a good way to put it. 



    It actually makes me sick to see/hear "narcissist(ic)" used so casually.

  10. The problem is that very few people are diagnosed with NPD because very few people with NPD think they have a problem worth going to therapy over. 


    People with NPD or with many NPD traits (which is what you can say if someone doesn't have an official diagnosis) do an incredible amount of deep and lasting damage in their social networks.


    People in those networks who have been damaged are helped when they see a cluster of characteristics and suddenly realize, "How did they know my relative/boss/etc? This description is right on target.  Does this mean I'm not crazy? Maybe I can try some of these strategies."  So I don't think it's necessary to avoid talking about NPD traits unless there is an official diagnosis. That only harms the victims, whether it's of 100% NPD or 81% NPD traits. Clusters of traits are important. And the DSM can change the diagnostic criteria every few years (in fact, they just did.) I think it's ok to use the shorthand. 



    This x 1000000000000000.


    As far as me and my mom (who exactly fits the bold, but whom I have described to my doctor, who says she fits the description quite well)... I cleanly cut off contact.  I have had to pray a lot to try and have forgiveness in my heart.  The rest of it... whether she can be redeemed or not... not my concern.  That's between her and God.  All I know is that I'm done.

    • Like 5
  11. This article covers the issue pretty well:




    Among other things, it puts the opinions and civil disobedience (in the form of unpaid grazing fees) of the Bundys and their ilk in perspective compared to most ranchers with public land grazing permits in the Western U.S.


    And for some perspective on the Bundy family and how much they've gotten away with, there's this:




    I can't help but think white privilege is a factor in Bundy continuing to get away with what he's doing.



    ThinkProgress?  Really?  Not exactly an unbiased source there.

    • Like 1
  12. Well, if I could get her take them to a park. She's much more likely to take then to Starbucks, McDonalds or shopping or park them in front of a tv or tablets (including the baby) {sigh} but I suppose I need to "let it go."



    I understand for sure.  But it's just "for a season."  :)


    I think you can do it.  6 and 8 are good ages - young enough where having things light won't be a problem, and old enough to bring schoolwork in to you, put it back, etc.

    I do a lot of bed schooling.  The girls are learning just fine.

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