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Posts posted by KS_

  1. We buy Organic Valley milk in a gallon jug ($4.99 here), and OV eggs. Dh is the only one that drinks milk as a beverage occasionally, so we don't go through a whole lot of it. I do use it in cooking and making ice cream :)


    We haven't switched to organic cheese and butter because of the cost, but I do buy Tillamook cheese and butter (I've read that their cows are grass fed, which is better than grain fed).

  2. We use Kid Natural . . .my ds is pretty picky about how his vitamins taste, and hasn't had any complaints about these. I typically order them from the Vitaminshoppe, but found another site this morning that has the larger size at a really good price.





  3. We do copywork everyday, mainly because my ds really needed practice and *hated* writing anything (he still dislikes writing, but his penmanship has improved so much!).


    I don't tie it in with anything - I just find it easier to have a 3-ring binder with their copywork pages in it, and they do the next one in there each day. I got the program StartWrite and it's been a really great help.

  4. I don't know if this has been posted somewhere else, but on forums like this I like to use the "New Posts" link at the top - it will pull up new posts since you last visited and makes seeing what's new easier. (Of course, if it's been a long time since you last logged in, you'll get tons of new posts . . .) But I prefer using that feature to checking under each separate board.

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