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Posts posted by knit247

  1. I've discovered this. I'm hooked. SOOOO much better than wrestling with all those DPNs.


    Can I use this whenever I can use DPNs? Do I even need DPNs if I do this? I really like the idea of my needles being multi-taskers.


    LOVE-LOVE-LOVE Magic Loop! the only thing I use DPNs for anymore are for making i-cord. Even that can be done on a circular if you want!

  2. I LOVED my Over the Shoulder Baby Holder (OTSBH) and would recommend it to anyone!. I had one with both daughters from birth through 3-4 years. They were washed multiple times and held up incredibly well. I love the padding (rails) that support a newborn's head - and a toddler's bottom! PERFECT sling for us!


    At the time, I was a LLL Leader and our Group sold them. you may find a local LLL Group that sells them. You can also order from Slingbaby. HTH!

  3. I'll be 40 in a few weeks. We moved to Germany last summer, and I would love to travel to...well...anywhere in Europe for the weekend! But, alas, we still have a house on the market in VA and are paying crazy-expensive rent here (DH is paid in $$$ and our rent is in €€€ - not good right now)! I think my best bet will be dinner out and a coffee press, LOL!


    I can't really complain, though. I live in Germany!!!

  4. I'm right there with the rest of you ladies! I was doing well - and even joined WeightWatchers Online with several other American hs moms here in Germany (why I did that in Nov. is way beyond me, but that's another story)!


    But - I have been eating everything in sight for two weeks now. You're right, though, the tempting food must be gone by the 4th (when DH returns to work). I'm trying my very best to do my part by eating all of the offending food by then. Heck, I'm even planning on making some more sausage balls and molasses cookies tomorrow to ensure that I am really, really sick of all of it!


    Here's to gluttony! :lurk5: :cheers2: :drool:

  5. My DD sounds much like your son. She can add, subtract, multiply, and divide most everything in her head - and has been able to add and subtract even before we formally introduced math.


    From the start we used a SM/Miquon combo and it has worked really well. DD refused to use the cuisenaire rods once the novelty wore off (a week at most), but Miquon has still been very beneficial to her and I am just starting the process all over again with DD#2.


    Good luck in whatever you decide!

  6. ...Can I respectfully suggest that you try to avoid equating LEARNING with OUTPUT? Sure, the words and pictures committed to paper might not amount to much, but your son has learnt a heck of a lot more than that. All the listening and talking is learning too. Even complaining and dawdling over things, he is learning a lesson about it sometimes being necessary or appropriate to do things that we don't enjoy doing! (Although you might want to explore some ways of motivating him to dawdle a bit less.)


    TY for that post! I needed to see that this morning!

  7. I posted this post back in Feb. and will copy some of it here.


    I was adopted at 1 mo. of age, and always knew it (my Mom & Dad told me from day 1). l Love my Mom & Dad dearly, and had a wonderful upbringing / life at home. Until we moved to Germany, I talked to my Mom almost daily and my Dad at least 1x/wk, and we regularly saw each other. I truly never, ever had the desire to search for my biological parents.


    At the age of 32 (I am now 39) my biological mother found me. It was insanely traumatic for all involved. My Mom, especially, was devastated. I spent the next few months trying to figure out what the "right" thing to do was: refuse contact with my biological mother so as not to upset my life or my parents' lives, or allow contact with this woman who had obviously suffered for many years with the knowledge that she had a biological child out there somewhere.


    After much prayer, I allowed contact. My parents were aware of this and it hurt them - especially my Mom - deeply. I saw my biological mother twice (7 and 11 mos. after she 1st found me) before becoming completely overwhelmed myself. I cut off all contact with her for several years. My parents were aware of this as well.


    In 2006 it became imperative to me that I get all medical history possible, as we were going through some strange things with DD#2 (rare tumor on her back, amongst other things). I contacted my biological mother, and we have been in contact since. She is much more relaxed about things now and so am I. Although I know that she considers me her daughter, I still do not think of her as a mother. I do, however, like her very much. We talk often. Email often. And even visited each other often when I lived in the US (we lived in the same state).


    My Mom & Dad have no idea that my relationship with my biological mother has resumed. To tell them would have driven a knife through my mother's heart. Christian or not, my Mom is human and the last thing I ever want to do is hurt my Mom. I truly have prayed every day and tried to leave this in God's hands. Strangely enough, the very week that my biological mother and I started talking again, both of my parents stopped mentioning her and never have again. I have always maintained that if I am asked I will not lie, but can honestly tell you that I am so thankful they haven't asked.


    I don't think I should have to choose between my Mom & Dad or my biological mother - especially since she (my biological mother) is in no way a mother to me. It's so unfair IMO that I have to be soooo careful about what everyone else will feel or think. Sometimes I want to scream that even though I am 39, I am still the baby in all of this. I didn't ask for this yet I am the one running around trying to make sure that no one (but me) gets hurt. It's exhausting.


    I also wanted to touch on what a few others have said. Firstly I didn't mean to leave an impression that anyone calls me The Adopted One (save myself). What I meant by that is that in some way I am always and forever reminded that I am adopted. For instance: when I was pg with DD#1 my Mom - who had never before insinuated anything other that the fact that I was the "...same as any biological child that we would have had" - mentioned that the child I was carrying would not be her blood grandchild. She went on to say that she was sad that she could not bear my father children and that I was so lucky that I could bear my husband a child. OMG - I have never been so hurt in my life. My entire life I had believed 110% that I was no different than a biological child. And then, wham! My own mother told me (in not so many words) that I truly wasn't the same as a biological child would be.


    Another instance was at the ultrasound for DD#1. She was the first grandchild on both sides and both sides of grandparents were there for the big event. My MIL remarked how much DD#1 looked like a [their last name]. Perfectly innocent comment. Perfectly normal - and funny if you know what ultrasounds looked like over 8 yrs. ago. But it hit my Mom like a ton of bricks. I think that comment - and my growing belly - was what made my Mom realize for the first time that I really wasn't biologically "hers". I think she had to deal with her own infertility all over again when I was pg.


    :rant: Another thing that bothers me like no other is the talk of "illegitimate" children. The word makes me want to vomit - literally. Now, I am 39 and my Mom grew up in VA in the 50s and early 60s. She has very strong thoughts on sex outside of marriage and the like. We were having a conversation one day and I mentioned something about SIL, who had a child outside of marriage and another on the way. My Mom "casually" mentioned that SIL's son and unborn baby were illegitimate. I expressed to my mother that that word is insanely offensive and "punishes / labels" a child for the actions of the parent. She utterly surprised me with her response that, like it or not, those children were indeed illegitimate and that was that. I figured she really didn't "get" what she was saying and said, "So, what you are saying is that I am illegitimate???" and she said - she actually said - "I made you legitimate." Infuriated and hurt beyond belief, I retorted, "GOD, not YOU made ME legitimate." She didn't mean to hurt me - that was not her intent - but it again reinforced my core belief that I don't belong anywhere (in this world at least) 100%.


    In the back of my mind is the fact that I was not good enough to keep. I was and am disposable. I carried a child for 9 mos. in my belly, and under no circumstances could I have signed a piece of paper to terminate my rights to her. I would fight for her and fight for her until I had nothing left in me. Why didn't my biological mother do that for me??? Why wasn't I worth that?


    Ugh - I hate these thoughts. Better get back to my kids.

  8. ...I always felt different because I was told from a way too early age that I was "different" even if it was a good kinda different to a child different is different KWIM...However IMHO and experience do not make a deal of it. By that I mean whenever you see someone that is adopted do not point it out to you kid "hey she is adopted just like you" It's like rubbing salt in the wound of confusion. What an adopted kid hears there is "Hey look your different in case you forgot already" :P

    ... my point is instead of pointing out how a child is "special" point out how ordinary they are to be a part of a loving family. Because often to a child "special" means different and to a young confused child that cannot fully grasp what it means to be adopted different can often times mean bad. HTH!


    :iagree: Wonderful post. I am so weary of being reminded - in whatever way - that I am Laurie (the Adopted One). Can't I just - for once in my life - be Laurie. Period. I would love to be ordinary ;)

  9. I don't have time to carefully read all the responses, but I'll throw in my usual comments re: adoption.


    I'm an adoptee, and all my life I have had it shoved down my throat how "blessed" I am to be adopted into a loving family that loved God, I wasn't aborted, God had perfect plans for me, etc.


    And all of that is fine and dandy BUT . . .


    it doesn't change the fact that in order for that to happen, someone gave me away. It *is* a big part of who I am....


    :iagree: I, too, am adopted and every single thing you just said is what I would have typed out myself had you not already said it.


    I am adopted. I wish that I could say that simply I was adopted, but it is (a large part o) who I am. I had a great life growing up with wonderful parents, but I can never get it out of my head that I was signed over to Social Services. I am no "After-School Special" but adoption has played a part in my life that I often wish would just go away.

  10. Having a lot of experience with SM. . . I suggest taking her back through 2A WITH THE TEXT. I believe the text is the essential element. . . and the vital element is to learn the methods well as they are presented in the text, using the work book (+/- the extra practice problems within the text) to solidify the concepts....


    :iagree: I also have an 8yo DD doing Singapore and I believe that the textbook is vital. We use the textbook, workbook, HIG (with Mental Math exercises), and CWP! It will probably go fast since your DD is already familiar with most of the work. Give her lots of praise and encouragement - IMHO, in the end you will be glad that you went back through with the text!

  11. Do you so the same subjects each day with your children or not? I am considering switching things up a bit as I try to move to a more CM-friendly plan for the girls. I found the schedules at SCM and also searched the archives here and found this thread but thought I'd poll y'all to see what you do.


    I like the idea of doing the exact same thing in the exact same order each day. DD#1 and I both have pretty severe attention issues (both diagnosed ADHD - I'm medicated, she's not :tongue_smilie:) I find that we are lucky to get the 3Rs in each day. I feel that that way we at least get in the basics. I will also admit that I need more discipline to keep us on track. It's easy for me to start working on something myself - and get totally lost in my own world - while she is doing her work (instead of staying right there and gently reminding her to keep on track). DD#1, however, would like to switch things up. She loves history and science and we truly never do these any more. She'd love to do art as well. Maybe if we do core subjects before lunch, letting her choose the order, and family work after lunch? Or, possibly switching between core and family work throughout the day so that more of the subjects she likes get "face time"?


    So, what works well for your family?

  12. Your DD sounds a lot like me at that age (and beyond)! I tested gifted but was always labeled an underachiever. I couldn't / wouldn't / didn't finish much of anything. Ever. My grades could have been all "A"s but were often "C"s and even a "D" or two.


    As an adult (38 yo to be precise), I was diagnosed with ADHD-Inattentive type. Common traits? Inattention, forgetfulness, procrastination, easily distracted, disorganized, fatigue... Is it possible that your daughter may fall into this category? Just a thought.


    I hope you find something that works, and agree with the others to get the computer out of her room, or at least figure a way to limit her time online. :grouphug:

  13. TY all so much for your thoughts. Both of my DDs were very early readers (3yo and 2 yo) and are working 1-2 yrs ahead of their grade. I think they could handle most anything but still I am not sure which to use


    I am continually drawn to AO and am not exactly sure why. I often wonder if it's where I am being led or if I just feel more comfortable with AO because that was the 1st exposure that I had to CM's methods? As I said before, the draw to SCM is putting both girls in history together. I also love Biblioplan with SOTW and that is on a 4-yr rotation. After that I planned to move over to TQ (I was going to do TQ all the way from AHYS but nixed that when we moved to Germany last summer).


    I don't know...I feel like I live in a state of confusion! Thanks again for your posts!

  14. I don't know how they are SUPPOSED to be used, but around here we make photocopies of them and the kiddo fills them out as extra practice...Generally we do them when the HIG suggests, sometimes working ahead or behind based on the kiddo's knowledge level.


    We do it the same way. My DD hates them, but I think they are really helpful, as she does most of the work in her head. I do like the idea of using the MM sheets as hlee does - making a game out of it. I bet my DD would like it much better that way!

  15. I haven't read the other responses, but both DDs knew their letters and the sounds they make at 3-1/4 (DD#1) and 2-3/4 (DD#2). I tried using LOTW with DD#1 and it worked to some extent, but it was the Leap Frog fridge magnets that taught both girls in no time! We also were given the Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD and both enjoyed that as well!

  16. Good morning! For those moms who use AO or SCM (either alone or in combo with WTM), how did you choose which one to use? I have read some of the posts at SCM about the differences between the two and searched the archives here as well, but would love to hear more.


    I have thought for some time that a more CM approach would be of great benefit to my daughters, especially the oldest. I have always been drawn to it, but just never able or willing to take enough time to really learn all about it and plan our weeks in a more CM-friendly way. Part of the reason is because my oldest DD has ADD (not medicated at this point) and there is no way I can see that she could come close to finishing a lesson in 20 min. or so.


    At any rate, I am at a place where I now have the time and energy to really focus on changing our homeschool for the better. I want to move towards CM while still keeping with the WTM language arts - DD loves R&S for grammar and I do not want to change that!


    Both AO and SCM appeal to me. I think AO has so much more in the way of help with their Yahoo! forums and such, but I am not sure how "do-able" it would be to have a DD in Y2 or Y3 and another in Y0. They would always be on different things. But I have also read on AO why they advise not to combine children for the sake of combining. SCM has children combined in history, for instance, which appeals to me more. Each has it's own merits!


    So, what did you choose for your family, and why? I am very interested to hear!

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