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Posts posted by knit247

  1. I have been playing around with names for a year or so. First we were Homestead Christian Academy for Girls (we lived on Homestead Rd.) and now that we have moved to Germany, I re-named it (village name) Christian Academy for Girls.


    I don't particularly like either, but have plenty of time to figure one out, as my oldest is only 8yo!

  2. We love AHG! We are AHG Trailblazers, which is a program that they created (we were the 1st, I believe!) for overseas military and missionary families. We technically do not belong to a troop - each mother is the mentor (leader) of their child - but all of the AHG Trailblazers here meet every other week to work on badges and such. It has been an amazing experience for both my DDs and myself. I highly recommend it!

  3. I have one. When I was in 9th grade, my church youth group went to a retreat with several other groups from our state (NC). While there I met a cute boy and we started talking. Long story short, we were both born in the same hospital in VA 12 days apart. Both of us were put up for adoption. Both of us were adopted at exactly 1 mo. of age.


    Now here is the crazy part: three years later, my family moved to NC. Through talking that weekend, we realized that his father was the minister at our church for about a year after we moved there! Then his father moved to another church in a different NC city. And here we were, 11 or so years later, meeting each other. Such a small, small world...

  4. GSA as an organization does not have a partnership with PP. Individual chapters may choose to have a partnership with PP. Your quote, taken out of context, is misleading.


    In just a quick search online I found several references from 2004 when Kathy Cloninger, CEO of the Girl Scouts of America stated on the Today Show,
    "We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs,
    and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country
    , to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.†(my bold)


    Nothing I did was misleading. I copied the quote word-for-word from here, fifth paragraph. Notice that Cloninger is the CEO of GSA - not an individual council. Presumably she represents GSA and as such is speaking for them.
  5. GSA does not in anyway support PP. this is one of those rightwing slanderous rumours designed to tarnish an old and reputable organization and I find it infuriating.


    In just a quick search online I found several references from 2004 when Kathy Cloninger, CEO of the Girl Scouts of America stated on the Today Show,



    "We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs,
    and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country
    , to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.†(my bold)

    So, apparently they do.

  6. There are also a ton of free apps for the itouch! I love it!


    Yyes - there are! I try-before-I-buy if possible. Several apps are the same as the paid version, with just a bit of advertising, and I can often look past that! One of our latest faves is Virtuoso - the girls play the piano and make up songs. Fun!

  7. I agree with getting the iTouch. That little thing is amazing! I have two whole pages of educational apps just for my DDs. I use them on occasion when we have to do school in the car.


    I have a friend whose children (approx 10yo, 13yo; 17yo) all have iPod Nanos. They are allowed something like $5.00/mo. for purchases - after that they are on their own.


    The apps that cost are usually about 0.99 - some are more. Songs are (were?) 0.99 but I recently bought a song that was 1.29. I also get an occasional German songs from Amazon.de - not sure if the US version of Amazon works the same way or not.


    I also have a little thingie ;) that I plug in the bottom of my iPod while in the car. It plays over the FM radio, so that we can listen to audiobooks, music, podcasts, etc. while in the car.



  8. The (German? Scandinavian?) family cracked me up...it was SO organized, straight and orderly...


    I had to LOL at the German family's table, too. So organized. I love it though - it is one of my favorite things about living here!



    ...I'm surprised by the amt of alcohol the German family had on the table.


    I've noticed that, too, living here. I think the Germans have a totally different attitude concerning alcohol, however. A glass of wine, or a beer or two is the "norm" here. It's not a drink that is reserved for "special occasions" only. You can buy beer or wine most anywhere (I have even heard McDonald's offers beer). Germans are very big on personal responsibility and I believe - although I don't know for sure - that they can get into serious, serious trouble fro driving drunk, etc. They just don't seem to do it.

  9. I am tired of feeling unhealthy and I am REALLY tired of not being able to wear the clothes I like because I can't fit in them! I have a pretty significant amount of weight to lose and most of it is in the belly area. Probably from having 3 kids back to back without giving myself the chance to lose the weight. I have been at the same weight for over a year and a half now. I really don't think the problem is food, we eat fairly healthy. I figure that if what I were eating was the problem I would be gaining weight, not staying the same. I have made several half hearted attempts at starting to exercise over the last year and a half but I haven't stuck with them. I think that exercise is going to be the key to weight loss for me. :glare: I am going to have to learn to love it. I would really love to see some good results within about a month though, not like 25 pounds or anything, but would 8-10 pounds be too much to ask for? Walking is not going to cut it unfortunately. I am finally ticked off enough at myself for allowing this to happen that I'm going to do something about it! Does anyone have some great advice for me, especially concerning exercise? This was a bit of a rant, sorry!:o




    On my way out & just saw this. I wish I time to write more, but suggest you check out The Best Life Diet (your library probably has it - no need to join/pay for the online version. I am doing a combo of this with WW and am feeling better after just one week. I believe I am down a few lbs as well - will see tomorrow AM. I'll try to add more tonight when I return. good luck!

  10. I think that the problem is with the word obese. "Obese" to my mind calls up somebody who is really, really fat....I don't think people who see me on the street would think, "There goes an obese person."


    I am in total agreement. I am obese - BMI 31.8. But...no one I know would think "obese" when they look at me (at least I hope, LOL). I am definitely overweight. I wear a sz 16. When I tell people what I weigh (205 lbs and 5'8") they are shocked :eek: I look like I could stand to loose "a few" - I know that - but I don't think of myself as obese. FWIW I just joined WW Online and am down 4 lbs :D


    As for obesity in the US, I think it is higher than 25%. When we moved to Germany last summer I was amazed at the lack of heavy people here. It seems that the vast majority of people - old and young alike - are not only much thinner than in the US, but also more fit. It's amazing to me to see elderly men and women riding their bikes everywhere with their little market baskets. We have hills here - big hills - and people just ride their bikes straight up those hills like it's nothing! And the muscles on the little old ladies' arms - amazing! I have to drive almost half an hour to find any fast food - military base's food court excluded ;) - here. It's simply a different mentality.

  11. Morgen! For those of you who use RfH, I have a question. DD used K in K, A in 1st, B in 2nd and T in 3rd. Should I now skip C, which is listed as 3rd, and go on to D? Her penmanship - in penmanship only ;) - is beautiful.


    FWIW, I am trying to get her to use her Spelling Wisdom copywork / dictation - using the RfH Border Sheets - for penmanship, but she loves RfH and is begging to keep it, even though it means more work on her part.


    So - if we end up going with RfH again, which book: C or D? TIA!!!

  12. Ladies - you are awesome! 'Never occurred to me to make margaritas - enough of those and no one will care what I have for dinner anyhow :lol:


    So, what I think I am going to do (loved the ideas involving corn, etc, but the Spanish Rice has corn in it already, and DH hates beans of any sort) is to have cheese & crackers and the Avocado Dip with chips for appetizers; and the delicious-sounding Sopapilla Cheesecake for dessert). I may even make the Mexican Brownies, as they sound too good to pass up!


    Thank goodness for a (usually) well-stocked Commissary, because there is not a lot of Mexican fare at our local Markt!!!


    BTW - here are the enchiladas I am making - absolutely delicious!!!

  13. Any suggestions on what I could serve as an appetizer and a dessert with chicken enchiladas and Spanish rice? We are having friends over Fri. night for the 1st time and I'm not sure what else to have. My thought was to keep it Spanish/Mexican and have some sort of dip with tortilla chips for a simple appetizer, and some sort of dessert - but maybe that is too much of one thing :confused: Thoughts?

  14. This may not be the best way to do it, but I set up a before & after diagram (like Kate's), one directly above the other with their left sides aligned:

    Before Laura gave clips to Holly:



    After Laura gave clips to Holly:




    Next, we can make a little "cut" in the after-version of Laura's bar:

    After Laura gave clips to Holly:




    Since we know that Laura's after amount is double that of Holly's after amount, we know that the 14 extra that Laura has is the same amount that Holly has in all:

    After Laura gave clips to Holly:




    And so that same length of bar diagram for Laura is also 14:

    After Laura gave clips to Holly:




    So, after giving 5 clips to Holly, Laura has 14+14=28 clips.




    I get it! I get it! TY all sooooo much. Now to teach this to my DD :tongue_smilie:

  15. My vote is for Singapore Early Bird, followed by Singapore PM / Miquon combo. Both my DDs whizzed through the EB series and started on the PM / Miquon combo in K. They love it, and I love the fact that it really gets them thinking from the start. For ex., my K daughter just encountered negative nos. for the 1st time this morning (2 - 3 = ?) and immediately got it. I love our math program!

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